Zucchini Linguine & Yummy Yammy Dip

So I promise this won’t turn into a recipe blog, but in keeping with the foundational truth that all of life is sacred, and that we eat and drink for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31), here are a few more fun ways to enjoy healthful eating and fuel our bodies for His service!

Basil, Zucchini, and Pea Linguine

A few weeks back I found a goldmine: whole wheat, organic linguine on sale at Safeway for $.69/lb!  I bought 15 boxes.  So… I’ve been experimenting with healthy, easy pasta recipes.  This one’s vegetarian but you could easily add chicken or those sweet basil chicken sausages from Trader Joe’s (I would have if I’d had them).  This was so good Jeff actually asked me to make it two nights in a row.  Plus, we’re entering the season when people are giving away zucchini left and right, so I’m always looking for ways to make a meal out of it.

BTW, the reason I’m not very good recipe-sharer is that I don’t measure anything and rarely follow recipes, so bear with me on the amounts, do what feels, looks, and tastes right.  Follow your tongue!

  • 1 lb. whole wheat pasta
  • a TON of garlic (20 cloves?)
  • Olive oil (a few TB) and 2 TB butter
  • Lemon juice (a TB ?)
  • Zucchini (2-3)
  • Basil (a bunch, 10-15 big leaves?)
  • 1/4-1/2 cup or so of Parmesan (supplies were low so I was conservative, but more would up the taste to be sure)
  • 1-2 cups steamed, pureed peas
  • Salt and fresh ground pepper to taste

Saute garlic in the olive oil and butter until golden, add zucchini and some water to saute/steam a bit and cook until tender.  Add pea puree, and salt and pepper, and some of the Parmesan.  Mix with cooked pasta, then add all the basil and mix, add rest of Parmesan.  Devour.  Adding pine nuts would be fabulous as well. You could toast them in the olive oil/butter along with the garlic. Or, short on time? Use pesto instead and cook the zucchini in it then add the peas. Possibilities galore.

Cheesy Yammy Nacho Dip

This is just so easy and yummy.  Yam puree: Peel yams, chop, boil, then puree them with the water they were cooked in (just dump the whole pot in the blender).  Freeze in baggies (after it’s cooled!).


  • 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 cup yam puree

Amounts don’t matter.  Just 1:1 ratio, in a bowl, microwave until hot, stir.  Then dip your Juanita’s chips into this heavenly goodness and tell me you are not happy as a clam.  You could also add salsa, black beans, whatever other healthful dip additions you so desire.
