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Two years ago this week I typed Why I Write with trembling hands. It was on this post that Ann Voskamp commented, and I started crying. Two years ago this weekend I attended the first Faith & Culture Writers Conference and faced the Scary Guy who changed my life

At this year’s conference, which kicks off today, I’m the MC. Seriously. Let me tell you why this blows me away:

Two years ago I was scared stiff just to walk through the door.

Oh, don’t get me wrong. I have a nice big dose of nervousness today. I’ll be shaking like a leaf before I walk on stage. I’ve envisioned plenty of times me tripping on a cord or pronouncing Ken Wytsma’s name wrong or dragging up toilet paper on my shoe.

But … two years ago I was almost too scared to even attend. And if you would have told me last time, that at the next conference I’d be emceeing, I would have said you were crazy. Or cried. Probably both. And you know what that tells me?

That God is able to change us. 

When I wrote the “Why I Write” post I was so afraid of rejection I almost couldn’t submit it.

I’ve now been rejected more times than I can count by agents and publishers alike. Rejection is pretty much a monthly occurrence around here, and you know what — it’s okay! I don’t even cry anymore!

There are still plenty of fears for me to face. Plenty. But looking back fuels my faith and inspires me to tackle new things because I realize, I’m not the same afraid girl I was just two years ago. God is changing me.

God is changing you.

So how do we move forward and do scary stuff? My favorite method is the Worse Case Scenario Method. In Beth Moore’s book, So Long Insecurity she discusses fear and recounts a conversation she’d had with God where she has wrestling through her own fear issues.  She very distinctly sensed Him asking her to tell Him her greatest, deepest fears.  So she did.  Then, surprisingly, she sensed Him saying, “Let’s say those things did happen.”  Then, “Picture yourself going through the whole process of one of your worst fears becoming a reality. Get all the way to the other side of it. What do you see there?”

When Beth did this, with her own worst fear, she realized that while it would truly be horrific, all that she knew of God reassured her that He would still restore her, use her, love her, and carry her through, even if she lost all else.

In most cases, the worst case scenario is that someone says no, or we don’t get the job, or we receive a rejection, or our plan fails. But on the other side of that no/rejection/fail is likely a shining lesson, a better opportunity, another open door, or an increase in courage to try again.

But better than all that, on the other side is God

On the other side of that fear is your loving Father’s warm embrace. His words, “Good job! You did it! You were brave!”  It pleases Him when we walk by faith. When we do scary stuff, not for our own glory, but for His, He’s happy.

And when God’s happy, we’re happy. (That’s kind of like the secret to life, right?!)

Do scary stuff for the glory of God.

But watch out, because if you do, you never know what He’ll have you do two years from now!

{Thanks for reading & have a great weekend.}

 *In honor of doing scary stuff, and in honor of the Faith & Culture Writer’s Conference, Plenty and Let In Light are FREE today on Amazon (we’re unable to offer Faithfully Frugal free at this time, but it’s only $2.99) Spread the word and snag some copies for your friends. Also, many of you have asked if paperback copies are available. We’re working on it! Hopefully within the month we’ll have paperback copies available for you at a low cost. Stay tuned and thanks so much!

8 thoughts on “Do scary stuff. (And FREE e-books today!)”

  1. Thank you dear Kari for this beautiful post. I will be with you in prayer through these two days in spirit and in love. His grace pours through you dear one and He is smiling from ear to ear already. I am too:)

  2. I have you to thank Kari for inspiring me months ago when you first posted about the scary guy. After reading I felt that I could muster up the courage to register for the conference. (Writing has been a passion of mine and huge outlet for me, but I’m usually too afraid to admit it could go anywhere) Your transparency and honesty about your fears helps me…I know I’m not alone! The Beth Moore part you shared has always stuck with me from when I took a Bible Study with “So long insecurities”, and Beth’s words have rang in my head many times as I take a step into the unknown. So here I go tonight, heart beating out of my chest, hands sweating…ready to see what God has in store for me! Thanks Kari!

  3. You go girl! I’m so proud of you. Looking forward to the day when I can say I knew her when…Love you so much. I blessed by your words and willingness to follow our Savior even in the scary things. Blessings

  4. Kari- Thanks for saying yes- to coming two years ago. To joining the leadership team this year. To being MC…(seems like God has been working all of this out- wow, I love that)…Grateful to serve together- ..and I hope we are not that scary anymore! – Cornelia

  5. I LOVE that you took the leap to write! You are such an inspiration to me, more then you will ever know! Love you friend and have a good weekend, you will do great 🙂

  6. Thanks for the encouragement, as always! Honestly, for many of your posts you could plug my name into whatever you’re talking about. Write on!

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