GIVE: Bang for your buck
Continued from yesterday’s guest post…
I want to consider a few objections to international giving:
1. “But we have poor right here in America”
When we refer to the “poor” in America, this is generally a form of relative poverty, rather than absolute poverty. Relative poverty means that you have less than those around you (perhaps embarrasing, but not usually life threatening). As I mentioned before, there is so much freely available commodities in america (free water at drinking fountains, free bathrooms, freed food at various missions, and even legitimate food in dumpsters), it is almost unrealistic to even classify anyone as living in absolute poverty in America.
Now there are real problems of hunger in America. It would be naive to consider the UN poverty level of $1.25 a day as appropriate across all countries. Basic necessities are simply much costlier in America. People really are in need here, that can’t be denied, but when faced with the comparison of needs, the reality is that poverty we see in America is not commiserate with the poverty in the third world counties.
The higher monetary levels of food and trading in America leads to another important consideration: Not only do the poorest of the world live outside the US, but due to exchange rates and currency inequalities, we actually have far greater purchasing power of relief and development supplies overseas than we do here.
The US dollar can buy vastly more food in Africa and southern Asia than it can in the US. Given the option between spending your dollar to feed ten people vs feeding one person, why aren’t we choosing the former?
This is a serious question that deserves real consideration. Why does someone choose to meet the needs of someone who is close in proximity when the same funds can serve the needs of many that are further away? It seems the most noble answer would simply be ignorance and lack of consideration or apathy. A far more frightening and disturbing possibility is that we actually consider the life of an American worth more than the lives of a several from other countries. Could we really be following such a sick and detestable form of racism, dressed up in nationalistic pride or worse, religious-based supremacy?
Could we really be claiming that American lives are worth more than foreigners? It seems there are immigration and international affair decisions that suggest that we do.
This inequality is taken for granted in journalism; the death of one American is considered to be equivalent to the death of 10 Europeans or 100 Africans in terms of newsworthiness. It is one thing to apply this concept to printing newspaper, it is far more troubling when this dictates who gets the basic essentials for survival.
{Challenged with you… thanks so much for considering these things. More tomorrow…}
GIVE: Where?
“And let our people learn to devote themselves to good works, so as to help cases of urgent need, and not be unfruitful.”
Titus 3:14
I recently received this email from a reader:
Every day, I get donation requests from several ministries/missions – each seems like a great cause. The problem is, how to pick which to give to and how much??? After every “pay day”, I sit here, going through/praying through my stack of letters trying to figure out how God would have me stewart finances toward these.
I believe that as we submit every dollar to God in prayer He will make it clear where He wants His resources to go, but may I also share a 3-part guest post from my brother, a godly elder and man passionate for God’s glory and for helping people:
About 1.7 billion people live in absolute Poverty.
Poverty is the inability to meet basic human needs, such as clean water, nutrition, health care, education, clothing and shelter due to insufficient finances. The United Nations defines poverty as living on less $1.25 (US Dollars) per day (less than $465 per year). About 18 million per year (a third of the deaths in the world) are a result of poverty-related causes. But the real tragedy is the fact that this continues when there are abundant resources to alleviate this suffering. There are plenty of disturbing comparisons of the relative ease with which we bring relief compared to the things which we spend money on here in the states.
For example, the most extreme poverty in the world could be eliminated with the amount we spend on ice cream in America, and the cost to bring clean drinking water to most of the worlds poor is less than we spend on our pets in America.
America gives about 0.1% of US GNP to overseas relief, making it one of the least generous developed countries on the planet. The United Nations has long had a goal of 0.7% of Gross Domestic Product, although in 2005 they dropped this to 0.5% since only four countries were achieving the goal (and America obviously wasn’t even close).
Of course these statistics are nothing new, but I wanted to share them as a defense of international giving as a priority over domestic charitable causes. Currently the charitable donations in the US total about $250-300 billion per year. Less than 10% of that goes internationally (and about 20% of that goes to military funding). However, basically all of those living in absolute poverty are outside of America. America doesn’t even keep statistics on UN defined absolute
poverty because the UN poverty line is so far below the lowest income levels and freely accesible resources. It is difficult to avoid even tripping over $1.25 worth of commodities in a day in America. If the overwhelming majority of the needs are overseas, why does international giving comprise such a small part of our giving?
To be clear, I am not suggesting that it is wrong to give domestically. I certainly wouldn’t discourage local giving. But everyone of us are people of limited resources. We can only give so much.
If the purpose of your giving is just to satisfy some religious obligation or clear your conscience, than I guess it doesn’t matter where you give it. If the purpose of your giving is to make a real tangible difference in people’s lives, why not look for how your monies can make the biggest impact for those that need it most?
FAQs tomorrow. Thanks for reading!
GIVE: hope to little girls
School has started!
This morning I sat on my couch, snuggled next to Dutch & Heidi, and did another lesson from Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. What a great resource! Dutch mostly has the hang of reading, but now Heidi is picking up on the letters, sounds, and sight-words as she follows along with Dutch. I love seeing how much more quickly she’ll will be able to read since she has the privilege of sitting through all of Dutch’s lessons!
This past weekend I joined women from the south Portland area for a women’s retreat, where I had the joy of teaching God’s Word. I’ve spent the past few weeks poring over scripture. Writing it out, copying it, praying over it, studying it. It still amazes me the power of God’s pure word.
Today I kept thinking, How different would my life be if I couldn’t read? What if I couldn’t teach my children? Couldn’t go out in the world and read signs, warnings, sale ads? What if I couldn’t read God’s Word? What if I had no written intake whatsoever to encourage me, instruct me, empower me?
Of course here in the U.S. that’s unthinkable. We have a 99% literacy rate. But in developing countries many women (more than 33% in Asia) can’t read and have no resources to learn. This lack of education not only prevents them from reading and understanding God’s Word, it keeps them bound in poverty, making them especially susceptible to sex-trafficking. In Half the Sky, (PLEASE read!) the authors discovered that one of the most powerful ways to prevent girls from being sold into slavery was to provide them education. Going into brothels and “freeing” girls was only a temporary fix. Without education and opportunity, they would often willingly go back to the life of slavery, since they had no other options. Educating girls proved both to prevent girls from ending up in slavery and helped keep them out, once freed.
Is education an absolute essential? No. Of course providing clean water, shelter, food, and medicine will always be a great route when deciding where you give overseas. But by teaching girls to read we’re giving them not just a hand out but a hand up, the ability to escape the bondage of poverty and victimization and help other women do the same.
I guess the best thing to ask is: To what lengths am I willing to go to ensure my own kids get the very best education and step-up in this world? I know I would go to crazy lengths, and am committed to their education even though it costs us significant time and money.
Could we do the same for them, just a bit? They are God’s beautiful daughters, just as ours are. Just as I get so excited to see Heidi grow and learn and be a strong, smart, capable, bright little girl, I pray God helps us care and genuinely love these precious girls who–with our help–can escape sex-slavery and grow to know, love, and follow Him.
So as you help your little ones learn this year, would you consider giving a gift so other little girls can read as well? GFA has some awesome literacy programs, you can read, watch and donate HERE. Perhaps you might just take the cost of one book that you might buy ($10) and donate that toward teaching little girls to read.
Would you pray about this today? Thanks so much for taking the time to extend your gaze beyond your walls and consider how you can bless these little girls God loves! Have a blessed Monday… Thanks for reading!
Week's end with thanks
- Just so crazy showered by God’s generosity. It’s like ever since the day we finished our employment we have not needed one thing. No joke, it’s like we have not had a single need that’s not been almost immediately provided. Crazy. Just crazy.
- Cheese on sale!
- Butter on sale!
- Free grocery bag full of organic applesauce brought to our door!
- $.88/lb. peaches!
- 100 lbs. of free plums!
- Food dehydrator humming night and day.
- Apple chips, banana chips, prunes!
- Free coffee, potatoes, pancakes, meat, produce galore, organic broth, can’t even list all the things! Really, God? Really?
- Free double date at Stanford’s with our mentors. How on earth do we get to have such amazing people in our life????
- Afternoon boating. Watching the kids take such brave steps!
- My man on the wakeboard. Love him!
- Grubbs. Words just can’t express…
- Kellie.
- Pam.
- The Seifers serving Renew Kids so faithfully every single week.
- Our new roommate. 🙂
- Our car running again!
- Early morning runs with Danielle.
- Putting away summer clothes and pulling out the sweaters and jeans. These are a few of my favorite things!
- Free (really cool) cowgirl boots.
- Checking out a rental house that turned into a field trip at the farm! Cows, chickens, goats, lambs, orchards, gardens, kids chomping on red apples and chasing chickens and kneeling down by the goats. Who could have planned such a day for our kids? Only God.
- So, so, so, grateful to be where we are.
- Slower season.
- Space to breathe.
- Freedom.
- Blessed opportunities to teach, share, rub shoulders with God’s beautiful women in different areas. Such. A. Gift.
- Renew women popcorn night and getting to know each other.
- Melody’s garlic and Parmesan popcorn. Who knew??
- Eating and drinking together.
- God’s Word.
- Resting and relying.
- Sleep.
#31 GIVE {52 bites}
When tragedy strikes, it’s amazing all the things we don’t care about anymore.
Every time I read my friend Shawna’s blog, I am reminded of what really matters. I’m reminded that a spotless kitchen isn’t that big of a deal. That even if there are crumbs in my car, life will go on. That if I never fit into my favorite skinny jeans, who cares?! That if my food isn’t organic or even if it comes from more than 150 miles away sometimes (just sometimes!), it really will be ok. I’m smiling, I promise. I just mean that facing life and death issues makes everything else fade away a little bit, huh?
That’s what I’ve been experiencing lately. Not that we’re facing any tragedy, but as we’re pouring our hearts into this church plant, into really praying and seeking God for the people of south Portland to be freed from the slavery of sin and to be set free to know and follow the Good King Jesus, it’s amazing what doesn’t seem to matter anymore.
So as I look through the list of 52 bites I’m having a hard time getting motivated to chew any more. They are great things, don’t get me wrong (and I love Tsh Oxenreider!), but of all the ones that are left, that we haven’t tackled yet, only one really stands out to me:
#31. Give.
We could take this bite every day for the rest of the year and still just barely whet our appetites for how wonderful giving truly is. So, next week we’re going to devote our entire week to thoughts and discussions on giving. Please join us, and spread the word! Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to receive. So let’s grow in giving … and in being blessed.
For now, spend some time praying that God would prepare your heart to grow in this area–that you would give regularly, generously, and cheerfully. That He would prepare you and me and open your eyes to areas He wants us to share. It might not just be finances, but also your time, your words, your skills. Then, take a leap of faith and give something this weekend. We were showered this week by generous givers–from taking our kids for a few hours so we could have a date, to an afternoon boat ride, to fresh produce, to loads of leftover yummy food, to a food dehydrator, to a free tank of gas. The giving thing is fun but the receiving part is fun too! 🙂
Lastly, would you give me your prayers? I am teaching a women’s retreat this weekend and would so appreciate your prayer! Thank you so much for journeying along with me, caring and giving your time and energy to growing alongside. Have a blessed weekend and thanks for reading!
So Walk
“As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him.” Col 2:6
I’ll never forget the first time those words echoed in my heart. College, probably sophomore year, Pastor Mark read them slowly. So walk… the room stood still.
So walk in Him. Of course! Why hadn’t I understood it before? I was striving, struggling, trying trying trying to live a life of faith. I was frustrated, defeated, discouraged. What was I doing wrong? No matter how early I rose in the morning or how long I prayed I still seemed to struggle. Ready to raise the white flag, I came to Bible study.
As you have received Christ …
How did I receive Christ? As a child. A 5-year-old child. Did I have anything to offer God? Nope. Did I have to rise at 5am to earn His love? Did I try really hard and pray exactly the right words and sweat my way into His kingdom?
No. How did I receive Christ?
I bowed. I clasped my starfish hands and …
I asked. I brought empty hands and bowed my head and bent my knees and asked God for the gift of grace.
So walk in Him…
Why do we think that we continue any differently than we began?
Sinners are not only saved by grace through faith, but the saved sinner lives by grace through faith.
Grace is the way to life and the way of life.
Paul would say to the Galatians and me,
Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh? (3:3)
Would we really receive God’s glorious gift of salvation and then push His hand aside, “Thanks, God, but I can take it from here.”
Are there any areas in our lives that are, essentially, saying those words?
Let’s continue how we began… amen?
{Think today of how you received Christ. What would it look like to walk in that manner today? Practically, what would that look like, if you lived that way today? Thank you, as always, for reading.}
What does God really care about?
I love little stories, like we talked about yesterday. The pink Toms, the cleats, the little things that God does to show us His tender care. But one of the things I’ve struggled with is the natural conclusion we sometimes come to. I know I’ve said it, perhaps you have to.
“God even cares about [insert whatever thing that He provided]!”
For example, let’s say your daughter needs a prom dress. You pray about it, which is awesome, and you go shopping and you find the perfect dress, on sale, and you go home remarking, “Wow! God is amazing — He even cares about prom dresses!” Ok, that’s cool. Or, I’ll be really honest and embarrass myself because that’s usually what I do best in this space: I remember when we were building our “dream” home and I was so excited about the colors and woodwork and all the details, and something happened that basically made the builder give us $10,000 worth of rockwork on the front of the house for free. I don’t know if I said it or not, but I might have said,
“Wow! God even cares about the rockwork on my house!”
My dad always prays before he buys a new car. That’s cool. Does God care about new cars?
Hmmm…. Does He?
Yes and no.
One of the reasons I really battled two years ago when we decided to sell our house was that there were so many “God stories” that had accompanied it. I mean, He gave us free rockwork, right? Obviously He wanted us in that house so how on earth could He then want us to give it all away? (I’m smiling.)
And then, as I wrestled in prayer, He impressed so gently on my heart:
Providing you a house was simply loving you in a language you could understand best at the time.
I don’t really care about the house …
I care about you.
Does that make sense?
The truth is, I don’t really care about Dora shoes. I don’t really care about shoes that light up. In fact, I think they are sort of obnoxious-looking and probably not my first choice.
But I knew my daughter would be delirious with joy. I knew she would look up at me when I gave her with the sparkly shoes and I would show her how they light up and she would beam and hold them to her chest and she would say, “Mommy thank you so much for getting me Dora shoes!! I love you!”
And that’s exactly what she did.
Do I care about Dora shoes? Not really.
I care about her.
God is so gracious that sometimes He even provides things that are probably a little excessive. I did not need rockwork on my house. In fact now I feel sick to my stomach over how much money we spent on that house. BUT. God used it to show me His love during a time I needed it, and then He drew me even further into His love by letting me give it away.
Was it because He no longer cared about my house?
Because all along the only thing He really cared about was my heart.
That’s what God cares about.
{Oh I pray you know His crazy love for you today!! Bask in it, receive it, enjoy it! Bless you, friends. Thanks for reading.}
Little Things: Pink Toms, Cleats, and Dora shoes
Remember when we talked about our flabby legs? And when we talked about being small? Remember we learned it wasn’t about strong legs or being big, it was about knowing our God and being known by Him? I was reminded again last week of just how “big” others seem and how small and insignificant I often feel. But He reminded me of His big love by His attention to little things.
First, my dear friend sent me this email:
The main thing I could think of [my kids needing for fall] was a size 7 pair of shoes for [my daughter]. I’d been praying about buying her shoes & I kept feeling like God was saying, “no.” Then on Thursday I went to visit a friend and totally out of the blue she said, “Here I have some shoes for [your daughter].” So anyway, my friend handed me brand-new only worn once pink Toms–perfect! It was such a sweet reminder of God’s love & provision.
Ok, if you know my friend you know she loves Toms and pink ones for her little daughter was just over the top! We all know that they have no eternal value BUT the our God was giving a kiss of eternal value to my friend and reminding her of His great love and care for her during a time she really needed it.
So then, we had been praying about ways to help Dutch learn to try new things and take risks and not be so bound by his comfort zone, and my parents suggested having him do soccer. I had drug my heels with youth sports because I just didn’t want to overcommit our family, but it was only one hour on Saturdays for four weeks–I think we could handle that! We signed him up. So then he needed cleats. And Heidi needed some play-shoes for the winter. My dad said he had seen some cleats at Goodwill but wasn’t sure of the size.
So we swing by Goodwill, run in, walk straight to a pair of Nike cleats in great condition (the only pair there) in Dutch’s exact size for $3.99 and right next to them are a pair of Dora play-shoes (with sparkles!) in Heidi’s size for $2.99. They were deliriously happy with their new shoes, and just walked out of the store shaking my head at my God who is so tender, so loving–that He even provides the most insignificant of things.
Do we have any inkling how much He cares for us? Do we ever need to doubt His love? I know these fun little stories don’t always happen, but they happen enough that we must never forget His tender care for even the most insignificant parts of our lives.
We can trust Him.
Friend, you can trust Him.
I don’t know if He has shoes in store for you today, but He is the answer to our every need. I pray you are encouraged today as You look to Him to satisfy and supply ALL that you need. Bless you, praying for you, thanks for reading.
8 words you may need today
{This story is from a couple years ago but this week I’m getting new opportunities to put these words into use. Perhaps you might try them as well?}
I was wrong, please will you forgive me?
The eight most important words for preserving the life of a relationship. I’ve said them countless times to my husband, a number of times to my friends, and a handful of precious times to my children.
Yesterday was one of those times.
Call it spiritual attack. Call it hormones. Call it 10 house-showings in 10 days. Call it Bible-study-starts-in-5-days-and-I’m-teaching. Call it trying-to-write-a-book-and-raise-preschoolers-at-the-same-time. Call it 5 stubborn pounds I can’t seem to shed. Whatever reasons there are, the flesh is the flesh and sin is sin and when my bright-eyed, bushy-tailed 4-year-old came down the stairs that morning his mama was in tears and that’s just how the day began.
Please tell me you’ve begun a day like that too?
The morning carried on and I’m pleased to say I kept the barking to a minimum. Heidi had apparently caught the same grouch-bug as me, so we were quite the couple. The only difference between her and I was that I’ve only slightly risen above throwing myself on the floor and pitching a fit (but I thought about it). So by the time we were late out the door and I was still packing snacks and brushing my teeth (at the same time) and Heidi was still in her jammies, I scurried them into the car and asked them both, in that lovely barking voice sadly reserved for those I love the most, “Will you please not talk right now?!”
I knew as soon as I said it that it was sin — anger. Words that force faces down, words that push away instead of invite. But what was really unfair was that Dutch had been a prince. He had helped Heidi in the car, gotten her books, picked up her fallen toy, tried to comfort her — and when I had huffed and barked, he had sat quietly.
His maturity shamed me.
The thought actually flashed through my mind, “He’s acting more godly than I am right now.” I thought back to a conversation we had had — because he’s always asking, “Who knows more, Daddy or Papa? Who knows more, you or Daddy? Do I know more than Heidi?” He’s very interested in who knows more, so I had explained to him that true knowledge isn’t in knowing facts or things but in knowing God, in being humble and wise and acting in obedience to God. We read Jeremiah 9:23-24,
23 This is what the LORD says:
“Let not the wise boast of their wisdom
or the strong boast of their strength
or the rich boast of their riches,
24 but let the one who boasts boast about this:
that they have the understanding to know me,
that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness,
justice and righteousness on earth,
for in these I delight,”
declares the LORD.
So as we continued down the road, my heart pricked with conviction, of course I turned and spoke those seven words to my children:
“Mommy was wrong. I’m sorry for being harsh and impatient and not speaking kindly to you. Will you please forgive me?”
Dutch’s face lit up, his authentic smile spread from ear to ear. He beamed at me and said, ”Yes, Mommy! I forgive you! I will always forgive you. I love you.”
And then, in a soft, quiet voice, spoken with respect and a shy smile he said, ”For a while there it was like I knew a little bit more than you.”
How could I not smile at that?
I reached back and took his hand in mine. “Yes, baby boy. I’m so pleased with how you’re learning to trust God and obey Him. Sometimes you even teach mama how to do it too…”
Repentance restores relationships.
Forgiveness heals those hairline fractures we cause with our carelessness each day.
Perhaps write them down — these 8 words — and have them handy. You may need them this week. Perhaps even today... {Thanks for reading.}
*Thanks to Nadene for creating this graphic!
Week's end with thanks
- Some precious time praying for my 94-year-old grandma and reading 2 Peter 1:3-11.
- God’s great and precious promises: “An entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” We have reason to rejoice!
- First RENEW service.
- Surrounded by faithful saints.
- Trust.
- Simplicity.
- Hope.
- Hope’s new liver! Rejoicing that God miraculously takes tragedy–the death of a 19-month-old child–and turns it into life: Precious Hope Stewart alive and well! Amazing.
- The kids’ sweet prayers all week long for Hope. Dutch getting up late out of bed and asking to pray for baby Hope again.
- God’s plan.
- Kids’ first day of homeschool PE with Coach Zyp. From inside I could hear them doing shuttle runs: “Come on, Dutch! Come on! Run your hardest! Give it all you got! Atta boy!” Love it.
- Heidi doing shuttle runs in sparkling Dora shoes.
- Needing shoes and having some serious God-provision, walking into Goodwill and immediately finding Nike soccer cleats in Dutch’s size, for $3, sitting right next to Dora sneakers in Heidi’s size for $2. In and out in 5 minutes. Umm…. ok thank you Lord!
- Spontaneity.
- Partnering in the gospel.
- Burgerville.
- Sweet potato fries.
- Abundance of local food!
- God’s continual provision.
- Peace.
- Legos.
- The Mind of Christ.
- Chris Porter.
- Starbucks with Elisa.
- How God orchestrates our days.
- Moving according to His current.
- Savoring the last days of summer.