When The Right Thing Goes Wrong {PODCAST}

We tend to expect that if we do the right thing, a positive outcome will occur. But what if it doesn’t? What do we do when the right thing goes wrong? When it feels like obedience to God lands us in a hornet’s nest? What then?? Thankfully, the Scriptures don’t follow the Hollywood trend of predicable plots. We get some significant surprises in the pages of Scripture. King David gives us an up-close look at how we are to handle this frustrating, and often heart-breaking, scenario, when the right thing goes wrong.Read More

You’re Not Desperate {PODCAST}

Will we live out the Second Mile or not? What is the determining factor? Join me for Episode 21 as we examine the ways that a “lack” mentality sabotages our Second Mile efforts. What would Jesus say to us who feel this overwhelming sense of being spread too thin? If you feel desperate, there’s good news ahead. Read More

Codependence vs. Christianity {PODCAST}

As we begin wading into the Second Mile waters, we’ll inevitably have some objections, or at least valid questions, that surface. What about abuse? Does God call me to be a doormat? Aren’t we just enabling people? This looks a lot like codependence! True, at first glance, the Second Mile can look like generosity gone too far, it can look frighteningly similar to codependence. But, as always, Jesus brings things beyond outward behavior, and into matters of the motive, matters of the heart. In this realm, codependence and Christianity couldn’t be more different. In this episode we explore this difference, and learn some wisdom for how to navigate dangerous situations by considering the whole counsel of God. Read More

On fighting {PODCAST}

“There must be an active love for the individuals who may be caught up in an evil unjust system while we continue to work passionately and unrelentingly to do away with the system itself” (MLK) It is possible for us to say to our enemy, with genuine love and compassion: I’m fighting, but I’m not fighting you. Jesus shows us the path of fighting against injustice while simultaneously loving and forgiving even the person who is carrying out that injustice. Read More

Who to Resist {PODCAST}

When Jesus said, “Do not resist the one who is evil,” what did he MEAN? Does this mean we’re just to go along with every injustice and never push back against the evils we see at work in our lives and our world? In this short episode we dive into the clear Scriptural teaching on who to really resist, and how. Thanks for continuing with me along this journey!Read More

How to Really Win {PODCAST}

So how do we really win? The Second Mile gives us a super cool battle plan that’s surprisingly simple to employ in any situation. It can even become fun. And the more we spend time in God’s Word and get to know His heart, the better we’ll be able to employ this method and deal a death blow to the Devil’s schemes. Don’t miss this simple but powerful strategy!Read More

Don’t Be Duped {PODCAST}

Scammed. Tricked. Duped. No one wants that, right? But sadly, this happens all the time, to us, when we’re ignorant of what’s really going on around us. Every time we allow our anger to rest on a person and focus on what he or she has done, we lose sight of the actual enemy and miss an opportunity to overcome evil with good. Read More

The Blessing Test {PODCAST}

Whether they meant it or not, you feel slapped. There’s a sting. The truth is, we unknowingly slap each other all the time, especially during times of disagreement and tension (anybody know any times like those happening these days?). What does turning the cheek really mean? Refusing cancel culture. It means staying close. Turning the cheek means a willingness to stay close enough that your other cheek is vulnerable. You might get stung again, but that’s ok because you’re choosing to bless. I have been the recipient of this blessing, even this week, and I urge you to please listen in and consider the implications of this in your own life. Don’t underestimate the power of blessing. We need it more than ever. Read More

One Thing We Don’t Have to Wait For {PODCAST}

At first, Jesus’ commands about turn-the-cheek forgiveness feel unfair. They seem insane. Too much. There’s no way. But there’s a profound promise hidden beneath these seemingly impossible commands and if we will take Him at His Word, we’ll experience a FREEDOM that would never be possible if we only based our forgiveness on the other person’s worthiness or apology. In this episode we consider the GOOD NEWS that our healing and wholeness depends on no person other than Jesus Christ.Read More

Why the Slap Stings {PODCAST}

As we look at the particulars of Jesus’ Second Mile instruction in Matthew 5, it’s fascinating to see the three facets of wrong-doing that He addresses in three short sentences. First of all He speaks of the slap. This isn’t an impersonal injustice. This is the up-close and personal wound of a friend. You can see the whites of their eyes. A slap is a sign of contempt, from someone you trusted enough to be within arm’s reach. In this episode we look at why the slap stings, drawing from Psalm 55 and the experience of the mighty King David. Read More