Today’s pinch-me moment: Sitting out on the back deck overlooking two acres of green, trees swaying in the gentle breeze. It is bright blue sky, not a cloud in sight, and close to 70 degrees. In a t-shirt, with a cold drink, doing my “work”: studying God’s Word.

All this and heaven too? 

{Right after I wrote these words I got stung by a bee! No, nothing’s perfect here on earth. But this pinch-me life of joy and grace is worth a few bee stings along the way… What’s your most recent pinch-me moment of gratefulness? Would you share it with us? Thanks for reading.}

7 thoughts on “For those pinch-me moments in life…”

  1. Love it! My pinch-me moment recently was on Sunday afternoon. Bob was wiped out from a late night talking with a friend in need and I needed to do my Bible study. We went to the Santa Barbara Mission and I sat on a bench to study while Bob took a nap on the beautiful mission gardens lawn. So beautiful – warmth of the sun on my back, amazing beauty in every direction.

    1. Ahhh that IS a pinch-me moment. Aren’t they glorious when they come? Worth all the bee-stings and tired moments that might surround. Thanks for sharing, friend!

  2. Mine was yesterday morning when Gage met me out on the porch first thing in the morning and recited his Proverb to me! I was so excited and HE was so excited to tell me he’d been sitting in his bed thinking about it until he knew he’d memorized it “for sure.” 🙂

  3. Coming home from the hospital last night with tiny son Stryder tucked into his car seat. Walking through the door to the cheers of my other two blue-eyed small ones. These three call me “mom.” How could I be so blessed? All healthy, all whole. So beautiful; pinch me!

    Of course, my first day with all three of them involved a few “bee stings.” Hudson is emotional (“Mom, why were you gone at the hospital for so long? We were so alone.”) Abby is feisty (little voice saying, “Nooooooooooooo,” all day long.). Stryder wants to eat, eat, eat. All three needing something from me at the same time. Am I responsible for these lives??? A pinch-me moment in and of itself. 🙂

  4. That is BEAUTIFUL! Definitely a pinch me moment. 🙂

    My pinch me moment was this last weekend, curling up on the couch late Sunday night with my Hubby watching Christmas with the Kranks, with a warm, fuzzy cow-print blanket and a big bowl of popcorn. 🙂

  5. Grateful for a very difficult month. Dross removal. New  work. Father IS using it BIG TIME to DO some major work. (Isaiah 61:4, rebuilding ancient ruins involves ALOT of demolition…ouch). He placed me for a season and a reason. Have been living in 1 Peter 5:6-10 and Psalm 34. (alot!) Good stuff? Yes! Giving it a year. Do not, from my current vantage point see it being a place I would want to retire from. Run from? yes:)

    God has been very busy. Very evident. Hard but good AND I AM SOOOO GRATEFUL. Would not trade any of it and I thank Him in ALL THINGS…sometimes it just takes a lil’ longer. Pinch me moment? Yes, that I would consider this all 1) something to be grateful for and 2) I would call it a pinch me moment:)
    Broken, but in the Master’s shop-

  6. Humm we had a few lately, so I share both one is the love for a sweet puppy that came to live with us. He shook us our life a bit it needed shaking. But his innocence is so sweet my Hubby has wanted a big dog for awhile and I knew it was coming. We planned to do it later, but my daughter brought him from church he was going to shelter. He was our last hope. We love Maxx is furr sister is coming around.Commenthour love

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