We all want to be wise, right? Even nonbelievers want to live lives characterized by wisdom, savvy, smart-living. Which is why we as believers needs to specify what kind of wisdom we want. Heavenly or earthly?  One is life and peace, the other death.

 James 3:13-18 shows that earthly wisdom is characterized by jealousy and selfish ambition—and is described as earthly, unspiritual, and demonic. In other words, earthly wisdom seeks to promote self, above others. Heavenly wisdom, on the other hand, is “first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.” In other words, the wisdom from God has a right motive, it promotes peace, it is gentle and willing to yield if it is confronted with God’s truth, is merciful with others and bears good fruit, and is impartial to others and authentic. It is wholly concerned with the glory of God and the good of others.

In the past two years, I’ve been so incredibly challenged by how much the world’s wisdom and mind-set can still rule my thinking. Much financial scheming (and hoarding!) can be labeled “wisdom.”

Just because something is labeled “wise” doesn’t mean it is necessarily godly. The kind of wisdom is the key.  Both kinds are labeled wisdom, but heavenly wisdom is something entirely different from the world. It is as upside-down as God’s Kingdom–where the first shall be last.

It could be that heavenly wisdom could quite possibly appear foolish to the world. Right?  For the rich young ruler to sell all that he had and give to the poor so that he may have treasure in heaven would appear very financial un-wise to the world. To God, that’s the smartest investment he could possibly make.  Do you see?

We faced this dilemma head-on two years ago when we considered selling our house and significantly downsizing.  We had always been told it is wise for us to spend as much as possible on a house because of the tax laws that benefit clergy.  Basically spending a lot on a house reduces our taxable income so we pay much less to the government. And yes, that is wise. But, we reasoned, wouldn’t it be even wiser just to give it all away to further God’s kingdom?! That would reduce taxable income as well! We battled through this and prayed often for discernment and wisdom, knowing God promises to give it generously! And He did, and for us that meant selling our home so we could give more away. It looked like a stupid decision to many looking on (and they told us that!) but Jeff and I are convinced it was THE single best financial decision we’ve ever made.  So perhaps God’s heavenly wisdom looks different, perhaps way different, than even the wisest of earth’s financial advice.  I’m still a Dave Ramsey enthusiast, but perhaps God’s financial advice would even be quirkier than Dave’s.

As always, what we need is to immerse ourselves in God’s Word, holding it up as a lens, so we can see clearly and discern His heavenly wisdom in our daily lives. Scripture makes it clear what the result of this wisdom will be: Peace.

 {What earthly wisdom do you see at work in our world? Has any of this counterfeit wisdom worked its way in your life, your home?}

One thought on “Wisdom?”

  1. Thank you for sharing. Wisdom, earthly wisdom that is, frightens me at times. Do I stay in school three more years to prove a point? Do I transfer back and do something that could be done in a years time? Praying for that peace, because right now hope in His will is all I have.

    Love you dear friend, and foolish or not God has way bigger plans for all of our lives.

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