I was so frustrated.

I’d been obeying God, getting up early, trying to finish the book. That was the command and I was trying to follow through. Just one problem. He wasn’t telling me what to write! Everyday I would sit in front of my computer and wait. And wait and wait and wait. On Monday my dad came in to watch the kids. I sat in front of my computer for four hours straight without writing a word. I wanted to scream. I only have so much time to work on this, Lord! Do you understand?

Also please understand, I can’t write by myself. I cannot write anything worthwhile without God’s gracious Spirit. So it wasn’t as if I just needed to “try harder”… I was trying to obey and He wouldn’t tell me what to write! Also understand–for me, writing is like breathing. If I can’t write it feels like i’m choking. I write to think, write to process, write to hear from God.

So finally I tried to just pound out some sentences as best as I could. I didn’t like any of them, but I had to do something, right? I couldn’t just sit there and wait and wait and wait! There are things to do!

So I tried to just keep moving. And while it’s true that I did spend time just sitting and waiting, I began to just do my best trudging forward. I didn’t really like anything I wrote, but eventually at the end of the agonizing two weeks I had 5,000 words, almost an entire chapter completed.

Then Friday came. Jeff had the kids. I sneaked away to write. I got down on my face to pray, ask God for direction. And He gave it:

Delete it.

Excuse me?  Delete what?

The chapter. The whole thing. Delete the whole thing and start over. 

What?!  It has taken me two agonizing weeks to choke out all those words! I have a big speaking engagement around the corner and two more chapters to write, Bible study to do, I don’t have time to start over!!  

Delete it and start over. 

I just laid there. I couldn’t believe it. Although, in a way I knew. This chapter is on Time, and what better way to learn about our sacred mundane use of time than to trust Him with it in this crazy way?

Ok, I’ll start over.

I deleted the old chapter, opened a new document. Would it take another two weeks to complete? Stared at the blank screen. Prayed.

By 4pm it was done. 

The whole chapter. Completely re-written. He gave every single word in one gracious download. I even had time afterwards to make dinner for the Patterson-Seifers and join them as we sod-cut the ground for our family garden!

God holds our times. He is not limited by our time constraints. God can make something out of nothing. And when God says, Delete! we had better obey. He has something better to give us.

Also this week I had a God-ordained meeting with a dear girl in the middle of a struggle. It became clear as we talked that God was giving her a huge Delete! command in her own life. A life-changing Delete command. Would she do it? It was huge, would require major life adjustments. Would she obey?

She did. Haleljujah! 

And later, as she followed through on the delete, God too blessed her with more than before.

His ways are not our ways. We think when we delete something we lose. But when God deletes something, we gain. 


{Is there anything God is asking you to delete today? Trust Him and do it! Thanks for reading.}



10 thoughts on “When God says, Delete.”

  1. Kari,

    I recently found your blog through the photog session that you did with Lacey M. and your sweet family. Thank you for writing and using your gift to challenge me in ways that I have not been challenged in a long time. God does ordain these appointments for just the right time.


    1. Thank you, Hollly, for your kind words. Welcome! We’re so glad you are here… glad to grow together with you.

  2. “Also please understand, I can’t write by myself. I cannot write anything worthwhile without God’s gracious Spirit.”

    So true. When I edit my work, I usually find one of two things: I am stunned by the fact that it’s good…but I don’t recognize/remember writing it…or I cringe and realize I wrote it in my own strength and missed the mark.

    Thank God for the delete button. 😉

  3. As always a huge blessing. Keep shining for Him.

    Please pray for me. I feel like I am at a cross road only have about 6 ways to turn (fel like there all my own) and I am to afraid to take a step… as I only want His will for my life… but I feel like all is silent.. I ask God where are you in all of this? Where do you want me? Where do you want this family? Silence….
    It is agonising. In the agony I am trying to trust and hold onto my faith in Him.

    1. Tania, I am praying for you. Oh girl, I know that silence is agonizing. Sooo hard when all is silent, waiting, waiting, how long to wait? Just one more day. 🙂 Just wait one more day and sit silently and listen one more day. Praying for you for strength!!

  4. Kari! Loved this post! I have a love/hate relationship with my delete button too. I’m not writing a book, but trying to encourage my husband who is in foreign countries and weeks go by without hearing his voice. God tells me to delete A LOT- and at times I find myself wishing there was a delete button to push with my spoken words too! It’s so easy to want to unload, to share silly details (which is okay…sometimes), and to want to feel KNOWN. How often we say things impulsively, even for good, and they are just flattery. And how often we say things in jest, even when they are a deceitful way of saying how we really feel. Oh, to have ears to listen for His prompting…and praising Him for that delete button! 😉 Thanks my friend…

    1. Oh yes, Jen, I hear ya! This topic of Delete could be applied to many different areas, yes? I think maybe that’s why I like to write more than talk, since there is no verbal delete button! 🙂 Love you friend, praying for you, for strength with your man gone so much.

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