We're Moving!
I’m still a little in shock. Oh how things can change in a day. Some family of ours, who live in another state, still own a home here that they’ve been renting out. Now they have put it up for sale, and are graciously allowing US to rent it for 1/2 price, provided we keep it beautiful and clean to show it for prospective buyers. Yeah, that’s right, HALF PRICE rent, which is less than any apartment we could ever find. And here’s the miracle…because of that half price rent we can afford to live on the 1/2 time salary that Jeff is on, until we find something else. Is that not incredible? I mean, it’ll still be tight, but it’s a HOUSE for crying out loud, we can skimp on groceries! Plus, this new location is WAY closer to school, so it’ll make commuting to classes easier, and it’s in town, so it won’t be as difficult to live with one car. In fact, Jeff could even take the bus to school from the house. Can I get a hallelujah?!
Anyway, it’s so weird now, realizing that in one week we will live in a different place, after all this time. It’s definitely still a very temporary situation, since the house could sell any day, but we’re so thankful for however many days/weeks/months we get to live there! God’s taking care of us one step at a time…just like the loving Father that He is. Better go now, got a lot of packing to do…