Building Together

Today when I did the laundry you were my helper. Someone’s underwear wound up on your head as you laughed yourself silly and it took me twice as long to finish as you insisted you do it “by self”  …

Today when I put clean sheets on the bed you both “hid” under the bottom sheet while I made the bed on top of you. Then I “searched” for you and pretended to take a nap on top of you. You laughed yourselves exhausted. “Do it again, Mommy!”  I did and so got a late start on dinner …

Today when we made cookies I let you stir it all by yourself. When I turned to answer the phone you stirred the oats out all over the floor. I let you form the balls all by yourself, you were so proud. Your sleeves covered in flour and dough. It meant re-cleaning the floor and more laundry in the hamper …

Today when I was doing my Bible Study I stopped and re-read the detailed Lego Specifications for at least twenty-five Star Wars sets (including series numbers and release-years). You leaned in close, studying the page, taking it all in.  I’ve read them all before at least a dozen times. I guess I’ll finish my Bible study later …

Today I climbed in the bathtub with you both. It was lukewarm, not hot, and a rubber starfish and blue whale were lodged behind my back. You both  laughed and splashed and when I finally got out you asked me to stay just a little bit longer …

Today I snuggled you both under your covers. The dryer buzzed but I let you “keep me” just a few minutes longer. You asked me to tell you a story about when I was little. So I did. And when you prayed I closed my eyes and thought about all the extra time it took to do my chores today. And how silly you are and how loud you sing and how long you laugh and how sorry I would be to miss any of this just so I could get the chores done.

And then, I thanked God for all of the joys that make every job take longer.

{Praying your day is full of joys as well. Thanks for reading.}{

11 thoughts on “Today. {All the joys that make every job take longer.}”

  1. I love this. I will be honest…it is so hard for me! My heart wants to treat each and every day like this and then I get wrapped up in “if I do it myself it will go faster”…but I can continue in that pattern all day and then bed time arrives. Thank you for this great post!

  2. Oh friend, I just got around to reading this one and am so glad I did. I struggle HARD with this every day. I feel so much more at peace when my surroundings are in order, but am having such a hard time figuring out how to balance order with chaos – allowing myself to be interruptable at any moment to truly capture those times with the boys….thanks, friend.

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