A mile-long hill loomed ahead. I heard His voice:

Keep running. 

It was the last of my 3 legs in the Hood-to-Coast 200-mile relay race last year. I’d been awake for 35 hours. My quads were burning and the sun was beating.

Ahead of me everyone was walking. 

Keep running.

I knew the route. After one more mile of hill I knew there were almost 3 miles of downhill. I just had to get up that hill and then it’d be easier. I kept running.

After rounding a corner I saw a man ahead, running. He was a tall young man, his legs cut and muscular. I stared at his legs. He looked like a runner.

I looked like a 30-something mommy with flabby legs, sucking wind. 

And then he stopped. And walked

What? If he can’t run up this there’s no way I can!

Keep running. 

God, have you seen this guy’s legs? Yeah. Super strong. Have you seen my legs? Yeah. Super flabby.

Keep running

Excuse me, God? I’m tired and if this guy is walking there’s no way I can run it. I mean, look at how strong his legs are!

His voice so clear:

It doesn’t matter how strong you are; it’s how much you want it. 

Did I want it? Was it worth it? And I don’t mean just running to the top of the hill, I mean all of it. Obeying God and trusting Him and doing whatever HE says because He is God and I am His daughter. All of it: walking by faith and putting one foot in front of the other and obeying God because He is God.

Did I want it?

Do I want it?

Do I want to run this race of faith? Do I want to trust Him and believe Him and just do whatever He says to do? Do I really want to fear Him and obey Him and wait on Him?

Because that’s what He really wants from me. That’s what brings Him joy.

His voice on that mile-long hill was an echo of something He’d said long ago:

He does not delight in the strength of the horse;
He does not take pleasure in the legs of a man.

The LORD favors those who fear Him,
Those who wait for His lovingkindness. (Psalm 147:10-11)

Every single day the enemy reminds me that Jeff and I are nothing special. Every day He reminds me that there is a mountain ahead of us and we are 30-something housewives with flabby legs sucking wind and there are bulging-muscle marathoners out there and Who are we to think that we can run up this hill?

I must respond: We are those who want it. We want to fear Him and wait for His lovingkindness.

That’s what delights Him. 

Not buff legs.

After I ran to the top of that hill, even though I was all alone I threw my arms up in the air and cheered, Woohoo!! Thank you, Jesus! And then I cruised down the hill, came around the corner, and spotted a girl up ahead. She ran with a limp. As I got closer my eyes filled with tears:

She only had one leg.4470785-an-athlete-with-a-prosthetic-leg-running-down-the-road-towards-the-ocean

A tear slipped down my cheek as I passed her, turning to look in her face and shout, “You are awesome! You are my hero! You’re doing great and we’re almost there! Hang in there, sister!!”

Her face shown with such joy, such glow, she must have known this truth:

Whether you have buff legs, flabby legs, or one leg, you need to know: It isn’t your legs that matter. God delights in those who fear Him. Who trust Him. Who wait on Him. When the hill is long and Satan’s accusations are loud, remind yourself again:

He does not delight in the strength of the horse;
He does not take pleasure in the legs of a man.

The LORD favors those who fear Him,
Those who wait for His lovingkindness. (Psalm 147:10-11)

I so needed this today! Clinging to this and waiting for Him, with you. I pray this gives you hope this week. Thanks for reading.

9 thoughts on “For everyone with flabby legs…”

  1. Laying in bed last night before I fell asleep I thought, “What am I thinking?? I can’t do what I think God is calling me to do. He calls people like so and so to do those things and they are even struggling.” Thanks for this. I’ll be saving this one so that when doubt starts to creep back in and get me to walk instead of run that I keep running because I do want to trust God and do what He asks of me.

  2. Hello again Kari! Wow! Is all I can say! Oh, and thank you God for using Kari, as a means of you affirming what you spoke to me this morning! I literally was just taking a break at work, and writing in my journal. (Something that is a new love of mine, and reading as well!) I wrote this to God: God show me your heart, show me in your word what you have been speaking to me, show me if I have any wrong motives in my desire to pray and encourage those whom I am praying for. I was reading a devotional about prayer, and praying in secret, and keeping my eyes on Him and not on people. So, I had encouraged someone the other day and sent them a prayer via text. To give some history about me, I’ve been a people pleaser most of my life. Part of it is a result of no real close relationship with my dad, and also not really knowing the love God had for me in a deep way. I lived my life doing things for others and works for God to receive affirmation from man. So, I remembered, I had an email about a new post from your blog today. This morning on my way to work I had been praying about a question that was posed to me for a ladies group I am meeting with this Thursday. How are you getting to know Jesus better right now, or how is he deepening your relationship with him? All the way to work as I was worshiping and asking God for His heart to answer this questions, I kept hearing him say OBEDIENCE, and this…How ever much you put in to me is what you will receive back! If you sow into Me, you will reap Me in return. Do you want this? How much do you want this? What will you give up for this? You’ve swept out your closet, it’s clean, do you want to keep it clean, then continue to obey me. He said it is in the obedience to me in daily worship, devotion, and prayer time that you will find me and hear from me. So, when I read your post as the enemy was trying to use my old people pleasing crutch to make me feel guilty, I asked God for His heart and to convict me of any wrong motive, then I immediately read your blog and He confirmed his message to me that He gave me this morning. I had tears running down my face when I read this line….It doesn’t matter how strong you are; it’s how much you want it. It gave me an immediate answer to doubt! When the enemy was trying to get me down, and his accusations were loud, God just met me and encouraged me in Him! The power of affirmation that I am hearing from Him makes me so hungry for Him! I don’t want this hunger to go away! I pray for His strength to walk in obedience to what He wants me to do! I know it’s not always easy to do, but I want to walk in His love more than anything, more than I ever have before! Thank you for continuing to share His heart with the church, His people! He is using you! Be encouraged in Him today! 🙂

    1. Oh Julie, Thank you SO much for taking the time to share this with me. Wow is right! Our God is so amazing, and His love for YOU is breath-taking. He is speaking to you, and I thank you for sharing! Bless you, sister! Excited to be on this journey together. Love, Kari

  3. Thank you, Kari. In the few minutes of quiet time I had today, I read this same passage. Then I read your post tonight as another reminder of what I needed to hear. No coincidences with God. Thank you.

  4. I ran H2C this year. It was an amazing experience. On my final leg (35) I passed a man with one leg. Many people around us were walking, but he was running.

  5. I’m so glad I found this post today! I used to run & I loved it! Then I got pregnant; and I had to go on bed rest; and my legs are now (very) flabby; and sometimes I forget that flabby legs are worth it because in a few short days I will have a beautiful little miracle in my arms. So I am thankful for this reminder & those verses in Psalms…I love His truth!

    1. Good for you! Amen, girl. I actually (shhhh) stopped running too, for different reasons. I enjoy my leisurely walks now and communing with Jesus in that way! Bless you, Sherri!

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