I had pulled the covers over my head.  It was completely irrational. And when our response to a situation is irrational, we can rest assured something is up.

Something was up.

What was wrong with me?

It’d been brewing for awhile.  I was short with the kids, irritable to my husband, and didn’t want anything to do with ministry.   Of course I kept going through the motions but inside I was felt like I was dying.  And now, a small thing had sent me into an emotional tailspin.

Something was up.

After I finally got myself together, I went downstairs–we were late to a New Year’s Eve party (Just what I felt like doing… Here’s to a New Year! I’m a disaster!), so I rushed the kids to the car and avoided looking at Jeff.  I sat in silence while he asked me a dozen questions, trying to pinpoint what could be the matter, thinking it was somehow his fault.

“It’s not your fault,” I kept saying.  I can’t tell him, I thought. It’s so stupid. I can’t tell him. I sat in silence for about 10 minutes then finally knew I had to say it so at least he’d know it wasn’t him.   Here we go…

“I…”  my voice broke and sobs came.  All the lies and hurts came rushing to the surface, I hadn’t realized their pressure until the silence, and the emotional dam, was broken.  ”…I know I’m a bad mom … Of course I don’t want to [take part in this event I’d been invited to]! I have nothing to offer. Nothing. Why on earth would someone want to hearfrom a woman who can’t even get her kids to sit still for a Christmas picture?! I already know I’m a failure….” I continued until all the junk was out.  (And there was plenty.)

He nodded, understanding. So that was it.  His face was dark and I knew what he was going to say before he said it.


Calmly, evenly, and with firm resolve, Jeff began telling me the truth.  Who I was in Christ. Who He knew me to be. Truth. Truth. Truth. Like missiles launched in the battle in my heart.  Then he prayed for me.  Thankfully, the tower of lies crumbled quickly, and to my amazement, by the time we reached the party the only residue was a tear-stained face and swollen eyes.  I was so happy to have my heart cleansed and set free that I didn’t care how I looked.  But now, looking back several years later, it’s a sobering reminder of the battle that we face.


My thoughts were irrational. They were ridiculous. Because they were liesBut the accusations had been made. The case was built. A hundred little scenarios stacked up like evidence against me. I’d believed the lies and the verdict was clear: I’m a failure.

Have you ever heard this lie? Scripture tells us exactly where it comes from. The Father of Lies (John 8:44) and Accuser of the Brethren (Rev. 12:10) lives to whisper false accusations in our ears. And his favorite tactic is to take perfectly innocent situations and suggest to us how each circumstance proves our worthlessness.

Not invited somewhere? It’s because your kids are obnoxious and no one likes your company. A parenting book recommended to you by a friend? That’s because everyone around knows you’re such a failure as a mom. The success of a friend? See, everyone around you is flourishing while you’re failing. Satan can even turn Christmas cards into accusations! See, everyone else’s kids are perfectly behaved. You’re such a bad mom you can’t even get your kids to pose for a picture.

The whispered accusations are loud, and at times the case made against us can seem air-tight. From our perspective all the evidence points to our worthlessness.

But God.

In Zechariah chapter 3 the prophet saw a vision of Joshua the high priest standing before the LORD and Satan standing at his right hand to accuse him. But verse two tells us that the LORD said to Satan, “Rebuke you, O Satan! … Is not this a brand plucked from the fire?”

My hope and prayer is that none of you can relate to my little story above. But I have a feeling you can.  We are all vulnerable to this but this is what you must know:

You have been plucked from the fire by the Living God. He has saved you, loved you, redeemed you. He has declared you not guilty.

The truth is that you are not a failure or a mistake. The truth is that YOU are the woman chosen to be wife to your husband, to be mother to your children, to be the daughter, friend, minister—whatever you are you were chosen to be. Think about that. 

Whatever you are you were chosen to be. 

You are where you are because God has ordered your steps. And God has not destined you to failure. He has perfectly equipped you to carry out His will (2 Peter 1:3).

You and I don’t have to hide under the covers today. The truth sets us free. We must choose to listen, not to the Accuser, but to the Judge. The One who declares us righteous. The One who loved us so much He died to bring us near. We will make mistakes, but there is no mistaking the love God has for us. I pray today that this extravagant love lures you from your hiding place to face a beautiful day. Only the Truth can silence the lies.  Get with God, open His Word, receive prayer–allow the Truth to set you free.


What lies are you tempted to believe about yourself today?  What truth do you need to believe to silence these lies? Thanks for reading.

8 thoughts on “Silence the Lies”

  1. 1 Thessalonians 5:18. My memory verse. Give thanks in all circumstances…. Hmm…. Well when you think you are a bad mom, fat, not good enough the pressure can be enough to make it seem like your about to explode. It’s amazing how Satan can just tweak us enough to make us loose our “Thanks in all circumstances”:).
    I have a big huge rectangular chalkboard over my mantle with this verse on it currently. Helping me to remember I am not a failure. I am Gods precious child who has been granted many gifts. The biggest one for me is being filled with the Holy Spirit which then lends me the grace to be able to forgive myself but others as well. I am lovely in Gods eyes, I am His. Deep breath.
    Love you so much sister in Christ!

  2. Thank you for this post today! Oh how God knew that I needed this, right now today! Unfortunately I’ve been believing lies all week and I can identify with what you said, they were building inside of me and it comes out with shortness toward my son, the dog, my husband. Tension headaches more frequent and the list goes on. All because I’ve allowed the lies of the enemy to tell me that I’m a failure at the ministry I’m leading.
    I chose to see this turmoil for what it is…LIES and confidently move forward in Gods love with shoulders rolled back not balled up in tension.
    “Wherever you are you were chosen to be” will go on my chalkboard today (till I believe it) as a reminder of Gods truth.
    Thank you for allowing God to use you speak to my discouraged heart.

  3. Wait, you can’t even get your kids to sit still for a Christmas picture?

    1 Peter 5:8 reminds us of the goal of the Father of Lies: to devour us. Lies, however small and however quitely wispered, are the tools Satan uses to devour us. Amen, sister – step into the light!

  4. I hear these lies in my head all the time, Kari. As always, I so appreciate your honesty. And trust me … very few posed Christmas photos you see happened without tears and bribery. 😉 Mine? Took about 30 photos, merged 3 together in Photoshop … only after Kaden and I both cried and I threw one of his pacies away. How ’bout that? 😉 And Jesus STILL loves me. Amazing. Love and Hugs, friend!

  5. Yup! Familiar. You are blessed to have Jeff re-speak the truth to you at such a time. Knowing this battle stalks me alot I need to also REPEAT the TRUTH and smash the lies frequently. And I have a few that love me and seem to be prompted at the just right moment to provide a tool or two to smash the LIES. This morning I was reading in Total Church, “The struggles we have when or emotions seem liable to rule or define us are essentially struggles of belief in God’s promises.” Bam. That hit me. Then this post. Bam that speaks to me. This gospel life is a battle. I know I need to DAILY and often moment by moment remember His truth. Thanks for providing a timely confirmation of the battle and the joy that comes when indeed we find ourselves holding on this His blood soaked hand.

  6. Thank you Kari. I was sobbing in church this Sunday because I was such a bad wife, such a bad mom, obviously failing at everything… Then it hit me a couple days later – I think those were lies from the enemy! So this post is very encouraging to me. 🙂

  7. This post, and the straws in the milkshake post are now both printed and in my journal for future reference. Such liberating truth.
    And I think I know which Christmas card you are referring to (when your kids wouldn’t sit still), and it was pretty darn cute. Funny how imperfection in situations like that always seem to make for the best memories (or at least most memorable memories).=) Love you!

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