• The beach day: Exactly what we needed.
  • Kids playing for hours and hours and hours with nothing but water, sand, and their amazing imaginations. 
  • Curled up under a sleeping bag together, leaning against a rock, watching our two little miracles do tricks in the sand.
  • Jeff giving a dozen horsey-rides and AT-AT walker rides.
  • Peanut butter sandwiches.
  • Peaches that melt in your mouth.
  • A day peppered with trials.
  • Asking God to make us new.
  • Seeing fruit in our kids.
  • 8.5 mile run this morn!
  • Getting on our knees.
  • Trusting Him.
  • Feeling so very weak and inadequate, reminded He is strong and more than adequate.
  • The last few blackberries.
  • A quiet house.
  • Clean sheets.
  • Clinging to Him.
Happy weekend… thanks for reading.

One thought on “Week's end with thanks”

  1. I love the beach… always… we mostly go to camp winema near pacific city. Many times we have been there where it was only us, all day long. Peace and quiet and solitude. Yes so wonderful.
    Glad you had a wonderful play day with the kids, sometimes that is the best thing one can do.
    take care
    (would still like to meet you sometime for lunch)

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