Confession: I had planned to do Family Mission Statements this week, but you know what? I’m driving to Yachats as we speak to teach a women’s retreat (and taking Heidi with me, prayers please!) and I’ve spent every spare minute this week preparing and haven’t had time to write a stinkin’ mission statement! Just trying to survive here! 🙂

So … first things first. Before we can have the time on our hands to write a mission statement let’s get our time under control, especially those first precious moments of each day.  Some of you remember we did this last fall, but I really need a refresher and–I’d venture to guess–you do too. Shall we?

#3 Establish your 5-part morning routine.

Our beloved Tsh explains:

A methodical morning routine is a great way to treat yourself to a little soul care. Instead of starting your day by responding to the stimulus around you, you’re proactively creating the day you want to have. When you wake up and do the most essential things first, you get a good start to your day. Your mind is better focused on the rest of your day’s tasks. And you’ll do a better job taking care of the people you love most. In short, you’re on top of things. Treat yourself to a little order and sanity before the chaos of life begins.

I like this. I especially like this because it became a sudden challenge for me when we moved into our new (old) house. Back at our old place each kid had a room and it was a very big house so I had plenty of space for quiet in the morning. Now, they share a room (read: Get up early) right next to ours (and right next to everything) and their room is freezing cold so they crawl in bed with me and snuggle early in the morning. No problem there, I love it. But that’s not alone time.


I do love our new place but I’ll admit, the morning routine is a LOT harder in close quarters. If I get up and move around they do too. 🙂 So I’m including here the 5-things I already have established and then how I’m setting myself up for success. (Because I haven’t been.)

From last time, I will say that listing out my five things helped me see that the most important thing for me was not letting the outside world into my world until I’d already nourished my body and soul. (Read: no email!) I look at it as the five things that fill my cup each morning. These are things that FILL, not drain. There will be plenty of draining that happens all day, we need to start being FILLED!

Here are some ways you might choose to fill your cup: Take a shower, pray, read your Bible, drink a glass of water, journal, stretch, exercise, listen to a particular song, go for a walk, make your bed, take vitamins, sit outside with a cup of coffee. Pick five and fill on up!

There’s no perfect morning routine, and I don’t share my routine because it needs to be yours. If you really cannot think in the morning perhaps you do your Bible study later in the day but just take 5 minutes to get on your knees and thank Him for life? Or perhaps you listen to the Bible on audio while you’re still in bed? Do what fills your cup.  This is my cup, and I’d love to hear about yours — perhaps we can inspire one another and live our days brim full{Thanks for reading…}

The five ways I fill my cup each morning…

1. Get face-down and thank God for the gift of another day of life. (This is such a good reminder because too often now the kids are up so I just hop out of bed and start meeting needs.  Committing afresh to this beloved habit!)

2. Make coffee or tea :)

3. Quiet time, Bible study, prayer

4. Exercise (a run or work-out video) … yeah so (confession) this hasn’t happened recently since our house sold (in September…), BUT I’m slated to run a half-marathon in a few months and a dear soul just gave us a treadmill so I’m inserting this back in!

5. Shower

(Now that we’re in closer quarters I’m aiming to have 1,2,3 done by 7am when the kids usually rise, and I’ll do those in my bed so the kids can snuggle next to me if they happen to wake early. That way I can exercise and shower while they’re playing quietly and be ready for breakfast at 8.  Again…it’s a whole new ballgame in this new place, but we’ll do our best!)

Q: What are your 5 things? Thanks for journeying with me here!

2 thoughts on “#3 Establish a Morning Routine {52bites}”

  1. 1) Get Coffee (programmed coffee pot) 😉

    2) Bible Study

    3) Prayer

    4) Stretching (I want to add this one)

    5) Weigh myself (That may sound strange, but it keeps me focused on making healthy choices during the day)

    1. Awesome, Jennifer! Sounds like a good morning to me… 🙂 I usually weigh myself in the morning too, just a habit. Happy mornings!

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