
You’d think after doing this 13 times I would have figured this out:

Moving is hard.

I hadn’t anticipated this one being hard. I mean, we’ve moved across states, moved with less than a few day’s notice, moved into other people’s houses (with them not living there), moved into other people’s houses (with them living there!), moved into a windowless cave and a creepy dive apartment, and even moved just a few weeks after giving birth to our babygirl.

In other words, I kind of get the moving thing.

But, for whatever reason, this one knocked the wind out of me. We hadn’t been in the house but a few minutes when Heidi cruised around the corner and cracked her head on countertop.

And then we all basically spent our whole first week bumping into stuff. We bumped into each other as we learned to house-share, kitchen-share, bathroom-share, as we tried (and failed) to give each other grace and exercise patience and why did it take all my energy just to get our family to function on the most basic level??

But, as any rationally-minded person could have predicted, exactly a week into life at our new house, we finally found our groove.  The kids finally remembered where the bathroom was in the middle of the night. I finally found that one box I’d been looking for. We finally figured out how to take a shower in our funny claw-foot tub.  And by God’s grace, on that week-anniversary of life in our home, we all gave a collective sigh and said, Ahh…we’re home. 

It just takes time.

This last weekend, I joined a dear group of women for a retreat entitled Changed. I’d never thought about the fact that the title is changed, past tense. I’ve always been passionate about being changed. I’m writing a book right now that’s passionately pleading with women to embrace the holy revolution for ordinary days, the sacred mundane way of life that produces a changed life from the inside out. But, like many things, I like the past tense form and not so much the present.

I don’t like change. I like having changed

Do I love writing? I love having written. Do I love speaking? I love having spoken. Do I love running? I love having run

Isn’t that the truth with almost anything worthwhile?  I love having changed. I love when I can look back and truly see that God has made me new. He’s transformed my heart and habits. He’s filed away my rough edges and made me more like His Son.

But I don’t necessarily like the present-tense part. Change. I don’t like the part where I’m running into things, where I can’t figure out my routine and where it takes all my energy just to function on the most basic level.

But I, we, have to remember: it just takes time.

Whatever resolutions you have made for 2013, whatever changes you’re earnestly attempting, you may be in the season right now where you’re just bumping around. Knocking your head on the countertop and trying to figure out just how to take a shower. It takes an enormous amount of energy to establish new habits. And I pray that however frustrated you may feel–keep on keeping on. Keep getting up to read God’s Word. Keep making healthy choices for your body. Keep getting down on your knees in prayer. Keep loving that person who challenges you so much.

Keep on making those new grooves, beating down those new paths so your feet will eventually go that way without a thought. It just takes time. And in the meantime, in the struggle, we need extra doses of grace

Grace from God that fills all the gaps and gives us the courage to keep going. 

Here’s to grace for you this week as you keep on keeping on. Thanks for reading.

11 thoughts on “I don't like change. I like having changed.”

  1. thank you kari! yes – and Let In the Light – is such a fantastic way to start my morning with Jesus – thanks for the daily dose of encouragement…

  2. Exactly and perfectly for me right now! Thank you Lord! God bless you Kari. And…I am loving your books too!!!

    1. Oh good…I am praying for you Ani. I hope you are well? Would love to hear from you. Glad the books are a blessing!

  3. Beautiful, words and beautiful timing as we just moved overseas three days ago, and I am bumping around like crazy! Thanks for your words of encouragement.

    1. Oh girl! Moving OVERSEAS…Yeah I haven’t done that one yet, I bet you are bumping around! I pray for grace for you right now as you adjust. Bless you, and thank you for the encouragement!

  4. Kari,
    It was such a blessing to have you at our retreat this past weekend. It was definitely a change for me, being away from my husband for the first time, and with no contact! Thank you for all the prayers you said for me. This was the hardest retreat I’ve ever been to, so thank you for helping me with my struggle. =)


    1. Thank you, Deanna!! It was so great to be with you too, and am praising God that your husband is doing well! I pray you have strength and energy as you serve him in so many ways. Blessings sweet girl!

  5. Hey dear Kari,

    Moving … well as you know I’ve had my share .. so I will be praying for you as you adjust to your new surroundings .. that all will learn to love your new space … and as for the old claw bathtub … they are great! Just fill that baby us and soak.

    I really enjoy reading what you write. God has gifted you so. Let me know when you make it to Bend some weekend and maybe we can see you. If you are ever over here to speak I would love to have opportunity to hear you as well.

    Give your mom and dad hugs and love for me.

    As always,

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