
It’s all about icebergs.

All this week I’ve been meditating on icebergs. 

Our spiritual life should be like an iceberg. What shows on the outside is just a tiny tip of a larger, more substantial life underneath the surface. While we may engage in public worship, prayer, speaking and ministering, the vast majority of our relationship with God takes place in the unseen places. The quiet of our hearts. The early mornings or late nights. What breaks through the surface is just a glimpse of a larger, deeper, vibrant relationship with Jesus.

But last week and weekend I just felt so top-heavy. Six months of transition. Moving. Leaving one job and friends and ministry. Church-planting. Starting over in so many ways. Lots of speaking. Writing a book. Lots of people.

As I got in the car after the retreat I felt just about to tip over. 

Thankfully, God had already put it on my heart to take this entire week “off” for the most part. Very limited email/blog/screen time. Lots of time with the kids. Lots of cleaning and house-work and beautifully mindless work that lets me muse and meditate and steep. Lots of sacred mundanethe life not the blog. 🙂

It’s been so very good. I can feel the difference in my heart. Grounded. Less top-heavy. Less tippy.

So thank you for your grace and patience this week. Do you ever feel top-heavy? A bit tippy? How is your iceberg? Perhaps this weekend might be a perfect time to unplug, unwind, and plan some strategic margin so you can avoid tipping over. (I’ve done that; it’s not fun.)

May your weekend be full of rest, peace, and lots of real-time relationships. I’m off to read a shark book to my favorite little marine biologist! Thanks for reading.


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