The best sight-seeing, the kind that needs no camera

Yes, there’s Big Ben. Crown Jewels. Tower of London.

The Glasgow Cathedral was breath-taking (pictured above).

But by far the best sight-seeing we’ve done has been seeing the fingerprints of God on the lives of His people.

We knew this would be. Before we came I prayed that God would give us more than experiences but that He would give us encounters. Encounters with Him and encounters with people.  But in every conversation about our trip it seemed to focus on the sights. What would we see, where would we tour, what attractions of London would we make sure and not miss. But right away on this trip God reminded us very clearly that the most spectacular sight we’d see would be His people.

He reminded us in a funny way.

At 30,000 feet above sea level, somewhere over the Atlantic ocean, we looked at each other and realized,

“We forgot the camera.”

Yes, laugh if you will. We traveled to Europe and left our camera sitting on the kitchen counter, because we’d been taking video of our kids right before we left for the airport. So we shrugged our shoulders and decided we better just live every moment. We better just enter in to every moment and live it.

So that’s what we’re doing.

After sleeping in until 10am on Monday (we had been running nonstop since we left the US on Thursday), we then sat for hours with our missionary friends Scotty & Monica Burns over breakfast. Hearing stories, testimonies, amazing tales of God’s hand on their church-planting work in Glasgow. I had tears in my eyes, amazed all over again at the greatness of our God. Knowing that God brought me here, across the Atlantic ocean to build my faith. Just to remind me how big He is.

Then we came out to Renfrew to stay with different missionary friends, Brian & Shauna Luse, and were floored all over again, in a completely different way, of seeing God’s hand and grace all over their lives. After their children (five of them who were deilghtful and won my heart) were in bed, we too sat up for hours, laughing, sharing, built up in our faith and amazed at our great God who works in Renfrew, Scotland and West Linn, Oregon all at the same time.

Then we came to London and it continued.

Yesterday we slated the entire day for touring Oxford University, then found out that our Business Pastor’s two daughters and sons-in-law would be there as well, two of whom we’d never met. We wound up spending the entire day with them and their three kids, touring this historic and stunning campus, climbing towers and hiking miles and meandoring along CS Lewis’ contemplative path and even going to their home to share dinner together. Again, an entire day spent with these people we didn’t even know turned out remarkable. Amazing “small world” connections (turns out we lived in the same dorms at the same time in college!), beautiful shared moments, laughter, generosity, kindness. Miles spent holding their children’s hands down narrow cobblestone roads.  Even a bit carrying their newborn daughter in a front-pack. Fellowship and enouragment. Joy and generosity.

You can’t capture that with a camera.

Yes, we took a few pictures with their cameras and we’ll print them at home and tuck away so we can reminisce down the road, but those kind of encounters cannot be contained in a picture. It made me ask myself,

How often have I tried to capture something instead of just living it?

You know me, I’m all for memorial stones, for remembering, for looking back. What I mean, though, is maybe we’re so quick to document it (or tweet it or post it to facebook) that the encounter is premature. Not even fully experienced, or encountered.

Of course it’s a beautiful balance, right? The art and skill living. Many times our experiences are what enable encounters to happen. And our documenting and capturing things can actually enhance the moment, sometimes. But I’m thankful for the chance to just live this time in Europe and focus on the most spectacular sight of all – God’s beauty shown through the life of His people.

You likely have the same spectacular sights …

Right where you are.

Thanks for reading, friends. And thank you for your prayers … it’s been a glorious time.

2 Samuel 21: Make it right

I read an interesting and, quite honestly, rather disturbing portion of scripture this morning.  Second Samuel chapeter 21 gives an account of how David avenges the Gibeonites, righting Saul’s wrong.

There’s a famine in the land for two years so “David sought the face of the LORD,” basically saying, “Uh, something’s not right here. What’s going on?”  and the LORD said, “There is bloodguilt on Saul and on his house, because he put the Gigeonites to death.”

Now, the Gibeonites are a curious group.  When Joshua and his guys first inhabited the promise land, the Gibeonites got scared that they’d get wiped out, so they pretended to be from a land far far away, wearing old worn out clothes and bringing moldy bread, and asked the Israelites to make a treaty with them and deal kindly with them. The Israelites didn’t seek the Lord to ask His counsel, but made the treaty, and then and only then discovered that the rascals were their next door neighbors that the Lord had intended for them to destroy.

So, basically what they had done was agree to share their promised land with these tricksters for all time.  And because God honors a vow, the treaty would last for all time. Never were they to slaughter the Gibeonites. Well, Saul, who is famous for not following directions very well, had put some Gibeonites to death during his reign.  We’re talking a long time ago. David wasn’t even around then so it obviously wasn’t his fault.  So it kind of seems strange that God’s allowing this famine because of a sin that some dead king did a long time ago.  So David goes to the Gibeonites and asks them, “How can I make it right by you?” and they respond that they want some of Saul’s blood.

So, David agrees to avenge the Gibeonites by executing seven descendents of Saul.

Wait, what?

That’s the part that really trips me up.  So these seven men, grandsons of King Saul, who probably didn’t even know the guy that much, are executed because of some stupid thing their grandpa did? That’s harsh.  So I’m not going there, but the point seems to be that sin is a big deal, and often requires restitution.

Now we know we’ve been bought and redeemed by Christ, but I wonder if there is a principle here for us?  Because when David did that, and avenged the Gibeonites, it says, “And after that God responded to the plea for the land” v. 14.  Hm.

Who do I need to avenge?

I just wonder if maybe God thinks it’s important for us to be mindful of ways that we need to make things right.  So I prayed and asked God if there was anything I needed to make right, so that a spiritual famine would not take place in my life.

I was reminded of two things:  Jeff and I had decided to support some certain missionaries several months prior but then things got super busy and crazy, and I realized that we never followed through and called the mission agency.  That might seem small, but if those missionaries were counting on our contribution, we were essentially robbing them, not letting our yes be yes.  This passage showed me that in order to make it right, we should not just start now, but pay back the months we’d neglected.  In essence, righting the wrong we’d overlooked.

Secondly, God brought to mind a very difficult relational/business situation we’ve been in. The other person, through an amazing change of heart, chose to bless us.  We have an opportunity to make a pretty significant choice to bless her back, and in light of this passage, I think any measure is worth being upright before God and man.  Thankfully we don’t have to find anyone’s sons and have them hanged.

I know Old Testament passages like this can be confusing. I still don’t understand why God would let those seven men die for sins they didn’t commit. But I also know He sees stuff I don’t. But what I love is when those old dusty musty stories come alive with conviction and truth for today.  Because He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  And now I need to go, I have some checks to write, some ways to make it right.

[From the archives, May 2009]

Are there any things that come to mind that have perhaps slipped by that you can make right today? A follow up, a phone-call, the simple words, “I’m sorry”? It feels so good to keep a short account with God! Thanks for reading.


(in)courage — You: Entrusted, Never Skimmed

Greetings from the Scotland! It is a very exciting day, and I’m so thrilled you’re here to join us for it. Many thanks for your prayers for the Single-Minded conference in London this past weekend. God is ever-faithful and these blessed Brits have been gracious, eager, and inspiring in their faith. We arrived in Scotland last night and are enjoying time with some missionary friends in Glasgow and Renfrew.

We also have the joy of extended our virtual arms and embracing more sweet sisters over at (in)courage today. Will you bring your cup of coffee and come on over there with me today? Here’s a little glimpse of what we’re talking about … (Thank you, friends, for reading)

I confess, sometimes I skim.

When posts are really long, I’m breezing through the bold-ed lines. When I’m trudging through 2 Chronicles I’m employing my speed-reading skills and skimming those genealogies to the glory of God! No shame in that. In an information-overload world, we have to skim things to survive.

But what about when we’re the thing that’s skimmed? … [the rest over at (in)courage …]

A Sunday Blessing

“But let all who take refuge in You rejoice;

let them ever sing for joy,

and spread your protection over them,

that those who love Your name may exult in You.

For You bless the righteous, O Lord;

You cover him with favor as with a shield.”

Psalm 5:11-12


Praying this for you today. Today we finish up the {Single-Minded} conference and fly to Glasgow, Scotland to visit missionaries and friends. Thank you for your prayers! Bless your Sunday, and thanks for reading.

Week's end with thanks

  • Kids making a feast of mud-and-pebble-pies — the recipe only calls for one ingredient: imagination.
  • Visit from my discipler/friend Elisa! Able to show her our “world,” WCC church family, our home, friends. Rich blessing!
  • Her homemade potato salad. Who knew potato salad could be so GOOD?!
  • Seeing the quick fruit of discipline.
  • Exhorted to rest. Receiving it.
  • Making a list. Checking it twice.
  • Heidi’s first ponytail … my girl is growing up!
  • Dutch resting his head on my shoulder.
  • New birthday playlist on my ipod–love getting new worship music!
  • Singing.
  • Quilts.
  • Coconut-chicken soup.
  • Fresh greens.
  • God giving wisdom.
  • How God divinely orchestrates meetings, relationships, messages.
  • Godly girls seeking Him.
  • Surrender.
  • Smashing idols.
  • Trying to run again.
  • West Linn track.
  • Nights at home.
  • Sick little boy = extra snuggles for mommy.
  • On couch with my man, laps topped with screens and keys, studying together. It’s what we’ve been doing together for a decade. We always studied together, even before we were “we” …
  • Snuggling on the floor with my girl. Curled up under blanket, camping.
  • Crumbling over this post.
  • Too many prayer requests to count; abundant opportunities for grace and provision.
  • HUGE juicy mangos (at 2/$1, really a gift!).
  • Wednesday morning prayer.
  • Playing My-Little-Ponies with Heidi. The very same ponies I played with almost 30 years ago.
  • Returning from a run with fists full of wildflowers.
  • Dutch’s fascination with George Müller.
  • London packing list.
  • Our ambition of only taking a small carry-on bag. We’ll see how we do.
  • Counters lined with fresh organic fruit — gotta love a sale!
  • Dutch’s love for tomatoes — eats them like apples.
  • Rosemary and eucalyptus essential oils.
  • Family night.
  • Family walk to sunset park.
  • Sweatshirts and socks on cold mornings.
  • Nyquil.
  • The Message.
  • Closed doors.
  • Opened doors.
  • Three days at Riversong.
  • Clear blue sky and sunshine for Jeff’s birthday. All day spent outside, kids splashing in wading pool, making mud pies, tinkering in Papa’s shop.
  • New wooden bat for Dutch hand-made by Daddy on the lathe.
  • Heidi learning to jump rope just like mommy. Hysterical.
  • “Happy birthday Jeff” written in chalk on the driveway. Not by me, but by my dad.
  • A humorous common theme among Jeff’s gifts from others: beef jerky, a box of sugary cereal, a canister of peanuts, a box of nerds … what, do you think Jeff’s wife doesn’t let him have those things at home?? 🙂
  • Watching people love on my man. He is so loved and I’m so glad.
  • Exceeding kindness from a Multnomah professor.
  • Studying for London in a lawn chair, stack of commentaries by my side, bottle of water, warm sun.  Pinching myself. Do I really get to do this??
  • Kids bouncing on mini-trampoline.
  • Pink and blue beach balls chased around the yard.
  • Parenting frustration turned to insight — God is brilliant! So thankful He helps us by His spirit.
  • Sound of river.
  • Prayer.
  • Trust.
  • Steak dinner. Birthday pie. True Grit. Happy husband.
  • A beautiful day.
  • Melon shampoo. Two clean delicious children.
  • Combing Heidi hair. Wet curls springing up.
  • Being tired. The good kind.
  • Watching a movie with my favorite men in the world on either side of me. Love my dad, love my man.
  • Signing off.
  • Psalm 62.

Week's end with thanks

  • Afternoon on back deck, kids splashing in sprinkler, mommy laughing, watching, sneaking a few pages of reading in here and there.
  • Day of tilling, hoeing, raking. Sweat and sunshine, ice water and ice cream.
  • Eighty-four degrees!
  • A hint of sunburn.
  • Sunday morning worship with my WCC fam.
  • Kids bursting through church doors and running free in the field. I remember that feeling.
  • Coffee.
  • Walk to the park, perfectly timed to include neighbor-friend.
  • Arrival at park — surprise! — house showing in less than an hour. In a bind. Friends come through. Watch kids at part for me, lend me a car to zip home and clean the house. Forty-five sweaty minutes later house is ready, back with kids. So thankful for grace.
  • NOT getting pulled over by the police officer who followed oh-so-close as I was racing home in my friend’s car, without a license. Haven’t prayed that hard in a long time.
  • Visit with new friend.
  • Visit with old friend.
  • Answers to prayer in tangible ways.
  • Little boy running around in Lightening McQueen underwear.
  • Afternoon sunshine.
  • Hum of dryer.
  • Scent of eucalyptus.
  • Creativity.
  • Creative cloth diapers when I ran out of plastic. Necessity remains the mother of invention.
  • Funny Community Group video.
  • All of our miniature diaper-clad “contributors” to small group discussion.
  • My favorite frugal dinner: Lentil skillet.
  • Green tea.
  • Flowers all abloom, finally happy.
  • Last minute Pump-It-Up playdate.
  • An amazing reader who chose to generously share her life and belongings with us. Heidi-boo is blessed indeed.
  • So many prayer requests: Opportunities for God to flex His muscles on our behalf.
  • Words of wisdom from a beautiful mom here.
  • Generous link from Jamie Martin of Simple Homeschool.
  • Circle of Moms.
  • Toy lawnmower, happy boy.
  • Early morning birthday run and coffee date with friend. Her gift of presence, love, words. It felt like the best birthday ever before 8am!
  • Embrace and smile from my man.
  • Kids sleeping in — long, hot shower.
  • Washing my hair for the first time in…hm… can’t remember when! 🙂
  • Kind kind words and birthday wishes on facebook.
  • Many house showings, keeping me on my toes!
  • Amazing weather for my birthday — a true sunkiss from God.
  • Walk to the park in the morning sun.
  • A practical WCC reunion at the park–so many wonderful ladies converge in that place. So thankful to be surrounded by such joy, friendship, love.
  • Starbucks, nail polish, Plato’s Closet GC. 🙂
  • A huge beautiful bouquet waiting on my doorstep. Little angels all around me.
  • Birkenstocks arriving. Ok, these things are way bigger, wider, and bulkier than I had imagined. Kind of feel like I’m wearing snowshoes…but they are comfortable and that is a gift!
  • Beautiful hand-made necklace, perfect for a date with my man.
  • A little friend over for the afternoon with Dutch. She and Dutch are the best little buds and she has such a calming effect on Dutch! Can I arrange a marriage??
  • Dutch spontaneously breaking into the Happy Birthday song.
  • Little 3-year-old Brendan singing to me at the park.
  • Fountain! Kids love water!
  • Heidi playing with the big girls. She’s quite the soccer player!
  • Birthday dinner out with my man at Seasons and Regions. Oregonians are so blessed with delicious local food!
  • Afternoon spent with Caila from California — amazing disciple/friend/sister-in-Christ.
  • Datenight with Cody Paskins. He whooped me at Candyland. 🙂
  • Handmade notecards.
  • Flora & Fauna stickers!
  • Body butter.
  • Handmade summer dress for Heidi from LittleBooBoutique.
  • Too tired to write more gifts…but there are so many more!
  • Strength to bow.
  • Eyes to see.
  • Grace to rise.
  • Hands to raise.
  • Praise.

Week's end with thanks

  • Hike up the Molalla River Corridor with my man. Hardy Creek washes up memories of four-years-ago, when we lived in another world and did that all the time. Mud squishes beneath our feet and trees tower above our heads.
  • Gift of sunshine that lasts just long enough.
  • Clean home.
  • Day of rest with Papa & Oma.
  • Fresh salmon dinner.
  • Delicious new salad dressing, inexpensive and healthy: drizzle olive oil and white vinegar over salad, then sprinkle with seasoned salt. YUM.
  • Fifteen pounds of organic carrots. Thanks, Dani!

  • Eating our way through thirty pounds of organic Fuji apples. So delicious!
  • Fitness finally.
  • Both kids peeing on the side of the road. You gotta do what you gotta do. (It was in the country!)
  • Dutch: “Mommy, who am I going to marry?”
  • Dutch: “Mommy, I’m going to help you learn about God. God loves you. Sometimes you forget that, but you need to know that.”
  • Battlefield of the Mind.
  • I’d Trade My Husband for a Housekeeper. (Not as bad as it sounds!)
  • Watching a dear family in church. History paints beauty.
  • A well-timed message: learning to abide in the stillness.
  • Single-Minded Conference. Getting so excited!

  • Beautiful Memorial Day, my man at home. Glimpses of sunshine, working in the yard. Organic heirloom tomato plants planted, lawn aerated, all ready for someone to buy this beautiful place!
  • Community Group BBQ. I just love these people … laughter, love, friends new and old. A place to just be.
  • Kids playing well together.
  • Heidi flirting with Derek. Uh oh.
  • Getting re-inspired in the healthy-eating department by this article.
  • Foot problems forcing me to buy Birkenstocks!  Uh oh. Composting, gardening, organic food, homemade household products — I’m kind of borderline hippie.  I promise you I will not quit wearing deodorant.  Oh, and I drive an SUV, that disqualifies me for sure.
  • Weeping over a blog post. Thank you, Ann.
  • My man who listens, really listens.  He is a gift every day.
  • This amazing moment listening to children’s worship music, looking over and seeing Dutch & Heidi sitting together reading the Bible. On their own! Sharing, “reading”, turning pages together. I didn’t want to breath for fear of shattering the moment. So precious. I love those bugs.
  • Dutch dancing to worship music.
  • Dutch announcing, “Mommy, I became a Christian!”  He said he prayed, “Jesus, I give you myself,” when he was in bed all by himself. Don’t know if it’s “real” but it’s pretty precious nonetheless! Will just keep fanning that little flame.
  • Sunflower seeds.
  • Fruit water.
  • Keifer
  • End-of-year women’s ministry dinner. Overwhelmed by love. Amazed by grace. Inspired all afresh to do this thing called ministry. Love those women.
  • Two kiddos dr. appointments, 5 shots, 3 hours, and a grocery trip later and both kids still smiling. Miracle.
  • Cody & Dutch’s theological conversation: “Jesus is God’s MIDDLE name.”
  • Trader Joe’s miniature carts.
  • Trader Joe’s free coffee samples.
  • Crockpot chili.
  • Community garden with a friend. So fun!
  • Missionaries heading to Papua. Amazed and inspired by them.
  • Day in the backyard, playing t-ball with kids.
  • Washing windows.
  • Cheerful chores.
  • Afternoon in the front, my man and I lounging in sunshine with books.
  • Neighbors.
  • Pulling weeds.
  • Slight sunburn.
  • Fancy Nancy.
  • Warm breeze.
  • Re-training my mind.
  • Leaning on my man.
  • Falling into grace.
  • Finding hope in Christ alone.