I’ve mentioned before that on a trip I love to take one book and just read it cover to cover, as it creates a sort of literary soundtrack for the journey. It sets the theme. Hawaii’s was The Same Kind of Different As Me, and though I packed several books on this trip, one in particular has clearly surfaced as the primary theme.

Actually, truth be told, I didn’t even pack it, or choose to bring it along, it just hopped its way into my bag along the way.

KP Yohannan’s Revolution in World Missions. I know, I know, I should have read it by now. We’ve had it for years but it just never made its way to the top of my nightstand stack. But at the conference in London they were giving out free copies and it beckoned me. No better place to read it than outside the United States because it makes all the revealing truths twice as clear (and convicting) when you can stand off from afar and take a look at your life.

I’m only halfway through but it sings the same song that has been ringing in my ears this whole trip — the urgency and primacy of the gospel, and our apathy and acaedia when it comes to spreading the truth of Jesus Christ to the billions of people on this planet who do not know Him.

All ten fingers are pointing at myself, by the way.

We all desperately need a dose of reality and a heart for the lost. Amen? Anyone else asking God to crack open their heart, just a tad? Help us see, Lord. We’re desperate for you to wake us up!

So, the book is phenomenal and has sold 2 million copies and I’d love to give you one. Will you read it?

Just leave a comment and let me know if you’re willing to read it, if you’d be so kind, and at the end of the day I’ll send you a book! OR… you ALL can have a free book by going here and signing up for one yourself. Either way, just read it!

Happy Friday to you! Jeff and I are thrilled to be meeting a dear blog-reader tonight in London. I’ve never met the sister, but just cooresponded through here. Isn’t it amazing how God connects us? So thankful. Have a wonderful weekend, and thank you, as always, for reading.

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