“When the character of Christ is formed within, you are no longer simply an echo but a voice.”

~Erwin McManus, Uprising

Maybe that’s this thing I feel? This peace, calm, confidence. More storms are sure to come, yes, there will no doubt be posts that come filled with doubt and question. With wavering. That’s life in human skin. But just as I testify and find grace in the failures and falterings, can I testify and find grace in the victories as well? Certainly something has shifted.

Whenever we say yes to Christ and no to the other voices, if even in small things, when we turn down the cacophony and lean in hard to the tune of His grace, perhaps He lets us sing along? A strong, sure voice comes from our soul that maybe sounds a little different than the noisy clamoring of our world?

I just mean this: How can we make the world listen? This is my question. We’ve been talking long about how to share our faith in the workplace, with our neighbors, in the million mission fields we encounter.

What if we were different? And I don’t mean just wearing turtlenecks. The world is not impressed by whether we homeschool or drink raw milk or read our Bibles every day (And I think all those are great, by the way). But would the world listen if we actually had a voice? If we were no longer simply an echo but a voice? If we had a deeper motivation to life. If instead of grumbling, thanksgiving spilled out all the time. If authenticity and true joy characterized our days? I don’t mean a front. Spray paint won’t work.

But what about confidence? What about  feathers that cannot be ruffled? A peace that cannot be shaken? What if we let Christ’s character be formed in us? 

I have a friend in a trying circumstance and she is letting Christ’s character be formed in her. She knows it, hates it, and loves it. It’s painful. It always is, isn’t it? But isn’t it true that it’s worth it? So worth it to have a voice instead of merely an echo?

Maybe the world will hear that and glorify God.

{Ya’ll promise to remind me of this next time I’m lamenting some trial, ok? I pray this can be encouraging today. Thanks for reading.}

7 thoughts on “No longer simply an echo, now a voice”

  1. This was on my heart this morning during my quiet time. Thanks for your encouraging words. I spend more time composing what I would say if given the opportunity to witness than recognizing what my actions, attitudes and behaviors are saying; it’s time to change that! Bless you!

    1. Thanks so much, Kim! Oh isn’t it true that our actions preach so much. So glad this can be encouraging today. Thanks for reading and saying hello.

  2. Hi Kari,
    I got your blog address from my mother in law who recently heard you speak. She loved you! =)
    Great post! I love your thought on how the world can see the character of Christ in us in the middle of hard times and recognize something is different about us. The darker things get, the brighter the light within us has the ability to shine. As much as we all hate difficult situations in life, the contrast of ugly things in life provides a beautiful backdrop for the grace of God to be displayed.


    1. Hey Jamie! I know you because I’ve been hanging out on your blog too 🙂 ever since your MIL told me about you. How fun! I see you are part of the (in)courage community too. I love it over there. Thanks so much for our words encouraging women, isn’t it awesome that we can do this and still be home with our little ones? So thankful. Bless you, sister!

      1. I only recently discovered (in)courage so I have been having a lot of fun meeting some of the gals over there lately.
        It is awesome to be able to be at home and do this! I couldn’t ask for anything more. Great to meet you! It is funny how that worked out. =)

  3. Oh yes! It is worth it. The discomfort of dross removal followed by the glow of His loving touch and micrometer by micrometer being transformed. Isaiah 61:4!!! Upon reading your post lovely one, the words to the song Forever Reign by Hillsong came to mind, ” You are more, You are more
    Than my words will ever say
    You are Lord, You are Lord
    All creation will proclaim
    You are here, You are here
    In your presence I’m made whole
    You are God, You are God”.
    Of all else I’m letting go

  4. You said that beautifully. So stirred my heart. So rings true with my Spirit. I pray to posses that voice, that song, that character, every where I go. Love you!

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