• So many rallying around to pray for Shawna. We will keep praying. The God who placed planets into motion can heal completely. Believing Him.
  • Eyes filling up with tears every time I watch the end of Toy Story 3. Sitting next to my boy, smoothing his cowlick with my hand, knowing his day to head off to college will be here before I know it. Every single day is a gift with that boy. Thank you, Jesus.
  • Long naps.
  • Juanita’s.
  • Glimpses of sun. I’ll take glimpses gladly if it’s all I can get.
  • Teaching my kids a new mantra: “I’m happy with what I have!”
  • Watching all those tiny green shoots continue to grow! It’s like we have a mini-garden right in the house.
  • Dutch’s new favorite game: Getting a big box. Then he lies on the floor like a toy, and I say, “Time to take this old toy to the day care!” and I pick him up and toss him in the box and box him up. Then I turn around and he escapes laughing all the way.
  • Hearing that a dear friend now has a “crew” — Hallelujah!
  • Spelling hallelujah right on the very first try. I’ve never done that in my entire life.
  • Kids turning old egg cartons into toys.
  • AMAZING answer to one of Dutch’s prayers. Goosebumps down to my toes.
  • “Mommy, let’s be amigos!”
  • Dutch praying at the breakfast table for Cody to feel better.
  • Text from husband. I’m crazy about that man.
  • Discovering a blog by a dear 70-year-old man devoted to helping men be godly dads. How cool is that? Way to go, Gary Taylor! There’s a man who has embraced the changing technology and made the most of it in order to share all that God has done in his long life. Love it.
  • Little bows in little locks of brown barely shimmering gold.
  • Life.
  • Breath.
  • Every beat of our hearts.
  • Orange juice for sick kids.
  • Toy Story 3; how would we endure sickness without it??
  • Sunny days!
  • Neighbors. I love all of our neighbors so much. Perhaps that’s why God isn’t selling our house. He knows we love them so much. (But I’m still praying He sells it!)
  • Modoc Southern Oregon women’s retreat this weekend. So happy to be here.
  • Finding out that my cabin has a bed–the real kind with sheets and blankets! Ahh…luxury!
  • Flying.
  • Free Wi-Fi in airports. What a world we live in.
  • Generous friends who give rides to.
  • Generous new-friends who give rides from.
  • Generous dad who created 39 wooded blocks for me as an object lesson. What a dad I have!
  • The most supportive husband in the world.
  • Nana.
  • Laptops.
  • Marveling at some beautiful flowers in my yard, then realizing they are weeds.
  • Window sills lined with egg cartons, filled with dark earth and green shoots. Someday, tomatoes.
  • Comment from a beloved author. Isn’t it an amazing blessing when someone we look up to stoops down and says hello. So cool.
  • Little ones in bath.
  • Vacant lots with rocks and dirt and weeds galore: Nature’s playground.
  • New sand for the sandbox = hours of fun.
  • Watching my kids love each other.
  • Dutch’s prayer: “Dada God, thank you for Cody’s toys.”
  • “Spaghetti casserole.” Kids, “Where are the noodles?” Ha! I guess they did notice…
  • “Mommy, do you know about Disney Blu-Ray?” Actually no, I don’t. Should never have let him watch the trailers…
  • Afternoon spent reviewing my notes sitting in the sun. Bliss.
  • Combing Heidi’s hair. I’m five-years-old again with my doll.
  • Oobleck.
  • Heidi trying to bend over and look at the bottom of her shoe. Hilarious.
  • A bouquet of lilacs from a friend. So fragrant.
  • Dutch wondering out loud who Heidi will marry.
  • Snuggling.
  • Windowsill above the sink.
  • Clean sheets waiting.
  • Sleep.

6 thoughts on “Week's end with thanks”

  1. Kari, I love that you have been faithful to continuing to share all of this with us – I look forward to Saturdays and reading the blessings in your lift – it encourages me to see all the blessings in my own. I finish reading with a big smile. I love the comments and prayers for Cody.

    1. I love enjoying your life…it is contagious. I need reminding to fill my gratitude journal.


    2. Yeah, Cody was a topic of conversation quite a bit this week. 🙂 My boy sure loves your boy. Thanks for the encouragement. Hope you guys get to take advantage of Dozer Days!

  2. I want to look into the Gary Taylor ablog. Can you post a link please? My husband has my 12 year old son this weekend on his first of four “Godly Manhood” weekends and I’m curious as to what this man might add to it. Thanks so much!

  3. Kari,
    What a great weekend! I’m so glad God put our paths together!
    Thanks again for coming and sharing your heart with us.

    “The forces that bind woman to woman, sister to siter, and friend to friend are among the most powerful in the world. Add to that the strength of faith, and you have a union that transcends all earthly holds. That unique bond is the sisterhood of faith.”

    I’m glad I can share my sisterhood of faith with YOU!

    Blessings dear new friend,

    1. Oh blessings on YOU. You guys were such a GIFT to me. Wow. I told my husband I just felt so spoiled by your generosity. Thanks so much; I hope you stay in touch! Much love to you,

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