And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified by the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” 1 Cor. 6:11


Sunday night we sat under the birch tree for one last outdoor gathering of church.  We were discussing–as a church family–where we wanted to give money globally. We were discussing wells and water, micro-loans and mosquito-nets. We all had blankets around our shoulders, excited that because we’d stayed outside one more week we had saved $235 (the weekly cost of a rental space) that we were then able to send overseas to those in need.  Jeff was sharing that his dream is to give 50% of all our church income to meet urgent needs around the world.

As I sat there, I thought: Am I dreaming? Do I really get to belong to a group of dear, humble saints who get giddy over mosquito-nets and micro-loans? Who are really willing to give their lives away? Afterwards, I walked into my house, only to find my kitchen FULL of people doing dishes. Laughing, talking, up to their elbows in suds. Really? Do I really get to be part of this family, where everyone pitches in and cleans the kitchen when we’re done?

When everyone had left I watched as Debra–our housemate and fifth family member–tidied up before heading downstairs to bed. Living in community with her has already proven such an overwhelming gift of grace and love. Who knew? I, who used to say I never wanted anyone to live with us. Who knew God could change our hearts–by His grace–so much?

I looked around at my funny house. I remember the first time I saw it I thought it was the ugliest thing I’d ever seen. I remember the process, of letting go and selling our “dream” home. I remember weeping over The Hole in Our Gospel and adding a couple more dear little sponsored children to our family.

Oh, of course we still have so far to go. This is not an “I’ve arrived” post. *smile* But Jeff often reminds me that occasionally glancing back over our shoulder long enough to marvel at the grace of God is really a good thing. He has done so much. He has changed us so much. I am a different girl than I was just two years ago. 

You are different too, right?

What has He done? Speak it! Share it! Tell the world the testimony of what God has done for you.

God has set me free from being anxious over money. He’s made me not care about keeping up with the Jones’s or achieving some white-picket-fence American-dream life. He has given me courage where I used to be bound by the fear of man. He’s given me joy with my kids where I used to feel stress. He’s breaking me down–over and over and over–and emptying me out. I can feel it. It doesn’t always feel good, but I can feel it and I know it’s Him.

A simple, brief reflection like this gives me courage to know that He will continue His good work. He is not done with you yet! Often I look and see how far I have to go. How selfish I still am. How anxious I often become. How frustrated I still sometimes get.

But He has done mighty things in my life and I rejoice in them and believe that He is not done with me yet! 

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” Phil. 1:6

Can I get an Amen!??

Friend, He is not done with you yet. Where have you been? How has He changed you? Where has He set you free?

Glance back today, just for a moment, and rejoice in all the good He has done. 

And be glad … He isn’t finished yet.

Just thanking Him today. Thanks for reading.

5 thoughts on “Just for a moment, glance back.”

  1. Yay for victories, big and small! I am so proud of you Kari. You really “do the work” to grow and change and rely on God. So excited for where He is taking you! XOXOXO

  2. God allowed us to get into an “ugly” house too…4 years later, it completely serves a purpose, is in no way an idol, and is a tool for the Kingdom of God. Before this home, I remember being concerned about having people over because they may ruin my carpet or hurt my things. Ick! My family is earning more now and could afford a prettier house and a nicer car but b/c of daily reading YOUR blog, I am reminded that it is GOOD, freeing, and a gift to have extra income to give.

  3. Thank you Jeff & Kari: for your faith that Jesus will show you the way: I am humbled by your thankfulness and praise. I read this in: Jesus Calling by Sara Young: “Trust me enough to let things happen without striving to predict or control, Relax and refresh yourself in the light of My everlasting Love.” I love watching you both walk by faith

    God Bless lyou.

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