• This waiting on Jeff’s car early this morning when he left for his half-marathon today! So grateful for amazing saints–friends–who encourage us daily.
  • “Church” last Sunday night around our dinner table.
  • Dreaming.
  • Growing.
  • Re-adjusting.
  • Patience.
  • Grace.
  • That my awesome man is willing to forgo the formal race (and the fee!) and run a half-marathon by himself! 1 Corinthians 9:27
  • Meeting him at the finish line.
  • That His mercies are new every morning.
  • Subordinating the seen to what is unseen. 
  • That love covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8)
  • A HUGE cooler full of groceries, delivered to our kitchen by dear friends. What on earth? God is amazing!
  • Apple juice, apple sauce.
  • Pioneer Woman cauliflower soup.
  • A whole grocery bag of corn on the cob, Dutch’s dream dinner.
  • Chocolate chip cookies!
  • Debra’s generosity. Again and again and again.
  • Sunflowers on the table, smiling at me.
  • Watching Dutch & Jeff outside in the yard, doing man work. I love my men.
  • A clean kitchen.
  • Early morning snuggles with my two squirrels.
  • Pancakes.
  • All around the table.
  • Answers to prayer.
  • Snyders. That we never want to leave.
  • Half the Sky documentary. So many blessed opportunities to bring hope to our world.
  • Asking God for His dreams.
  • PK 🙂
  • All these cloudless, glorious blue-sky days. Day after day after day! What a fall we have had! Thank you, Lord.
  • Heidi’s words: “Mommy, you’re so pretty.” Me beaming at her and saying, “Thank you, Heidi!” Then her words, with a big smile: “You’re not really so pretty but I like saying that.” Hahaha, gotta love kids’ honesty!!
  • Sunrise.
  • Our family of five. (We love Debra!)
  • Crisp fall air.
  • Raking leaves.
  • My squirrels, awake now. Signing off for family day.
Thanks so much for reading! Happy weekend!

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