• My two pirates. After spending the night with my parents they were delivered back to me fully clad in pirate costumes. Hats, patches and hooks. Yes, that’s a skull and crossbones on those hats. Oh dear.
  • CS Lewis.
  • Late night studying, God providing the perfect quote and truth to teach. Oh He is so gracious to us!
  • Flying to Bend. What a luxury!
  • Momma-in-law who picks me up, takes me out, lets me in. 
  • Being taken care of.
  • Auto-brew timer on the coffee pot.
  • Post-it notes.
  • Fridge full.
  • Forty lbs. of organic Fujis.
  • Quiet.
  • Soft lamp-light.
  • Scent of rosemary and basil laundry.
  • Homemade laundry soap.
  • Glimpses of household beauty.
  • More boxes unpacked.
  • More books put away.
  • Feeling more at home.
  • Dutch’s smile.
  • His dancing eyes.
  • His puppy breath.
  • His adoring gaze: “Mommy, I love you so much.”
  • Heidi’s sweaty curls after nap.
  • The smell of their beds.
  • The sound of their play.
  • The way they light up when I look in their eyes.
  • How Heidi repents: with sobs.
  • Seeing her sensitive spirit.
  • Recognizing me in her.
  • Recognizing Jeff in Dutch.
  • Never wanting to leave.
  • Neighbor knocking on the door with squash in hand and a friendly face.
  • Feeling welcome.
  • Only four other houses on the entire lane!
  • Thirsty for grace.
  • Desperate for Him.
  • Grateful for WCC family.
  • Opportunities to serve.
  • Chances to give.
  • Many things to write!
  • Being stretched.
  • Dutch reading.
  • Heidi pretending.
  • All of us growing.
  • Tired kids falling easy to sleep.
  • Candles.
  • Ghiradelli brownie leftover from Community Group. 
  • Hobo dinner.
  • Hot bath.
  • Clean jammies.
  • Tired eyes.
  • Fresh laundry.
  • Brushed teeth.
  • Soft pillow.
  • Heavy quilt.
  • Aching feet.
  • Sleep.
  • Knowing He never does … (Psalm 121:4)
{Gracious friends, please prayers for me as I teach the Antioch Women’s Conference in Bend today?  Needing His grace! Thanks for reading.}

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