ONENESS. What is it? Over and over and over in Scripture we see this repeated theme of being ONE. One mind, one heart, one Spirit, one Lord, one baptism—ONE body of Christ.

Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.

1 Corinthians 12:29

You, of course, is plural. I am not the body of Christ, WE are the body of Christ. You (plural) are THE body of Christ (singular). So how do we know what this oneness is supposed to look like?

The mind-blowing, awesome thing about our God is that He is both our Savior AND our Creator. We serve a God that not only saved us from sin but also who created THE ENTIRE WORLD. And because He created the world, the entire world serves as an illustration of theological truth. The heavens declare the glory of God! God is revealed everywhere—there are no excuses for not knowing Him!

So as we look through the Word AT the world we see a beautiful picture of what oneness is like.

Join me for Episode 33 as we dive into what ONENESS really is and how we (many!) can become ONE body, functioning for His glory and the good of our world.

About the Kari Patterson Podcast: We need wisdom, y’all. Like, yesterday. Right?! We need God’s perspective. We need His heart. We need joy, resilience, clarity, and conviction. Feeling this need, author Kari Patterson opens Scripture and shares candidly how God’s Word informs her daily life. Appropriate for all ages, relatable and refreshing, join Kari for conversations on responding to unkindness, emotional freedom, parenting dilemmas, self-pity, forgiveness, and more. (Available most of the places you enjoy podcasts, including those with links above.)

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