• Some precious time praying for my 94-year-old grandma and reading 2 Peter 1:3-11. 
  • God’s great and precious promises: “An entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”  We have reason to rejoice!
  • First RENEW service.
  • Surrounded by faithful saints.
  • Trust.
  • Simplicity.
  • Hope.
  • Hope’s new liver! Rejoicing that God miraculously takes tragedy–the death of a 19-month-old child–and turns it into life: Precious Hope Stewart alive and well! Amazing.
  • The kids’ sweet prayers all week long for Hope. Dutch getting up late out of bed and asking to pray for baby Hope again.
  • God’s plan.
  • Kids’ first day of homeschool PE with Coach Zyp. From inside I could hear them doing shuttle runs: “Come on, Dutch! Come on! Run your hardest! Give it all you got! Atta boy!”  Love it.
  • Heidi doing shuttle runs in sparkling Dora shoes.
  • Needing shoes and having some serious God-provision, walking into Goodwill and immediately finding Nike soccer cleats in Dutch’s size, for $3, sitting right next to Dora sneakers in Heidi’s size for $2. In and out in 5 minutes. Umm…. ok thank you Lord!
  • Spontaneity. 
  • Partnering in the gospel.
  • Burgerville.
  • Sweet potato fries.
  • Abundance of local food!
  • God’s continual provision.
  • Peace.
  • Legos.
  • The Mind of Christ.
  • Chris Porter.
  • Starbucks with Elisa.
  • How God orchestrates our days.
  • Moving according to His current.
  • Savoring the last days of summer.
Happy weekend! Thanks for reading.

One thought on “Week's end with thanks”

  1. That picture is SO precious… I hope you frame it.
    Good to know the new church is beginning and hoping to grow, God will bless you as you serve him.
    take care

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