I finally gave in and began reading a different Bible. No, not the New World Translation, don’t worry :-). My beloved NKJV study BIble literally fell apart at the seams. Psalm 139 to Romans 8 completely fell out, (that’s a pretty important portion of scripture!) and bits of Ephesians had disintegrated. Everytime I took it to church or school I had to hold it gingerly with both hands, afraid it would all fall apart into the heap on the floor. But I didn’t want to let it go! It had been with me through When God Broke My Heart, it had traveled the Road to Santa Clara, it had perservered through the 4.5 years of feeling shelved by God. This thing had notes and markers and tears on its pages. Plus, I knew where everything was!
But it was time. The Bible was not only falling apart, but it was also huge, which made carrying it around impractical considering the wipes, diapers, snacks, and toys that are also stuffed into my oversized purse. So I gave in. Jeff gave me a slimline ESV (his favorite translation).
I admit I’m still not sold. I think I might still take my old Bible when I teach, for comfort’s sake, but I will admit that for my daily Bible reading, having a new Bible, and a new translation, helps me read with brand new eyes. I was too familiar with the pages before, and now the words read differently, look different, sound different, strike me differently. I’m finding that it’s helpful for seeing things again for the first time.
—-Anyway…now onto our topic.
In our internship class yesterday we were talking about stress in ministry. The #1 hindrance to managing stress in our lives was the inability to say “no.” Or at least, the inability to say no to the right things! So I was reading Luke this morning and I read about Jesus’ packed schedule:
“And when it was day, he departed and went into a desolate place. ANd the people sought him and came to him, and would have kept him from leaving them, but he said to them, ‘I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns as well; for I was sent for this purpose.'” Luke 4:42-43
Jesus 1) knew when to get away and be alone, and 2) knew when to say no. He was on a divine schedule, knew His divine purpose, and was never hurried, harried, or thwarted from his purpose. He never ran, was never late, and never complained about not having enough time in the day.
So today I’m reminding myself that God has allotted exactly the right amount of time to accomplish those things which He has ordained for me to do. No more, no less.
As Jeff and I transition into an even fuller life, filled with school and ministry and holidays and then two kids (!), I’m praying for grace to walk in the way Jesus did. Knowing when to get alone, knowing when to say no, walking according to the divine schedule and purpose of the Father. No need to buy another book on managing stress. Just ask Jesus.
3 thoughts on “Jesus on Stress”
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Kari, I recently started reading the ESV bible, too! I go online and print off chapters at a time, then sit on my lanai and read and mark away on the pages. I still love my NASB version (which was my favorite for a long time) but reading the ESV has given me new eyes. Plus, I find that a new format helps me to pay better attention, which is why the printed pages have been good for my Bible reading. It’s great to switch it up sometimes, since we humans always seem to fall into the habit of whatever is easiest. My brain shuts off if something’s too familiar. Anyway, I think it’s funny that we both recently started reading the ESV. It’s shouldn’t surprise me!
P.S. Great post–sorry my comment wasn’t exactly on the issue of stress!
Just ask Jesus…How quickly I forget until I’m in the middle of the stress! I’m learning though – sometimes painfully so. Good post.
This is a HUGE lesson God has been working out in Lionel and I the past few years. How we can Rest in Him regardless of the circumstances. How stress comes from our striving, as if we have something to contribute or measure up to for God. But the constant what is next Lord is where He wants us. Having our own business has been a challenge for this. The line between diligence and striving in the flesh is blurred at times. But feeling stressed is the symptom of walking in our flesh. Great Post!