This morning I read 2 Thessalonians 3:16: “Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way.  The Lord be with you all.”  World peace is what everyone wants.  Every Miss America contestant bats her eyelashes and tries to explain how she would bring world peace.  Even on a daily basis, we strive and long for peace in our marriages, homes, workplaces, families.  We battle for peace between the sexes, the races, the political parties.  And yet, more than ever, peace is lacking.  Depression is at an all-time high.  Stress characterizes our world.  And this season of Christmas, supposedly characterized by Peace of Earth, is one of the least peaceful times of the year. 

Pastor Joel humorously pointed out that this is the way we celebrate the Prince of Peace at Christmas:  we decide to throw more parties than we do during the entire rest of the year combined, jam-packing our schedules with activities.  We write a letter, take a photo, and spend tons of time and resources to send them to a hundred of our closest friends.  We bake treats feverishly for everyone we know.  We shop during every waking hour, racking up stressful credit card bills and decreasing our financial margin for the rest of the year.  And to top it off, we let the kids out of school so they can be home all the time!  How’s that for peace? 

I must say, however, that I love all of those things (except the credit card bill–we don’t go there).  I love baking, I love the parties, I love sending out Christmas letters. Honestly, Christmas isn’t stressful for me.  I do feel God’s peace. In fact, I love this time of year because for once the world is forced to at least somewhat think about what Christ has done for us. Even if they celebrate Kwanzaa or Festivus for the Rest-of-us, there remains the lurking reminder that Jesus is behind it all, no matter how hard we try to take Him out of it. We can call it “Winter Break” for the kids, but guess what holiday still remains at the center of this break.  The birthday of Jesus Christ, Son of God, Light of the World, Risen and Coming King. 

The world has a million and one ways to try to bring peace into our lives.  Candles, soothing music, massage, video games, TV and movies to unwind, yoga, meditation, wine, food, smoking…none of those things are bad (ok I think video games and smoking are both pretty bad), they’re just a temporary fix.  True peace, as we know, is only found in Christ.  And Scripture tells us that there are two kinds of peace–Peace with God, and the Peace of God. 

Peace with God is the greatest need of this world.  More than lower taxes, better schools, relief for world hunger, economic turnaround…our world needs peace with God.  We know from Scripture (Romans 5:1) those who do not know God, who have not received the gift of His Son Jesus through faith, are at war with God.  Not only are they against God, God is against them.  Imagine having God against you!  No thanks!  True peace is impossible until we are at peace with the One True and Living God.  Peace with God has nothing to do with feelings. It is a reality that you either have or do not have. You are for Him or against Him.  Are you at peace with God?

The Peace of God is more subjective and difficult to nail down. For those of us who are at peace with God, there is the possibility to have the Peace of God.  Philippians 4:6-7,9 tells us:

“Rejoice in the Lord always: again I say, Rejoice…do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus…What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me00practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” 

The peace of God is found through surrendering our lives to Him, obeying His commands, and laying up every need and request to Him, entrusting everything to His sovereign control.  This is the abundant life.  Have you ever met believers in Christ who still are anxious, worrying constantly, and trying always to control others?  These do not have the peace of God.  When we surrender up our lives to Him, we in essence say that God is in control and whatever He is doing is best.  Whatever He is doing is best.  That means that no matter what our economic state, no matter who is president, no matter what our home life is like, this peace if available to us.  This peace surpasses understanding. And this peace is real.  Do you have it?



One thought on “LiveDifferent Challenge (36): Real Peace”

  1. So true how our world/Satan tries to help us find peace in other ways other than through Jesus. Just this morning I was looking at the cover of my Real Simple and something of this topic of find peace is the cover story. I remember because I said to myself I don’t need that because I have Jesus. Love you friend; thanks for you insight.

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