• Heidi learning to latch the gate.
  • Just-bathed goodness, fresh clean bodies and wet curls on the pillow.
  • Kids running through a field.
  • Looking through the windows, watching the wind whip around the tree branches all around. Such a picture of a refuge in a storm.
  • Smell of an old barn.
  • Apple picking.
  • Unpacking, like Christmas. All old toys are new again.
  • Rediscovering Richard Scarry’s Cars and Trucks and Things That Go. It was brand new three years ago and now it’s taped together with pages soft with wear.
  • First guests.
  • Warmth.
  • The smell of our house that reminds me going to Grandma’s as a child.
  • Guest-bed mattress on the floor makes a terrific bounce house.
  • Exploring the furthest pasture I hadn’t been into yet. Discovering the most massive oak tree, with low level limbs, probably a 1/4 acre sheltered all under the umbrella of this tree. I’m aching for a tree fort! Maybe…
  • Seeing little kids out running on the adjacent farm. Maybe, friends?
  • Heidi, out of the blue, looking up from dinner: “You a nice mommy.” Heart  melting.
  • Establishing new boundaries.
  • Enforcing new boundaries.
  • Again and and again and again.
  • Finding childhood albums. Oh God’s grace through the years.
  • Thanking God for all the times He said no.
  • Learning to say Yes.
  • Just the right lightbulb.
  • Quiet child chatter before slipping to sleep.
  • The Company Store down comforters for the kids from Nana. Oh those things are incredible!
  • Tucking in tight.
  • Ballet slipper nightlight.
  • Leaving the door open.
  • Uprising.
  • Nagging cough forcing rest. Our bodies are so smart…
  • Dark, quiet house.
  • The sound of his tires on the gravel drive.
  • His steps up the stairs.
  • Him home.
  • We, both in boots, working hard together.
  • Smell of candles.
  • Flicker of flame.
  • Popcorn.
  • Kari Johnson’s pork enchiladas and chocolate pie. Oh my!!
  • Chocolate pie and coffee for breakfast.
  • Loving now.
  • Jon Furman, Chris Nye, and Andrew Martin. Moving-Day Superheroes.
  • Sweet Angela Nichols chatting long with the kids.
  • How Cliff Reynolds shows up whenever we need it most.
  • Friends who clean my kitchen.
  • Life without a microwave.
  • Jeff and his skil-saw working in the carport. Happy man.
  • Juanita’s chips.
  • Ezekiel tortillas. Thank you, Debra! Kids going crazy for quesadillas.
  • Loud happy play.
  • Hanging all my scripture-cards. Like wrapping myself in the quilt of His Word.
  • Feeling crummy and having the luxury of taking a nap.
  • Fleece throw.
  • Organizing.
  • Containers.
  • Everything in its place.
  • Having to leave the downstairs in boxes for Channel 2 on Monday. Perhaps that’s God’s way of making me slow down… 🙂
  • Hebrews.
  • Wedding pictures. So glad that day happened!
  • Dutch & Daddy date to Home Depot.
  • Visit from old-neighbors, now just friends.
  • Hoping.
  • Trusting.
  • Resting.
  • Leaning back, always, into grace. 

2 thoughts on “Week's end with thanks”

  1. I am struggling a lot with joy and thankfulness right now. It’s really encouraging to see how much you are thankful for!

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