This week is your week!  My tragic news is that my laptop has a virus and isn’t working. This, one week before I have a 25-hour assignment due that is 50% of my grade and so Jeff and I are taking turns on his laptop and today I’ve thrown up and now have a migraine :-).  So, all this to say that I cannot think of any way to LiveDifferent other than to just put one foot in front of the other and just to praise God for being alive and try to not complain.  But truly, I was hoping that perhaps you would write in your LiveDifferent ideas, either for us to just do this week, or possibly for me to develop into its own special idea for a separate week.  This is just me, being weak, allowing ya’ll to see life as it really is, and asking you to help me and be my brain and creativity this week and show me your ways for Living Different.  Don’t worry if you don’t think they are life-changing–none of mine are either–but please do write in something, a sentence, a paragraph, some fun idea of how we can live for God in a counter-culture way this week.  It could be as simple as gardening, or as huge as a year-long commitment.  Don’t scrutinize; just toss it out.

And if you could, would you please pray that this TrojanHorse virus would shrivel up and die off my computer and wouldn’t fry it completely…a new laptop definitely isn’t part of our plans right now. 🙂  Thank you so much! I love you guys, I do. You are such an encouragment to me.  As always, thanks for reading.

4 thoughts on “LiveDifferent Challenge (17): Your Turn!”

  1. This is by no means life-changing, but my suggestion is to hang your clothes on a line during the summer months. I guess it’s a challenge to conserve. as it saves electricity and money. There’s something so wonderful about clothes that are dried outside and it really saves on the wear and tear on your clothes. I love being out in the yard and smelling fresh laundry and when there’s the slightest breeze I get the added bonus of having clothes that look like they’ve all been ironed.
    Getting started doesn’t really take much either. We hung our line from tree to tree and so I think we spend a grand total of $15 on the cable, hooks, and clothes pins!

  2. Let it go. Let loose. Let go of all the things you think you must get done. For those of you that dont know me, I have three little boys; eight, five and three. I’m a stay at home mom. Which means that I have a lot to do around the house,(at all times, really). I’m a doer but i’ve learned that my kids could care less about how much I get done in a day. What I mean is all they really want to do is play, mostly outside. They usually want to play in the front yard, which means I need to be outside as well. This of-course means everything inside gets to wait. Summer after all is meant for fun. Kids and adults need to breath. We need moments that dont have thoughts of to do’s in them. I’m not sure why I beat myself up over not getting things done. After all Jesus did tell Martha that Mary had it right; ” Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10: 38-42)
    Mary sat at the Lord’s feet and listend. She was in the moment and she realized everything else could wait. My challenge would be that we would recognize our need to be present for those around us and to lay aside things that can wait. After all we get to take the moments spent with the Lord and loved ones with us. The laundry we do not.

  3. Nikki, great idea! There is something so satisfying about hanging laundry in the sun. I love it!
    Amy, amen sister! You must teach Bible studies or something :-). Good words. Thanks Ladies. I love being challenged by you. Any more of you out there?

  4. Support a missionary… such that they can live at a higher standard of living than your own.

    Or something less ridiculous and spiritual: Reduce the water you use to water your lawn. Replace parts of your lawn with native shrubs and/or reduce watering to once or twice a week (this encourages roots to grow deeper). Perhaps this isn’t as important in a state with abundant water (OR), but in some states it is socially irresponsible to use lots of water (like UT).

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