The Sacredness of Playing

I remember reading about a missionary who devoted his life to a certain people group in Africa.  He was only one of many missionaries to this group, but he soon became their favorite and they were receptive to his message.  Why?  The natives said, “We know that man really loves us because he plays with us.”  He played with them.  Apparently he took the time not only to preach to them, to read to them, even to serve them through building and repairing, but he took the time to simple play with them, engaging in their recreational fun.

I got spoiled all Fall because it hardly rained a drop.  There were probably only two days all Fall where Dutch and I didn’t get to take our long morning walk to the park.  Those walks are my salvation–exercise, fresh air, and a break from reading Curious George and playing trucks.  I get some quiet time to think, then Dutch gets time to run around and let off steam.  December brought two weeks of being  completely snowed in, then one week of me being sick, now another week of Dutch being sick.  We’re close to a month without our daily walks!  And I admit it’s starting to wear on me.  The days can drag on when you’re confined to a small house with a two-year-old who wants YOU to read aloud, wants YOU to get on the floor and make the truck noises, wants YOU to build the fort and get inside.  I wish I could tell you that my favorite thing in the world is playing with plastic tractors and reading Richard Scarry, but it’s not. Way too often I would rather be doing something…well, productive.  Meaningful.

But today as I was lying on the floor playing trucks, I thought about the missionary’s life, and how the key to the gospel going forth in that tribe in Africa was the fact that he played with them.  He layed aside his agenda in order to show them his love in their language.  And I’m praying that God will help me remember that I earn Dutch’s ear by the years I spend on the floor, making truck noises.  The years I spend on the couch, reading Curious George.  I pray for the grace and patience to simply play with people, to join them in what they love to do. I pray that God would help me see the sacredness of playing.

The Sacred/Secular Illusion

AW Tozer, my favorite extra-biblical author, penned the jewel chapter entitled “The Sacrament of Living” in his gold-mine book, The Pursuit of God, a humble 120 pages written on a single train ride.  In this chapter he exposes this lie that we have been discussing, the Sacred/Secular Illusion.  We tend to believe that life is composed of two compartments, the sacred and the secular.  Those who work outside the church are said to have “secular jobs”.  My alma mater would be considered a “secular university”.  We categorize things like prayer, going to church, singing worship songs, and reading our Bibles as Sacred activities, of which we know God is pleased. And yet if we are honest with ourselves, these activities take up a small portion of our lives.  The overwhelming majority of our time is spent working, sleeping, eating, driving, grooming, entertaining, etc.  Even today, on a Sunday, as a pastor’s wife (a supposedly sacred vocation), I spent probably one hour tops in prayer and Bible reading and 1.5 hours at church.  The rest of my day has consisted of showering and getting presentable, making breakfast, feeding, changing, and dressing Dutch, driving to and from church, getting gas, buying bananas at the store, making lunch, eating lunch, reading aloud the entire Treasury of Curious George from cover to cover (192 pages complete with voice impersonations and onomonopia!), putting Dutch down for a nap, paying bills, cleaning the kitchen, putting chicken in the crockpot for dinner…you get the idea.  Of the nine hours I’ve spent awake, only 2.5 of those have been spent doing so-called sacred activities. 

You see my point, and perhaps I’ve belabored it.  We live in the mundane, and to believe that mundane equals secular is to believe that 90% of our life is outside the living, active presence of God.  It’s to believe that most of our life, really, doesn’t matter. 

As we continue to explore this topic, we will see, from Scripture and from the general revelation of God in this world, that all of life is Sacred.  That the mundane is sacred.  That there is a reality more real that that which we see, and that by the grace of God, we can live with spiritual eyes and ears, focused intently, aware of the presence of God in the details of life.  And perhaps we can increase, by minute degrees each day, the portion of our lives that is actively involved in the most thrilling pursuit of life–the pursuit of our great and glorious God. 

Sacred Living

What do I mean by the Sacredness of the Mundane?  The sacredness of the mundane is the call to live a life in which every single facet is supernaturally infused with eternal significance.  As William Paul Young writes, “If anything matters, everything matters.”  It is living with a real, conscious awareness that every breath of our life is important, indeed eternally important.  While we might agree with this on a cerebral level, it is quite another matter to live this way.  Why? Because the mundane rules our lives, and the Evil One has managed to successfully deceive us into thinking that mundane matters are separate from our spiritual life. 

I believe this is the most subtle and dangerous lie we are tempted to believe.  We are daily tempted, subconsiously, to believe it doesn’t really matter, and to live the majority of our lives–the mundane–in one manner, while attempting to progress in our Christian life through other means.  In the words of Paul David Tripp, “If God doesn’t rule your mundane, He doesn’t rule your life.  Because the mundane is where you live.” 

I say that life is infused with eternal significance because we are not the ones who give our life significance.  Material objects and a vast majority of actions and decisions have no moral value.  It is the altar which sanctifies the gift.  Sacred living is nothing more than living a life which is consecrated, or set apart, wholly to Him who alone is Sacred: The Triune God.  A life which has been given over to God (i.e. born again) has been consecrated to Christ and is therefore sacred and holy.  It isn’t a matter of feeling, but rather a matter of fact.  When we consciously decide to embrace sacred living, we are merely acknowledging and embracing what already is.  We are acting in the appropriate manner.  And nothing, absolutely nothing, is more satisfying and rewarding than doing that which you were created to do.   Mundane takes on immeasurable value and limitless potential.  Trials are transformed from obstacles to opportunities.  Life teems with meaning. 

And because life teems with meaning, I am going to leave these thoughts for now and go iron my husband’s shirts.  Because that is pleasing to God and to Jeff. It matters.

LiveDifferent Challenge (39): Where are you going?

So I’ve not yet risen from the ashes of sickness–I’m writing this while lying in bed.  But I couldn’t let too much of 2009 get underway without posting some resolutions.  I like knowing where I’m going, and even though I’m not the one in control, I like being purposeful about the course of my life.  So what about you? Where are you going?

It’s always fun to look at last year’s resolutions (posted here) and while I’d like to say I had 100% success, I didn’t.  But, one significant praise from 2008 is that I CAN see how God graciously allowed me to love more. He challenged me, showed me areas of weakness, and pushed me past some limits.  I’ve so far to go, but I’m not what I once was!  Probably my biggest praise, however, is from 2008 goal to not worry about money.  This was a big one. And what a perfect year to make that a goal, seeing the economic state of our nation!  This is where I saw God work in leaps and bounds in my life.  2008 brought Jeff and me through by far our leanest times, and also by His grace we ended 2008 in probably our most abundant times. And God was so good through it all!!

So if 2008’s banner resolution was the Love More, my 2009 banner Resolution is to Give Thanks Always.  My hope and prayer for 2009 is that my life would be characterized by a firm resolve to give thanks always.  A thankful heart is a humble heart, a thankful heart is a joyful heart.

My husband always says, ungrateful people do not get the gospel. They don’t understand it.  Because if we truly understood the gospel, we would never be ungrateful.  If we truly comprehended the amazing grace, mercy, love, abundance that has been poured out to us in Christ, we would never cease to give thanks to our God, in every single circumstance.  My heart’s greatest desire is that I would be a woman of thanks.  That praise and thanksgiving would flow from my heart.  So that is my prayer for 2009, that thankfulness would characterize my life.

A few other nuts and bolts which pertain to the mundane details of life–the sacredness of the mundane, if you will.  As I recently read, “If God doesn’t rule your mundane, He doesn’t rule your life, because that is where you live.”  Amen!  So, 2009 Goals/Desires…

1. Continue reading through the Bible each year

2. Pray every morning with Jeff before he leaves for work (God help me get out of bed!)

3. Pray & read Bible with Dutch every day (even if just 30 seconds of prayer and one Bible story!)

4. Read 25 books

5. Write a rough draft of The Sacredness of the Mundane.

6. Take kids walking every day that it’s not raining, and get back to pre-pregnancy weight!

7. Graduate with MA from Multnomah!

And a desire (not necessarily in my control): Buy a home in West Linn near our church.

Admittedly #5 is the real beast.  I’ve never written a book.  And I’m attempting it while having two kids in diapers. But hey, you gotta aim for something, right?

So there you have it. Pretty basic stuff.  That’s where I’m headed, I think. How about you? Where are you going?

New Beginnings

As much as I love Christmas, I realize each year that New Year’s might actually be my favorite time of year.  You see, I’m a New Beginnings Girl.  I love new beginnings.  When I was little I remember loving the beginning of the school year, with clean sheets of lined paper, limitless potential.  As I grew older I loved getting a new journal–beautiful cover and delicously blank pages brimming full of possibilities.  And now, even though I can’t remember the last time I wrote something on a piece of paper, I still love starting something new, whether a blog post or a house project (better yet, a new house!) or a new semester of school (ok, actually I’m happy to be done with new semesters of school, at least for now).  That’s why New Year’s is my favorite time of year. 

Unfortunately this year a nasty cold has knocked me flat on my back.  A simple cold seems to augment to monstrous proportions when I’m almost 8-months pregnant.  Everything hurts, I can’t sleep, the house is a shambles, and changing Dutch’s diaper exhausts me of every ounce of energy that I have. So, needless to say I don’t have my usual New Beginning burst of energy, which kind of bums me out because I look forward to it each year. But I couldn’t let today pass without at least writing something…

I just finished the last few chapters of Revelation–a  few hours “late” as I read through the Bible each year and this time I had to finish on Jan 1.  But what stood out to me was that the reason we love New Beginnings is that Jesus is the New Beginning.  And He ends His message to us, in His Word, with a New Beginning.  Our hearts are filled with a heavenly vision of eternity, and we yearn for God to take this world and make it new.  Jesus promises, “Behold, I make all things new” (Rev. 21:5), and in this new beginning there will be no more tears, no more death, no more sickness or mourning or crying or pain.  Now that is a new beginning. 

I don’t have my New Year’s Resolutions formed yet; but those will come soon, as soon as this cloud in my head clears.  RIght now I’m content to dwell on the fact that every new year reminds us that Jesus is the new beginning, and that a day will come when all things will be made new. And it will be great indeed.


LiveDifferent Challenge (38): Smile

A few minutes ago I returned home from a memorial service honoring a truly remarkable woman.  Becky, whose life was cut short on Christmas Eve, touched an amazing number of people in her mere 50 years on this earth.  I could share a hundred LiveDifferent Challenges from her life–giving to others, persevering, keeping perspective, serving Christ powerfully in a secular environment.  But you know what stood out to me the most during the service?  Becky’s Smile. 

During the service a continual slideshow of pictures was played, for nearly 2 hours.  Ranging from childhood to wedding pics to her last few months of battling cancer, complete with bald head and hospital beds.  Not all of them were glamour shots, but one thing was present in every single one: Becky’s Smile. 

Becky always smiled

Some people hide from cameras.  Because of extra weight, bad hair days, or just other random insecurities, many of us shy away from photos, always try to get in the back of a group picture, and give a reluctant smile that clearly communicates, “I hate that you’re taking my picture because I”m so self-conscious but I’ll grimace so as to not be too rude.”  Becky was no such person.  In every single photo, even the ones that I’m sure most of us would have wanted to burn if they were of us, in every single photo she looked straight into the camera and smiled with every ounce of her being.  Her face said, in every single picture, “Praise God for life.” 

And she didn’t just smile for pictures.  In the 13 years that I knew Becky, she always smiled.  She was no clown, she was a tough, serious-minded woman who knew sorrow, pain, and trial.  But she looked in the face of evil and smiled.  Why? Because she knew whom she had believed.  She knew it’s gonna be worth it. 

I’m challenged by Becky’s life in many ways, and perhaps this small way is not the most significant.  But then again, it is significant.  I’m challenged to never refuse to have my picture taken.  I’m challenged to smile my biggest toothiest grin and squeeze my son tight or lay a big kiss on my husband.  I’m challenged to quit thinking about whether I look fat or my eyes are closed or I’m standing in a way that makes my hips look wide (because they just are–it’s not the way I’m standing!).  I’m challenged to just look into that camera–and into life–and smile a smile that reaches to my toes.  Becky’s smile has touched my life. And I pray mine can touch others as well. 

“Strength and dignity are her clothing,And she smiles at the future.”  Prov. 31:25 

Only confidence in Christ can free us to face the future–and yes, even death–and smile.


In one of Dutch’s books, a little girl shares how sometimes she feels happy, sometimes she feels sad, and often she feels “happy-sad”.  It’s that emotion we all know so well that is mixed–happy over one aspect of life and yet tugging sorrow remains.  Today I’ve felt happy-sad.  I am rejoicing that it is Christmas time!  I am rejoicing that my family is here, that my precious little Heidi is healthy and kicking like crazy, that my little son’s burns are healing amazingly. I’m so excited about CHristmas, sharing the next few days with my favorite people in the world.  And yet, this past week has been one tinged with sorrow.  Two of my friends have each lost a baby in the past week.  They are grieving in ways I cannot even imagine. Then this morning we heard that a dear woman, a family friend, went to be with Jesus … far too early.  It seems odd to think of celebrating, singing Christmas carols and sipping cider, knowing that those close to us are hurting beyond measure.

I put Dutch down for his nap and went to take a nap. My eyes were burning with fatigue and my body ached.  Family will be over any minute but I needed to rest.  And as I lay there, thinking about all this, I kept asking God what the right response is.  How do we embrace this Christmas without forgetting the pain that’s around us, fresh and raw?  I thought of the words of one of my favorite Christmas songs by Mercy Me:  “How could heaven’s heart not break on the day that You came?”  Yes.  Of course. Of course the day Jesus came was one of infinite joy. And yet in the cradle we see the cross.  He came to die.  Tears of joy mingled with tears of sorrow, for He would overcome the world but it would cost Him everything.

And then I thought of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18:

“But we do not want yout to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope.  For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep.  For this we declare to you by a word from the Lord, that we who are alive shall not precede those who have falen asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a cry of comman, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.  Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.  Therefore comfort one another with these words.

And chapter 5:16:

“Rejoice always.” 

Rejoicing may not always look like head-tossed-back laughter. It may take a quieter form.  Today I will rejoice by savoring and cherishing the most precious people in my life–my family.  Today I will listen, love, embrace, hold nothing back.  I will savor every second God gives us together.  And remember that we will be united, forever, and will always be with the Lord, for nothing can separate us from the love of God.  Merry Christmas.



An Unexpected Blessing

So, because I’ve committed to being real with you, it means I must share the real parts of life, little unimportant details that somehow are hugely important.  Today was an unexpected blessing. On the heels of my little “When Plans Change” lesson to myself, I was determined to just go with whatever happened.  To our amazement (and yes, horror) Jeff’s dad and step-mom and step-grandma decided on a crazy whim this morning to drive home to California in their little 2WD rental car.  How curious it was to see the roles reversed, Jeff on the phone with his dad, trying to convince him to be safe, checking if they had chains, reminding them to charge their cell phone.  It was actually sort of humorous.  Anyway, they are off.  Then we found out that — hooray! — as of right now my brother and family are flying in tonight at 10pm and Jeff’s mom and step-dad will arrive on Saturday. 

So a mixture of ultra-cabin-fever from being in the house for more than a week, and the extra 25 lbs. of pregnancy weight, the inability to buy new clothes, and the fact that I haven’t gotten my hair done in WAY too long gave me the wild idea that since Jeff was staying home today maybe I could find some salon that was open, and by some crazy chance get a hair appointment.  At 10am I called a place in West Linn who said I could come at 10:45.  Jeff, my hero, loaded up the car with Dutch, toys, and snacks, and drove me there, then took Dutch over to his grandma’s house and spent the morning blessing her (she hadn’t been out of the house in WEEKS) by letting Dutch play, then drove her to the grocery store so she coud stock up on food.  Then he drove back and picked me up after my morning of luxurious solitude, and made me feel like a supermodel with my new highlights.  As we bumped home in the snow I just had to thank God for the unexpected blessing–I know it meant the world to his grandma to see Dutch, and it meant the world to me to get some pampering time alone.  I prayed and hoped God would bless him for his selfless love.

…And I think He did. Just now Jeff got a phone call from a friend seeing if he wanted to go to a Blazer game tonight!  He hasn’t been to a Blazer game in more than 10 years!  So yeah…needless to say he was bouncing around like a kid in a candy store.

All that to say that today has been a day of unexpected blessings.  Perhaps not all changes of plans are bad after all… 🙂


When Plans Change

Needless to say, us Portlanders have all had a few change of plans recently.  Our church was cancelled last week due to crazy amounts of snow.  All week we adjusted, cancelled, switched things around.  Saturday instead of a lazy day relaxing at home we were in the ER all morning with our poor burn-victim son, then changing guaze pads and wrapping Dutch’s little blistered arm.  Sunday we miraculously made it to church, after Jeff spent an entire HOUR de-icing the car.  It literally had an inch thick of solid ice encasing the entire thing–I’ve never seen anything like it.  Realizing that that wasn’t going to be fun every morning, and since our garage is too short for our car, Jeff got creative and moved everything around and managed to park diagonally in our garage! He has to crawl in through the passenger door in order to get to the driver’s seat, but at least there’s no more de-icing! 

Needless to say the huge 2nd birthday party for Dutch was widdled down to just my parents and Jeff’s dad and step-mom and step-grandma who flew up last week from California.  And the snow was coming down so hard and they were so afraid of getting stuck that we moved up the time, skipped Dutch’s nap, then raced through dinner, cake, and presents in record speed. 

Today Jeff braved the 20 inches of snow and went to work, only to work a few hours and then take other staff members home who had no other way!  Tonight we had to go buy new guaze and wrapping materials for Dutch’s arm, which took 1.5 hours since most pharmacies were closed.  Jeff’s dad and step-mom and step-grandma were supposed to fly back to California this morning, but are now stuck, as PDX is closed, and can’t fly out until the 27th!  They’re pretty bummed, stuck in their hotel room for an extra five days, missing their own holiday plans with their own family.  My brother and his wife and daughter, scheduled to arrive today from Utah, now are told their flight won’t be rescheduled until the 27th as well…and I was counting down the hours until I’d get to see them.   Jeff’s mom and step-dad, who had wanted to be here as well, are stuck in Bend until the weather clears.  Basically, we have family desperately trying to come see us and family desperately trying to leave us! 🙂  Our holidays plans are all on hold; church services are TBA.  We’re still planning to meet Christmas Eve…but we use the word “plan” pretty loosely these days. 

This morning I read through the book of James.   Chapter 4:13-14 stood out to me.

“Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit” — yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring.  What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.”

Now I dare say it’s not sin to make holiday plans…and this is by far the worst snow storm we’ve had in my lifetime; so it’s no wonder we’re all caught unawares.  But it just reminded me that I need to continue to hold every “tomorrow” with an open hand.  I was actually doing great all weekend, rolling with the punches of the ER, the weather, the birthday changes. I always think it’s kind of fun when crazy weather hits–it feels like a huge adventure.  Besides, we have power, warm water, and plenty of food–no complaints!  But today I started to get bummed as I thought about our holidays plans evaporating the way I wish our snow would!  My heart was set on our whole family coming to WCC’s special Christmas Eve service.  I wanted so badly for them to see “our world”.  For the first time, Jeff and I were getting to host Christmas Eve, and I had everything planned and ready. Our tree is beautiful. The house is decorated.  I’m stocked up on cider and a freezer full of Christmas cookies. I’ve been aching to see my brother and his family so bad.  So I admit, today I finally felt deflated.  Deflated because plans change.

Pastor Joel talked about this very thing yesterday at church. I actually didn’t get to hear the sermon because there were so few people there at church that there was no childcare, and Dutch was the only nursery-age kid there, so Jeff and I took turns sitting out with him and reading books. He held him during worship so I could play the djembe (he kept calling “mama” and wanting to run on stage), and I took him during the sermon.  But just hearing Jeff’s summary of the message ministered to my heart. 

Pastor Joel talked about how Joseph and Mary, a  young couple engaged to be married, probably just wanted a normal life. They were probably excited for their wedding, making plans, looking forward to their life together, perhaps children, establishing their life.  And Gabriel changed everything.  A simple change of plans.  Plans changed because God wanted to do more than give them a simple happy life. He wanted to save the world through them.  God ruined their plans to save the world.  O how grateful we are that God changed their plans!!!   O how grateful I am that Mary and Joseph didn’t just get to get married and lead a normal life.  O how eternally grateful. 

And so it reminds me today that “tomorrow” is never certain, and that God might want to change our plans to save the world.  Ok perhaps Messiah might not be coming in this snowstorm, but God might be doing something far greater than my fun holiday plans.  And I’m reminded to pay attention, because God might just be at work when plans change. 

Happy Birthday Dear Son

On my “Last Year This Week” section, I see the post entitled “My Son Turns One”.  I remember that huge sense of relief I felt when Dutch turned one.  It was like Jeff and I turned to each other and went, “Whew. We made it.  He’s still alive.”  That first year is so full of emotions and innumerable firsts.  It’s like you arrive at the first year finish line exhausted and weary and so thankful the crazy little munchkin is somehow still alive despite your own stupidity and ignorance.  Somehow they survive that inevitable falling off the bed (three times in Dutch’s case), peeing in their own face (ok at least Dutch did that), and eating something you later find out is strictly off limits until one year of age (strawberries in Dutch’s case). 

Two feels a little different.  It feels less like a relief and more like a preparation for a coming train. Instead of looking at eachother and saying, “Whew. We made it. He’s still alive.”  We look at each other and say, “Oh no. He’s two. Will we survive?”  The funny thing about two is that now Dutch is his own person.  Of course I’m stil his mommy who determines what he eats and wears, but now Dutch is in the gradual process of becoming his own little person.  Changing diapers and breastfeeding is really pretty easy when you think about it…disciplining, shaping character, and shepherding a child’s heart is another story.  The stakes get higher and higher.  I’ve never felt so inadequate in my life.  I’ve never felt so desperate for God’s grace and wisdom to somehow lead us every day.  My prayers over Dutch at night have transitioned from routine and well-formed to a desperate exhaling, a plea and cry for help from the One who is faithful to answer. 

I’m also more aware than ever that I have no guarantees how long I have my precious son. This weekend has seemed to be full of tragedy from every angle.  Tremendous loss has touched so many dear people in my life.  And I’m also aware that I will blink and Dutch will be grown.  I’m sure he will make obligatory calls to his mother, visiting at holidays and perhaps even kissing the top of my head from his own lofty height.  But someday I’ll no longer hear the cry “Mama mama!” as he runs through the hall. I won’t get to smell his amazing little kitten breath when I wake him up and kiss his face a dozen times.  My back won’t ache from picking him up 100 times a day.  I will no longer have Richard Scarry memorized.  I’m thankful for days like this, which help me remember that this incredibly short season is precious beyond words.  I pray for the grace to cherish it. 

So happy birthday, son.  I treasure you beyond words.  I could never imagine a son who would make me more proud.  I am honored to be your Mommy.  I love you little monkey.