
We’d finished presentations and Bible reading, and it was time to pray.

I hadn’t planned on prophecy that day.

Usually, my kids like to run to their prayer spots.” Dutch goes to his bed and Heidi stands by the front door (I don’t know why) and they hide their faces in their little hands and pray to God there. Although I want them to be comfortable praying in front of people, I also like the habit of “hiding away” in a private place to interact with God. I have no idea what Heidi says, but I’ve overheard Dutch’s prayer-time and it’s the real deal.

But this particular day, they opted to stay on the couch, with me, and pray there. We bowed our heads, closed our eyes, and I waited.


After a bit I opened my eyes and looked at Dutch. He still had head bowed, eyes closed, face scrunched up, intent. I closed my eyes again and waited.


A waited another minute then looked up again. “Dutch, Babe, are you going to pray?”

He looked at me. “I’m listening to hear what God’s saying.”

Well I’ll be. Who’s discipling who here?

“Oh! Well that’s great, hon. Ok, I’ll let you listen.” Now, we’ve discussed how God does in fact speak to us, silently, in our hearts, more like an impression, or like whispering a thought into our mind. But Dutch has always insisted that He’s never heard God speak. I waited. None of this was initiated by me, and I never want to encourage them to say they heard from God if they didn’t. I don’t want hearing or not hearing to be the reason I praise them or chide them. ANY words from God are always a gift, not something we earn or deserve praise for.

Dutch looked up, all seriousness.

God said, “Read the Bible every day.” I slowly nodded my head.

“Okay. That’s a good thing to do.”

He bowed his head again. Waited a minute.  He looked up again, very serious.

He said, “Follow me.” Again I nodded. Again he bowed his head. A minute later:

“Serve the world. He said, ‘Serve the world.'”

By now my eyes are filling with tears but I blink hard so he won’t see. Such simple words, but so true. He bows his head again, then just sits quietly for a moment. I slowly open my journal, trying to keep him from noticing because if I make a big deal of this I know he’ll get embarrassed and run off. I nonchalantly grab a pen from the coffee table. I can’t miss a single word of this. He starts again:

“When I grow up, I’m going to write Word-Bibles.  I’m going to listen to God and write down all the things God tells me and put them into books. And I’ll  design songs about God and write those songs down too.  And I’ll write Bible stories. Not  the ones in the Bible, but stories like them from these days, things God is doing to help people in these days.

And the books will say: Serve people you don’t know. Die for people (if you want to). Unless you have a job, then you can’t die for people. Buy people Christmas trees. Build houses for people who don’t have houses.

And the books I write will be 1,000 pages long. And I’ll write down everything God tells me, I’ll write it down.  And I’ll have workers too, and they’ll help me write down all that God tells us.  I’ll have 26 workers in my company. It will be called the “God Saves Us” Company. Or, I might call it “Get To It,” like “Get-to-it-telling-people-about-God.”  And we’ll mail the books to people. There’ll be 1 book for every family in the world. And it will spread almost all over the world — even to Hawaii. Even to Africa. Even Asia! Even Australia  the farthest country from here. Even people in the ice pole. Even South America. It’ll start in North America, in Oregon, in Molalla. (Close to Oma and Papa) And it will spread to Antarctica.

He sat quiet for a moment, looking off into space. Then looked at me:

“Now can I play? That was exhausting!”


I felt like taking off my shoes, right there. Sure, there’s no way to know for sure if that was God’s prompting or merely a little boy’s imagination. But you better believe I’ll be keeping this with me all his growing-up days and praying that indeed God would make Dutch a man who speaks for God and spreads His Word all the way around the world–even the ice pole! 🙂

What if we sat still long enough to receive God’s dreams for our lives?

There’s a lot of talk about dreaming dreams for God. Attempting great things. That’s awesome, but let’s start by sitting still and listening, by simply asking, “God what are Your dreams and what part would you like me to play? Sure, some of the sacred is sure to be lost in translation. Chances are Dutch’s publishing house won’t be based out of Molalla. *smile* But the heart is there.

As we approach the New Year and the world is abuzz with resolutions and self-improvement, might I suggest a time of quiet for your heart? A time to sit silent before your Father and ask Him, what His dreams are this year and how He might want you to play a part? Whether “designing” songs for Him or “buying people Christmas trees,” no doubt He has some grand ideas for your life this year.

Before you launch ahead, listen. God may give you a glimpse of the future.


{In honor of this call to silence and listening, we’re staying quiet here tomorrow. We also moved last weekend, so I’m up to my eyeballs in boxes and a day of rest from writing is needed by this Mama! Take some time this weekend to get alone with God, open His Word, and listen, really listen. You might be amazed at what you hear.  Thank you for reading.}

13 thoughts on “When God gives you a glimpse of the future”

  1. This is amazing!!! Wow!
    Kari, could you share with us some time your morning routine with your children? Like what are the “presentations” you have your children doing? I’d love to copy you and learn how you taught your kids to do their own prayer time in the morning. 🙂

  2. Phew! Glad your pen and journal was handy! Those are some words you don’t want to miss. Happy unpacking love! A new home and a new year…yahoo!

  3. Beautifully amazing! Love it. Brought tears to my eyes. Love Godly words from our lil’ rascals 🙂

  4. Such a precious encounter with The Lord. It is amazing the things that little ones can teach us about loving and listening to God. My nephew was just telling me how I could build an amazing sandcastle – I could do anything with the help of God. Such a sweet thing to say with such an honest faith. I would also love to hear what prayer time looks like in the day/bedtime. My baby is only 7 months old but I want to start a bedtime prayer routine with her and instill that quiet prayer time each day. Just curious how that looks in your example. Thanks for sharing this post – love his willingness listen to God’s quiet voice!

  5. Precious. All glory to God, but I think Mama and Daddy deserve a little pat on the back for raising this boy up to be a child who listens to God. And lots of pats on the back for Dutch, who has the ears to hear what God is speaking to him. If we could all only be a little more like this little boy.

    1. Oh girl, so many days I wonder if this boy listens to ANYTHING. 🙂 Thanks for the encouragement, though. I love you so and CAN’T wait for our girl weekend!!!

  6. You wrote earlier…

    I write a lot and edit a little, so you won’t find perfection here, but you will find a girl whose heart beats with the Sacred Mundane. God is in every detail of life and I wish to help draw attention to His presence there.


    Thank for sharing your Heart and Journey!

  7. Pingback: Habits.
  8. This gave me chills–so exciting to capture that moment on paper! Thank you for sharing. I second the requests above; I’ve thought more than once it would be great to get some ideas of how you guys have done Bible times with your kids!

    1. Hey Elisabeth, thanks so much for your encouragement…I wrote a post last week, “Habits” that shares more about our time in the word and doing scripture memorization with our kids.

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