reading by pool

Doing a quick post today as tomorrow will be a special longer feature, linking up with a great blogger as part of a discipleship series. But I thought I’d give a quick update since I completely ditched my original summer reading list and discovered, instead, these fabulous reads which have colored my summer beautifully, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every page.  The last 2 are tucked in my bag to be read on our camping trip next week …

1. Touching Godliness by KP Yohannan. Must read. We talked about it here. 

2. Running for My Life  by Lopez Lomong. For the sheer enjoyment factor, I have not read a book this great in a long time. I laughed, cried, and wanted to completely neglect my family just to curl up and lose myself in its pages. So touching, fun, inspiring. Snag it.

3. Intimate Issues by Linda Dillow. Oh my word, wives: RUN, don’t walk, and get this book ASAP.

4. Respect Dare by Nina Roesner. A 40-day challenge. The woman’s version of Love Dare. 

5. Meyebela: My Bengali Girlhood by Taslima Nasrin.

5. Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis (I know I’m the last person on earth to read this; I was on the Hold List at the library for more than six months!)

{In case you have a few spare hours before fall is in full swing, pick up one of these and enjoy! Thanks for reading.}

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