• Adam’s on sale. 
  • 221 women wanting to hear God’s Word!
  • Peach cobbler.
  • Generous Furmans.
  • Discerning the Voice of God.
  • Classical Conversations.
  • Community Group taco night!
  • Another baby on the way! (Not me!)
  • Gift of forty-pounds of local boneless, skinless chicken breasts! Only God could know what a blessing this was to me!
  • Sunny day for errands.
  • Coming down with a cold … a good opportunity for rest.
  • Sleep, sleep, and more sleep.
  • Nyquil.
  • Sleepytime tea.
  • Oregano oil.
  • Kids devouring chicken.
  • Four-mile run outside on a beautiful sunny afternoon!
  • Reading Matthew’s account of Jesus on the cross. Reading slow, so good to revisit again and again.
  • Slowing to hear.
  • Choosing to obey.
  • Wanting to grow.
  • Voices that lift.
  • People who listen.
  • Praying together.
  • Laughter.
  • Days bathed in grace.
  • Working together.
  • Teams.
  • People who are really good at what they do!
  • Refunds.
  • Raw honey.
  • Fridge full of fresh organic Fujis!
  • White apple flesh, crisp, sweet, juicy.
  • No plans for a Saturday.
  • Time to write.
  • Their silly laughter floating through the house.
  • Heidi running silly, “Pixie dust is making me fly!”
  • Frost like a dusting of powdered sugar.
  • Tasty hunk of cornbread sent from Nan.
  • Looking forward to RDG Sunriver weekend!
  • Coffee hot.
  • Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand.
  • Broken, but in the Master’s Shop by Debra Kent.
  • That brokenness is the first step to wholeness.
  • Our great and gentle God.
  • His voice that is tender, loving, kind.
  • Planning to hear, obey, act.
  • Smiling at the day.
  • Knowing there will be more grace whenever we’re in need.
{Happy weekend; thanks for reading…}


2 thoughts on “Week's end with thanks”

  1. Apples, chicken, pixie dust! God’s grace showin’ up all over. Mt. Hood mounded with clouds like a big meringue pie as I drove eastward to workshop at Western Seminary turning a heart (mine) from troubled to hope filled. Though cloud coverd the mountains shape was still clearly discernable, telling me…”you may not see me Debra but can you tell by the shape of things I AM is clearly with you?” And then this delightful list of simple delights in thanks and finding Broken, but in the Masters shop. Ahhhhh Pixie dust:) PS today as I walked to lunch I saw the picnic table where we both shared lunch when we first met. WAY more than pixie dust!

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