• Hike up the Molalla River Corridor with my man. Hardy Creek washes up memories of four-years-ago, when we lived in another world and did that all the time. Mud squishes beneath our feet and trees tower above our heads.
  • Gift of sunshine that lasts just long enough.
  • Clean home.
  • Day of rest with Papa & Oma.
  • Fresh salmon dinner.
  • Delicious new salad dressing, inexpensive and healthy: drizzle olive oil and white vinegar over salad, then sprinkle with seasoned salt. YUM.
  • Fifteen pounds of organic carrots. Thanks, Dani!

  • Eating our way through thirty pounds of organic Fuji apples. So delicious!
  • Fitness finally.
  • Both kids peeing on the side of the road. You gotta do what you gotta do. (It was in the country!)
  • Dutch: “Mommy, who am I going to marry?”
  • Dutch: “Mommy, I’m going to help you learn about God. God loves you. Sometimes you forget that, but you need to know that.”
  • Battlefield of the Mind.
  • I’d Trade My Husband for a Housekeeper. (Not as bad as it sounds!)
  • Watching a dear family in church. History paints beauty.
  • A well-timed message: learning to abide in the stillness.
  • Single-Minded Conference. Getting so excited!

  • Beautiful Memorial Day, my man at home. Glimpses of sunshine, working in the yard. Organic heirloom tomato plants planted, lawn aerated, all ready for someone to buy this beautiful place!
  • Community Group BBQ. I just love these people … laughter, love, friends new and old. A place to just be.
  • Kids playing well together.
  • Heidi flirting with Derek. Uh oh.
  • Getting re-inspired in the healthy-eating department by this article.
  • Foot problems forcing me to buy Birkenstocks!  Uh oh. Composting, gardening, organic food, homemade household products — I’m kind of borderline hippie.  I promise you I will not quit wearing deodorant.  Oh, and I drive an SUV, that disqualifies me for sure.
  • Weeping over a blog post. Thank you, Ann.
  • My man who listens, really listens.  He is a gift every day.
  • This amazing moment listening to children’s worship music, looking over and seeing Dutch & Heidi sitting together reading the Bible. On their own! Sharing, “reading”, turning pages together. I didn’t want to breath for fear of shattering the moment. So precious. I love those bugs.
  • Dutch dancing to worship music.
  • Dutch announcing, “Mommy, I became a Christian!”  He said he prayed, “Jesus, I give you myself,” when he was in bed all by himself. Don’t know if it’s “real” but it’s pretty precious nonetheless! Will just keep fanning that little flame.
  • Sunflower seeds.
  • Fruit water.
  • Keifer
  • End-of-year women’s ministry dinner. Overwhelmed by love. Amazed by grace. Inspired all afresh to do this thing called ministry. Love those women.
  • Two kiddos dr. appointments, 5 shots, 3 hours, and a grocery trip later and both kids still smiling. Miracle.
  • Cody & Dutch’s theological conversation: “Jesus is God’s MIDDLE name.”
  • Trader Joe’s miniature carts.
  • Trader Joe’s free coffee samples.
  • Crockpot chili.
  • Community garden with a friend. So fun!
  • Missionaries heading to Papua. Amazed and inspired by them.
  • Day in the backyard, playing t-ball with kids.
  • Washing windows.
  • Cheerful chores.
  • Afternoon in the front, my man and I lounging in sunshine with books.
  • Neighbors.
  • Pulling weeds.
  • Slight sunburn.
  • Fancy Nancy.
  • Warm breeze.
  • Re-training my mind.
  • Leaning on my man.
  • Falling into grace.
  • Finding hope in Christ alone.

One thought on “Week's end with thanks”

  1. As usual, find your list a delight. Simple pleasures, family, friends….but about the washing windows!! :/Think I had signed up for that one! Sneaky birkenstock you are. Had squeegee ready darlin’!!

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