- Harvesting one precious ripe tomato!
- The window air-conditioner in our bedroom…one cool room is such a gift!
- Friends who let us enjoy their cool home and their sweet friendship.
- Next weekend’s weather report–SO grateful for cooler weather during HTC!
- Nana.
- Afton Field Farm steak on the grill.
- Zucchini.
- Neighbors who share their summer’s bounty.
- Plums, figs, blackberries galore!
- Rees Howells, Intercessor. Life-changing!
- Picking berries with Heidi.
- OC splash pool every day this week.
- Swim lessons SO fun–victories all around for both kids!
- Kids loving Nana so, so much.
- Learning to let go.
- A free date. A really fun one too.
- Movie theater popcorn.
- Local food.
- God’s miraculous protection.
- Lake run.
- Wanting to change.
- Psalm 91.
- Struggles. Challenges. Growth.
- Sleep. Sweet, sweet, sleep.
Happy weekend! Thanks for reading.