A special Week's End with Thanks (a surprise birthday post for Kari)
Hello Readers! Today is a very special day. It is Kari’s Birthday. The two of us (her friend Janae and husband Jeff) have been secretly planning this blog post with the help of many of you. We wanted to stick with the theme of thankfulness since she shares her weekly thanks with us on Saturdays. Enjoy!

Happy Birthday Kari!
We are so thankful your birthday landed on the day you post Week’s End with Thanks. Now we get the chance to share our thanks with you! J
One thing we are all tremendously thankful for is that you challenged yourself to write daily. Where would we be without your blog? You inspire us, stretch us, teach us & point us toward Jesus. Thank you!!! Thank you for your honesty, your conviction & your desire to pour all of yourself into every little thing you tackle. Thank you for standing firm, for showing the way & for never losing hope. Always know that we appreciate your dedication & hard work. We are cheering for you & the future of Sacred Mundane. And most of all—know that we are thankful for you.
Some words of thanks from friends, family and loyal readers, for you on your birthday [names removed on this public version]: Read More