I am a fringe writer.

I write during night-times, nap-times and bath-times (perched next to the tub while tots splash).  The moment a child goes down the laptop screen flips up. I scribble words on receipts, packing slips and envelopes. Some of them even survive and find their way to you.

And as some of you know, some of them are stringing themselves together into a book, so more than ever the laptop calls: Open me. Write!

Sometimes it even whines. Nags: You really should be writing, you know…

So we are at Black Butte now. A glorious vacation with out-of-town family and cloudless skies and swimming pools and tennis courts and 17 miles of biking trails. But I brought two-dozen books and high hopes of finishing Galatians studies and polishing chapters and, Lord willing, producing a few posts as well for our sweet space here?  For this mommy, vacation means free time and free time means writing time and here we are and it’s late Sunday night and you will be here in the morning to say hello and I hold out my hands to you and they are …


But, oddly enough, I am full.

Because you see each time I go to God I keep sensing His loving urge to just live this moment now. To ride the bikes with kids and sprawl on floor with Legos and stop and watch the deer just outside the kitchen window.  To snuggle long with my little ones and even longer with my man. To kneel in the kiddie pool and comb slowly through those curls and read the book “just one more time” before the last kiss goodnight.

I suppose it’s because in order to fill up with fuel you have to actually stop the car.

Actually turn off the engine.

And. Just. Sit.


And today we, my man and I, raced bikes like kids to the tennis courts and played like we used to back in the day and then hot and sweaty jumped straight in the pool ice-cold. Then one more game dripping wet before climbing back up the hill to our sleeping babes.

That’s right, I thought as I pedaled hard, I musn’t forget to live.

Perhaps that goes for you as well?

{We all have pressing projects, you know.}

So as I enjoy these next two days, I’m delighted to share with you two of my favorite nuggets from the past, back by popular demand. (Because apparently you really love a good laugh at my expense.) Poop and hair dye are on the horizon, along with some of the best spiritual lessons I’ve learned to date. I hope you enjoy, and I hope you also have a moment, today, to stop. Refuel. Remember to live.

Thanks for readingand for your grace as I rest.



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