Yesterday was a day that’s been circled on my calendar for months.  The last day of teaching women’s Bible study, in fact the last day of Bible study for the year. We’ve been journeying through 1 Peter, and it has been wonderful, challenging, intense, rewarding, thrilling.  But it’s also kept me from doing, well, pretty much anything else.  For me, when I’m teaching it’s like I’m in the middle of finals week in school.  Even when you’re “done” preparing and studying, you still feel like you can’t really do anything else because you’re afraid all that stuff you’ve studied will somehow slide out of your brain.  So though you can’t sit around and study anymore, you’re not really free to do anything else whatsoever.  That’s me for pretty much 3 months, or at least the weeks I taught.

So anyway, yesterday I came home and celebrated my newfound freedom by… doing our taxes. Oddly enough I actually was excited to do it, just something other than reading 1 Peter! 🙂

I also finally allowed my brain the mental space to start reading another book.  This morning I began So Long Insecurity, by Beth Moore. Oh wow. You’re gonna get a LOT of blog posts about this book because it is hitting a nerve with me. Who knew I was so insecure?  I knew, from doing her studies, that I could already relate to Beth Moore on a lot of levels, and as she’s writing I find myself re-reading sentences thinking, “How’d she know that about me?!”  So more to come there.

We’re on day 4 of the Love Dare, with my friend. For those of you who’d like to follow along, here is the gist of days 1-4:

Day 1: Refuse to say anything negative to your spouse all day long.

Day 2: Now, continue with saying nothing negative, and do one nice, thoughtful act for your spouse.

Day 3: Buy something for your spouse, to show that you thinking of them during your day.

Day 4: Call or contact your spouse during their workday, for no other reason than to see how they are doing.

So at this point Jeff hasn’t been able to tell that I’m actually doing the Love Dare. 🙂  Hopefully that indicates that our marriage is good, not that my Love Dare actions are lousy (probably a bit of both).  At any rate, if you want to follow along, just write them down and start your 40 days whenever you like.

Next up I’ll post some thoughts from 1 Peter.  For now, the kids are up and the day needs to begin.  But I’m excited to have some mental space to do some more writing. Beware, the posts are coming!

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