
It hung there, while I grew up. 

An embroidered picture and poem, hand-sewn by my mom and framed in a simple wooden frame. It hung on the wall of our living room all my growing up years. I can still see it hanging there in my mind’s eye. I read it so often it’s etched in my memory. It now hangs in our loft, where the kids and I play, just to remind me:

I hope my children look back on today

And see a mother who had time to play.

There will be years for cleaning and cooking

For children grow up while we are not looking

In my life, I translate this poem, “There will be years for speaking and writing….” and I need to read it every day. I am in the thick of my busiest season. Many weekends I’m away. Many hours are spent studying.

But in every spare moment, I resolve afresh … to play. With all my heart.  This week we colored on the front porch, zoomed matchbox cars down the wooden ramp on the back porch, and made high-pitched voices for the tiny princess dolls. Jeff read The Hobbit out loud to eager ears for six hours on his day off. Today I am reveling in a weekend of no speaking engagements and soaking up these sacred moments with all that is within me.

These years are so short, I resolve afresh to enjoy them. I resolve afresh to remember–they grow up while I am not looking. 

There will be years for ________________.

Fill in the blank. What is it for you? What will be gone when you are not looking?

I pray no matter what your day looks like, you are able to savor whatever it is that will someday be gone while you are not looking. A child, a parent, a season, a day. However profound or however simple, may you enjoy today for what it is — a gift. Happy Friday; Thanks so much for reading.

7 thoughts on “While we are not looking…”

  1. Wonderful!!!! I always felt the same way about my kiddos and now I am watching my Grands grow while “I am not looking”! How can time get away so fast!!! Love you Kari!

  2. I definitely feel this way in the season I am now. My 15-month-old son absorbs most my time and we’d like to have another child soon. It’s easy to grow overwhelmed, thinking you’ll never have time to pursue other passions. It is so helpful to gain perspective and realize that each stage is different. Some day I can do more of the things I want to. Right now, we squish play dough and read picture books. And it is beautiful.

  3. Savoring time spent with each of my 4 grands. Watching and praying for then as they grow too fast!

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