• Last mentor meeting. So grateful for these seven beautiful girls and for growing together.
  • Old books.
  • Like-minded friends.
  • Sun-dried tomatoes.
  • Plant starts poking up their tiny green heads.
  • Breaking ground on the garden.
  • Four kids bent low gathering up cut sod.
  • Sunshine for just enough hours.
  • Good tired.
  • Finishing Chapter 9! God’s crazy-amazing faithfulness.
  • Deleting.
  • Starting over.
  • Obeying.
  • Candles glowing.
  • Making more room at the table…
  • His Words that never fail.
  • Possibilities.
  • Snuggling my girl, oh she is too sweet for words.
  • Gathering them up. Time slow down!!
  • Family snuggle.
  • Dutch & Hannah running through the fields.
  • Getting dirty.
  • Nearly 70 people at Dad’s 70th birthday party! Wow! An amazing night, so grateful, so blessed.
  • Smiles, hugs, laughter.
  • Kids’ frosting faces.
  • Looking forward.
  • Full days, glad for them!
  • God’s divine timing.
  • A sister’s willingness to change.
  • Not giving up.
  • Clean.
  • When things have a place.
  • 25 lb.s of carrots.
  • Juicer.
  • Spicer Brothers.
  • Raw honey.
  • Apples, apples, and more apples.
  • God’s abundance!
  • WCC.
  • Amazing Easter. Best ever. Come Lord Jesus!
  • Overhearing Dutch preach to Heidi: “Heidi, when we are weak he is strong because He is God, the Rescuer. He teaches you how to live. You have to like Him! If you become a bad person, you will die. But you can go to heavenand be with Jesus forever! But Jesus is right here with us all the time, even though you can’t see him. He’s everywhere at the same time. Isn’t that amazing? He’s invisible so you can’t run into Him. See! (As he runs around the room) No matter where I go He’s still with me.” Amen, Dutch
  • My children’s prayers. Oh Lord, capture their hearts!


Have a blessed weekend. Thanks for reading.

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