Hello Readers! Today is a very special day. It is Kari’s Birthday. The two of us (her friend Janae and husband Jeff) have been secretly planning this blog post with the help of many of you. We wanted to stick with the theme of thankfulness since she shares her weekly thanks with us on Saturdays. Enjoy!

Happy Birthday Kari!
We are so thankful your birthday landed on the day you post Week’s End with Thanks. Now we get the chance to share our thanks with you! J
One thing we are all tremendously thankful for is that you challenged yourself to write daily. Where would we be without your blog? You inspire us, stretch us, teach us & point us toward Jesus. Thank you!!! Thank you for your honesty, your conviction & your desire to pour all of yourself into every little thing you tackle. Thank you for standing firm, for showing the way & for never losing hope. Always know that we appreciate your dedication & hard work. We are cheering for you & the future of Sacred Mundane. And most of all—know that we are thankful for you.
Some words of thanks from friends, family and loyal readers, for you on your birthday [names removed on this public version]:
- I’m thankful for your realness, rawness, openness, and willingness to never settle for second best when it comes to living out your faith as a wife, mother, and woman of God. You are a huge encouragement!
- I appreciate your …
- tireless work for the Lord and for His glory
- the way you partner with Jeff in ministry
- example of self-discipline
- obvious love for the things of God
- You are a patient person and mother
- You value mothering, teaching and guiding your children
- That you teach your children about your heart for the Lord and how they can have that too
- You always smile!
- Your concern for others is amazing, you have a huge heart!!
- I am beyond thankful for your heart and love for your sisters. You’re full of wisdom, warmth and goodness. You are such a beautiful blessing to my life. Happy happy birthday lady!
- I’m thankful for Kari’s positive attitude that is an inspiration to others!
- You understand how Christ affects everything we do … You challenge us to pursue God with all our hearts … You humbly share your struggles … can articulate spiritual truths beautifully … Love to interact … You ant to see God’s love touch the poor and unreached. You persevere
- Saran Wrap Skirts … Romy and Michelle … Being the friend when I was 17 who I knew would emphatically say “Yes” when one day out of the blue I asked “Can I go to church with you sometime?” … Being in the water joining with Pastor Paul to baptize me … Table-top dancing at every dance in Junior High and High School … Getting on the first plane from San Jose to be by my side … 20 years of friendship … Giving me a second family … Doing every sport together (yes, even cheerleading — what were we thinking? Actually, who am I kidding? I loved it).
- I’m thankful for your amazing teaching. Also for your leadership of Women’s ministry. Your encouragement and contagious smile. Your transparency in sharing life’s struggles.
- You fully embrace the idea of simply living life together…buying apples for each other, exchanging recipes and leftovers, watching each other’s kids, bringing get well supplies when the whole family is sick
- You are always ready to lend a listening ear and a heartfelt prayer
- Your sensitive spirit – you genuinely celebrate my victories and feels the pain in my struggles
- Perseverance … Desire to always see the best in everybody and every situation … Willingness to share your experiences (not just the good ones) so that God can get the glory.
- All those car rides you gave me to and from Corvallis and never once being cold—grateful for how you like to crank the heat … Betty & Veronica … Ben & Jerry … You erasing the uncertainty about where I should go to college by simply asking me to be your roomie … McNary, 5th St., & Red Door … All those summers with you—movies, swimming, floating on the river, Bible Studies … Wisdom, encouragement, support, & guidance always pouring from your lips … Thankful that we were so lucky to have our boys together & then our girls! (Now you just need 2 more! ☺ … The way you inspire me to be a better mommy, wife, and follower of Christ.
- These are reasons I am thankful for Kari and/or these are things in my life she is 100% responsible for:
- Encourages me
- Always cheers me on
- Lets me be me (weird)
- Is more honest than I’m willing to be
- Lets God use her
- Listens to God’s voice
- Compliments me
- No awkward silences
- Listens to me
- Loves Jesus
- Mentored me in my beginning baby Christian steps
- Discipled me to be a Godly wife and still does
- (man I sure am thankful for “the Road to Santa Clara”)
- Taco Soup
- Cooks from scratch
- Cake batter cookies (okay not always from scratch)
- Catan
- Scripture cards
- Allows my family to be a part of hers
- Permission to dream
- Our true real friendship: a rare find
- Kari’s love and care for me and others
- Kari opening her home along with her family for me to have a “home” for a week
- Kari’s attentive listening
- Kari’s realness with life and where God fits into it
- Usually from a distance, but frequently up close and personal, I watched (but, sometimes was engaged in) your emergence from a very young child, through adolescence, to college scholar/campus minister, into a wife, mother, and powerful representative of the Creator/Redeemer, your eternal Father. The early beginning was encased in observation, the middle years were bathed in prayer, and these days overflow with respect, admiration, and joy. You have become the woman of God that Pam and I expected you to be. God bless you as you pass yet another mile marker of your life of single-hearted devotion to the One who authored the Sacred Mundane. I’m full of thanks for a life filled with the wonder of relationships … yours in particular on this your birthday. Happy birthday Kari.
- Beginning my Monday mornings with challenges of being a better friend and tools and ideas of how to accomplish this
- Picking me up with your gift of Christ-filled words that seem as though you’re usually speaking straight to my life
- Being such a light and amazing example of the kind of wife and mommy and friend that I want to be more like
- Creating the crave in me for Strawberry Lemonade and never looking at it again the same way 🙂
- Teaching tips on frugal living
- Challenging me in “giving more” to those less fortunate
- The gentle reminders and pokes that God is after more of me
- Weeds
- Laundry soap recipes
- Starting traditions~ Stealthy Christmas Ninja Angels~ we had so much fun!
- Romantic stories of you and Jeff
- Allowing me to read about you which in turns makes me choose to be a better person
- Godly wisdom from an old friend.
- Grace, truth and honesty spoken with love.
- A friend not seen for awhile, but our time together is refreshing enough to last.
- Her beauty is seen by the world; her beauty comes from her heart that shines through and that is what we see.
- Consistent love for her family.
- Kari is a promise from our Lord that He really is working on Earth!
- Your writing often makes me look over my shoulder to see if she’s peeking through my living room window–but instead of creepy or intrusive, you words speak exactly to what I need to hear in a way that is gentle and one-anothering.
- Everyday when I sit down to read the Sacred Mundane the Lord speaks so clearly to me through you, it is amazing. Your graceful & humbling words often leave me weeping.
- As a stay at home mother of 3 rambunctious young boys I am always seeking Godly words, you seem to know just what I need to hear at just the right moments in my life. You are a dear friend and a very gifted writer. God has truly blessed you in so many ways!
- Gifted speaker – wisdom and truth
- Christian Sister – opens her heart and shares with others
- Lovely friend – inside and outside
- Thank You, Lord, for blessing me with a friend named Kari.
- Among the many things that KNOWING Kari causes me to say THANKS, the following would only be a small contribution……
- Her Attention to her family
- Her RADIANCE as a Christian woman
- Her INTEREST in the people around her
- And last, but not least, MOST importantly….
- Her genuine LOVE for God
- I am blessed to know her and have her as a friend and leader in our Women’s Ministry
- I have known you briefly but you are genuinely caring with a radiant smile.
- The frequent reminders to embrace the daily activities as God’s gifts to us.
- Your example as a godly woman writing about all areas of life, money, food, child rearing, church, exercise, etc and incorporating Jesus into all of this.
- Being challenged to be a better friend
- Yummy cheap recipes
- Reminders to be thankful
- Meal planning suggestions
- A wonderful, thoughtful, honest, personable, even when being “real, honest & personable” may not be the “cool thing” for bloggers to chose, woman who I have been blessed with her words on a daily basis. I thank this amazing woman, who I feel I share a “sisterhood” with, in that we are in similar “seasons of life,” both having 2 young children, doing the very best we can as wives & mothers, but most importantly praising Him & His Word. She has taught me that I no longer need to live in doubt of my decisions, as they are not mine, but His and truly He has a plan for me. I can’t think of a better way to capture my Thanks each & every week.
- Thank you, Kari for the time & true dedication you put into each & every blog post. Anyone who were to read your blog, would instantly know the words you write come directly from nowhere other than your heart.
- I wish you the most special of birthdays spent with those you love, as you deserve nothing short of a wonderful day!
- Appreciate your passion for stillness… and silliness
- for your obedience to rest… and a kingdom-minded work ethic
- for your love of words … and your refreshment in the absence of them
- for your poignant written-arrows toward beauty… and even more toward the Beauty that created beauty
- Love to you this day — Grateful you were born
- A friend who speaks God’s honest, good truth
- Your honesty
- Your commitment to writing
- Your approach to life
- God’s gifts to us
- Real friends
- Love that’s found only through Christ
- encouragement
- inspiration
- grace
- Truth
- Soooooo very thankful for April 2, 2011 where God had our paths intersect. Many gifts have poured out from His stock pile of blessings because of that meeting. You are one of the MOST precious people in my life. Happy Day, Happy Birthday my dear one.
- Spirit led.
- Beautiful.
- Smile charmed.
- Servants heart.
- Content in Christ.
- Mouser Warrior extraodinnaire.
- Homeschooling momma.
- Lover to her man.
- Obedient to our great God.
- A Weeder of dirt.
- Eloquent word writer.
- Sister in Christ.
- Truthful to herself and others.
- Light captured.
- Peace drawn.
- Filled with an abundance of Gods love.
- Grateful.
- Grace captured.
- Courageous.
- Strong.
- Selfless.
- Planter of seeds.
- Bible Bound.
- Comforter.
- Lockdown Enforcer.
- Runner.
- Wise beyond her years.
- Quiet Listener.
- Grower of God loving Souls.
- Home Maker.
- Dedicated Worker.
- A Downey Filled Comforter.
- Smooches, butterfly kissed loves.
- Happiest of Birthday Blessings my dear friend. I love you oodles!
- Your wide open heart — and your willingness to meet. I still look back fondly on meeting the Pattersons in London, all because Kari was transparent about what ministry was going on, and because there was a divine appointment to be free on a common night in an uncommon city.
- In a world-wide-web full of sleek mom blogs, finding one that emphasizes thankfulness rather than complaining about the dailiness of momhood and wifehood and womanhood, continually reminding me that Jesus is the reason for it all.
- God using your words to speak directly to my situation almost every single time
- Your tender heart that always comes through in your writing
- Lessons in weeding
- Courage challenges
- “Reading” about life with your kids and husband — noteworthy for a hopeful single
- Learning to be “faithful in the small things” from your example- though the ministry you do here is anything but small
- Finding “Sacred Mundane” is more than just a blog name
- Obedience in the “deleting”
- Gaining courage from your courage
- Anticipation of a book worth reading written by a lovely lady
- Reading blog posts each morning over coffee that challenge and encourage me
- Food for thought and application
- Vulnerability that strengthens women to step out with the same bravery
- God connecting dots through a willing vessel
- An example to follow
- Words flowing from a heart surrendered
- Witnessing God’s provision
- A friendship made across internet connections
- how our friendship can pick up in a second
- her enthusiastic support.
- the sweetness of her heart.
- her genuine interest in others.
- her honesty in her writing.
- her joy.
- her warmth.
- how she desires to always honor the Lord.
- her overwhelming love and devotion to her family.
- Moment by moment “quiet courage” over years
- A life that is like an arrow pointing up and guiding others to God
- Honesty, transparency, truth, and realness about things often not talked openly about
- Life can be messy and hard sometime, but God is there and we can be there for each other
- The joy of looking for God and recording his gifts and blessings
- Helpmeet and lessons on what it means to be a more Godly wife
- Bible study
- Shattering public veneers in a way that builds sisterhood and lets others know they aren’t alone
- I am so thankful for Kari’s humble, honest testimony of how the Lord leads her through her daily responsibilities. I appreciate, beyond words, that she takes the time to serve her fellow sisters in Christ by witnessing the way she does by relating His word to our calling as mothers. I am thankful for how many times I remember, because of Kari, that the mundane tasks I do during my day as a stay-at-home mom are sacred, simply because I am doing them because the has Lord called me to do them. I am thankful that Kari has opened my eyes to the fact that we are able to honor the Lord in everything we do, no matter how minimal the task seems – right down to graciously wiping our children’s noses. I look forward to starting my day with Sacred Mundane because not only is it time for me to reflect on God’s word, but also to feel close to Kari, who is one of the Godliest women I know. She inspires me to trust the Lord more, to sing praises to Him in all I do, to humble myself and graciously accept this gift of being a mom. And because I know that Kari and I are on the same path in life, I trust her, I trust her words and I trust her insights. I am always amazed by how incredibly appropriate her timing is with what she writes about and often read her posts nodding my head as I relate to her frustrations, defeats, and praises. I remember the day I met Kari, and remember praying that she and I would become friends. I am continually thankful that God answered that prayer with a loving and blessed, ‘YES!’ I love you, Kari!
- Sweetest girl who says “I love you” so easily and you know she does and it totally matters
- tackling my own weeds and thankfully contemplating wide-open spaces, asking God to the plant the garden in my heart and home
- pure beautiful authentic girl who looks like sunshine
- the way she makes the Son shine
- driving by your home and praying for you and your darling family
- so grateful for a courageous woman of God, sharing the word and inspiring friend who sees past the external into the heart of what God is doing in her own life
- Shares what God is doing in her life so we can all learn to see Him better
- Is sensitive to the Spirit’s leading and not afraid to change directions
- Takes a step leap of faith in obedience to Him and lets us all watch
- Can draw people into her writing so that they forget they are reading and feel they are listening to her thoughts
- Is encouraging and funny
- Is open and honest
- Can laugh at herself and laugh with me
- willing to get down & dirty until ashes become beauty
- encourager to your very core
- passionate in Jesus: giving your all to the bitter end
- humbly open through failure, without glossing over…sin is sin
- draw deep from me, from life, & pour in return; always surprise me when your bucket is filled with what I didn’t know I had to give
- Dear (new!) friend, godly character, encouraging words, hospitality, warm & friendly smile, hot tea, sweet and gentle spirit, loving wife, joyful mommy, excellent teacher, faithful servant, Christ-follower, true worshipper.
- Loving generously — with her words and with her actions.
- Listening & watching intently — she sees you, she hears you, she remembers you, she prays for you.
- Authentic and teachable — offering a window into her own weaknesses & struggles, eager to allow her Savior to make whatever renovations he deems necessary (in her heart, her thinking, her attitude, her behaviors) – sharing the process with us, so we can be encouraged & so we can grow along with her.
- A vibrant spirit, a joyful heart, a radiant smile, a lover of Jesus – she makes me want to know Him & love Him more too.
- The gift of a precious, precious friend and sister. (All evidence of The One at work in her and through her. 🙂
- Her authenticity
- Her transparency
- Her heart to live simply in the world but richly for Jesus
- Her love of God’s Word which obviously cuts & comforts deep
- Her love and respect of her parents. (Every post brings tears to my eyes.)
- Her love and respect of her husband (Love the goofy story about hair dye 😉
- Her discipline/dedication in raising her kiddos in the Lord- encourages me to keep pressing on. (liked the story about feeding a monster on an airplane or dealing with the snowball to the sister’s face.)
- Her silly stories about her kids make me feel like my crazy kids are normal 🙂
- Her Chore cards — my kids love ’em!
- Her gifting to see the gospel in every day life, the sacred mundane
- Thank you for being the perfect penpal … for praying for me and my family … for all your love and support when we were struggling to conceive … for all your love and support when we were finally blessed with our daughter … for being excited I moved back to the area even though we’ve only had one playdate … for the parenting advice … for the recipes … for all the tips regarding all the things … for your faith … for being so grounded and gracious even though your drop dead gorgeous 😉 … for the Christmas cards … for your words of wisdom … for welcoming me into your home … for making me want to be a better wife, mother, and person in general
- For your time …
- For understanding when I was self-conscious …
- Simply for being you
- Kari, your commitment to try to apply the Lord’s love and teachings to all your decisions has always been an inspiration to me. Following your and Jeff’s story of choosing to leave the fancy house put my life into a God-focused perspective and is something I always come back to as a focus point when I am thinking about making decisions for our family. I am thankful for you the wisdom God has given you and your ability to share it so gently but effectively.
- I am thankful you allow God to use your gifts for His glory and for the edification of His body. I have been challenged, touched, inspired and encouraged from her blog and I’m half the country away! It always amazes me to see how God uses His children to impact each others lives! I’m grateful that she uses your talents for the Kingdom of God! Who knew how you would bless my life, even though I only knew you for a short time!
- Your humility
- Your graciousness
- Your sincerity
- Your honesty….how real inspiration to others comes from the depths of who you are
- 6 am Bible Studies in the quiet of Red Door with our coffee in hand
- Your quickness to pray
- Your sweet and gentle spirit
- Your commitment to your family and friends…and the sacrifices you make for them
- Your quiet leadership through action and example (I love you, Kari, sweet sister!)
- How do I thank Kari for her love and service as I struggled through the biggest battle of my life, 3rd stage breast cancer? I thank her for being alert to God’s calling. She reached out to me in the same way that God would. Happy Birthday Kari! May the love of our Savior keep you in His calling, because we are all at some time in this life looking to be loved.
- So thankful for how you make strangers feel like friends, the hurting feel whole, and that in all things you point others to Jesus.
- I am grateful for the times when you write something dead on with what God is currently already working in my life. This happens frequently, and I know God uses you and your words to work in my life.
- Thanks to Kari for reminding me and encouraging me that though my SAHM life may seem monotonous, that God is right there beside me loving me through every situation may it be crazy, gross, heartwarming, (rarely) quiet or someplace in between. God cares about me and my heart even when I’m scrubbing toilets. Amen!
- You fully embrace the idea of simply living life together…buying apples for each other, exchanging recipes and leftovers, watching each other’s kids, bringing get well supplies when the whole family is sick
- You are always ready to lend a listening ear and a heartfelt prayer
- Your sensitive spirit – you genuinely celebrate my victories and feel the pain in my struggles
- When I count my blessings, which is often, I count you, Kari, with an enthusiastic “praise God”! I am so very thankful for my three sons, and have been blessed by their wives as my daughters. You have taken on the “daughter” role with grace and acceptance. It may well be that you bite your lip and swallow sometimes as I cut my swath through your life, but, if so, you don’t show that to me. The fact that you honor me and show such love to me has given me great joy. I try to show you my love, respect and appreciation. I should be shouting it from the rooftops!
- Thank you for loving Jeffrey so well. And for birthing, raising and loving Dutch and Heidi so well. And for daughtering to me so beautifully.
- Your recent post “What to give your mother-in-law” was poignant. You gave me this very gift of appreciation this past year, and I savor that letter from you. I rejoice in giving to you and don’t expect such grace in return. It is inspiring and warms my soul.
- Waking to “troubles of this world” and it not mattering because Jeffrey was here to support. Thank you, Kari.
- Praying for Sacred Mundane and knowing God hears and has a grand plan.
- Appreciating your beauty. All of it.

- Because everything matters. You matter, my Love. You live the Sacred Mundane, and we love the image of Christ in you.
**A big thank you to everyone who contributed & made this blog post possible! If you didn’t get the chance to thank Kari & would like to, simply add your comments below. Thanks!
20 thoughts on “A special Week's End with Thanks (a surprise birthday post for Kari)”
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Because everything matters, you matter, my Love. Happy Birthday!
Jeff, I have looked at this post and read the comments countless times today, and I have been brought to tears each time. Your wife is a beautiful creature of God. You know I’ll get all weepy again if I go on too much, but thank you for supporting her in her ministry to all of us. It is an honor to count both of you as my friends. And thanks for blessing her with that secret check (was it $500 or $800?) before you were even dating. That is one of my favorite “Jeff and Kari” stories!
Happy Birthday, Kari! I love you dear friend and I look forward to celebrating you tomorrow!!!
Now I know why Jeff gave me such a big thumbs up last night! It came together beautifully! So appreciative of everyone that chipped in. And beyond appreciative for you, my dear friend! Have an incredible day! Wear a scarf. 😉
I have been reading your posts for several years now as I have gone on this long and at times, very hard journey. You always speak to my heart and show me things I did nit see or know. Your heart for The Lord inspires me and guides me. There have been specific people who have lead me in this walk and you have defiantly been one of them. Thank you so much for what you do and who you are, you are a true blessing to me Kari!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Kari! You are one LOVED and APPRECIATED woman! The image of Christ is truly reflected on you. Have an amazing weekend!
Happy Birthday Kari!!!
Thank you for all that you are & all that you do, you are an amazing woman! May God Bless your special day & your year ahead!
Love you!
Happy Happy Happy Birthday, Kari!!
So happy to have been able to participate in this! I only just found your blog about a month ago, but you have been an inspiration and encouragement, and I thank you. Praise God for another day, another year. Happy Birthday, Kari!
Happy Birthday beautiful Kari! Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you to bless us all! I’m sure it isn’t always easy, but I know that you are storing treasures in heaven!
Happy Birthday, dear Kari! Because I am the biggest lame-o who ever lived, I missed the deadline for your birthday post. So here are the things about you for which I am most thankful:
Your friendship. It was a blessing when it first formed and it’s a blessing now, almost 13 years later.
Your honesty. This is the quality that draws so many sisters to you: your ability to say what you are really thinking and feeling, and align it with the Truth. We wish we could be so honest. Thank you for inspiring us!
Your diligence. I have truly never known any other women as hard working and diligent as you are. You challenge me daily without even knowing it.
Your encouragement. For some reason I can’t always understand, you have always believed in me. Thank you for giving me this gift every time we talk/email/text.
You may be “small” in the eyes of some publishers, but not, I think, in the eyes of those who read your blog. Thank you for your time, your commitment and your leadership in living the Sacred Mundane. I love you!
Happy Birthday, Kari! I can’t wait to celebrate with you tomorrow!
Happy Birthday Kari! The Lord’s light and love shine through your life, through your blog! Thank you for your faithfulness to always bring Him Great Glory! I am always blessed after reading a post! Hope your day is Beautiful!!
And every single word of it is true. I am proud to know you and Jeff. Happy Birthday, Kari.
Caila, you have to tie with me for co-biggest lame-o, because I missed the deadline, too! I created 13 entries – one for every year we’ve known each other since meeting in the fall of 1999.
Writing Center. Real Life.
Beauty radiating from the inside out. Not a “Barbie with a Bible.”
Washing the feet of an entire Bible study of college girls. Picture of humility.
Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God.
Person trustworthy of my biggest confession. Married to the other person!
Grace many years later.
Friendship renewed.
The ability to make every woman feel special and loved – by God and you!
A living example of a biblical wife and mother. Even on the hard days!
Fighting the flesh. Feeding the Spirit.
Hours devoted to study so you can teach others for 35 minutes.
Faithful encouragement as we walk together. Texting!
Consistently directing me back to the Father for strength.
I am thankful for you, Kari, because…
1. God has used you to speak truth into my life (so many times, it is exactly what I need to hear; I have added your blog to my morning devotion list)
2. My family has been growing through a huge and painful growth opportunity right now and we often share your posts to encourage one another.
3. Your transparency that makes us all feel encouraged and like we could be real life friends.
4. Your use of Scripture. Your comittment to accuracy when teaching about God.
5. How you honor your husband.
I can’t count how many times I have felt God using my few minutes of reading your post to remind me of His presence. May you be blessed!!
I remain nameless, but I will say I met her before any of you…June 9.,1980. She has blessed us beyond expression t every day of her life. Thank you, Jeff for doing this! bk
I love you more than you will ever know………..your daddy
I love you Kari! I’m sorry I missed this… your birthday coincided with Katherine’s high school graduation! It’s been a little nuts.
I am thankful for your sweet enthusiasm and always making me feel so very loved. I’m also thankful for your vulnerability and all the ways you challenge me to live the Christian life to it’s fullest! xoxo
Love you, sweet darling. I cannot imagine my life without you in it. So grateful. I feel ever loved and accepted by you–no contingency in our friendship; that is one of life’s greatest gifts! Big hugs and blessings to you and great coupon deals and yummy vegetables and copious amounts of cuddles with your littles!