Who faces stage IV colon cancer at age 34?

Shawna was the beautiful young pastor’s wife and mom behind the scenes all through my years at Oregon State and the years that Jeff and I served in college ministry in Corvallis. Although she’s only a few years older than me, I always looked up to her as an amazing woman of God. She was always wise beyond her years.  Five years ago Shawna survived the unexpected tragedy of needing to raise her kids on her own, working like crazy, even going back to finish college so she could support her children. And after years of enduring and persevering, God brings an amazing man into her life. They are married–it’s a fairy tale. A dream come true. A story of truest redemption. We all lean back and smile as they ride off into the sunset.

Then Wednesday the diagnosis is confirmed. Stage IV colon cancer.

What? All week long I think of her. Pray, fast, and pray some more. Cry into my pillow, in the shower. Tell God what I think of this crummy plan. I sit and stare at the picture of her with her two young children. Two little lambs who have already suffered. This family’s suffering quota is full, Lord. Don’t you see?

I tell everyone who will listen and so many do and I am so thankful. So while I’d love to talk more about the topic of Freedom that we discussed last week (we’ll hit it next week!), today is a day for Friends in need.

Who is yours?

Who comes to mind?

I love the story, in Luke 5, of the men who carried their paralyzed friend to Jesus. Since they couldn’t get through the crowd, “they went up on the roof and let him down with his bed through the tiles in the midst before Jesus” (v.20).  Do you know what happens next?

And when Jesus saw their faith, he said, ‘Man, your sins are forgiven you …[and turning to the pharisees] But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins’–he said to the man who was paralyzed–‘I say to you pick up your bed and go home …” (v.21, 24)

When Jesus saw the faith of the friends, He forgave the man’s sin and healed him completely. Then do you know what happens?

“And amazement seized them all, and they glorified God and were filled with awe, saying, ‘We have seen extraordinary things today.” (v.26)

They saw extraordinary things and they glorified God.

No lie: I have no idea how the miracle thing works today. They see ’em all the time in Africa and not very often ’round here. Stage IV colon cancer is bad.

But God.

I don’t know what God’s going to do, but I read Luke 5 and I see a friend in need, and it seems to me that at least we’re supposed to keep carrying our friends to Jesus. Everyday in prayer. Right?

I know there’s one in your life too. A Shawna. A friend whose diagnosis is hopeless, or whose marriage is hopeless, or whose life just feels hopeless. So today, if you’d join me, I’d like for each of us to just “carry” that friend to this place, this little corner of the world where we meet everyday.

And I’d like to help carry your friend if you’d like to help carry mine.

In the comment section, please share the name of a friend who needs prayer. If you can specify the need (while respecting their privacy), that would be wonderful. Otherwise, just type their name down through the roof to this place, and together we’ll lift them up to our God.

I will pray for your friend if you will pray for mine.


Thank you for making this more than a blog. Thank you for letting me into a bit of your world and for entering a bit into mine. And thank for you praying for Shawna. Happy Friday and thanks, as always, for reading.

15 thoughts on “F is for a Friend in need (who is yours?)”

  1. Beautiful!….and deeply painful! Kari, i can tell she is a real treasure…the type of woman everyone would flourish in knowing! Your love for her is the most precious gift you have to give her…it’s easy to join with you on her behalf. Oh Father…..

  2. Precious Heavenly Father,
    Sometimes we see only what is in front of us as if we are looking through binoculars. Thankfully, your vision is never so limited. You are with us, around us, below us, above us, and even in our hearts. You see the whole picture, the whole plan and ask us to trust that it is good and beautiful.
    We lift Shawna, her precious family and friends, and Sweet Kari to you.
    May this be nothing less than an opportunity to grow closer to you in every way. Please wrap your loving arms around them and hold them close to your heart.
    Trusting You. Trusting Your way.
    In the name Jesus,

    1. Thank you precious friend. You, who knows what trials feel like… thank you for your prayers. I love you!

  3. LOOOOOVED this message Kari~ Beautiful…
    Praying, Trusting, Waiting, Watching and Expecting a MIRACLE!!!!

    1. Misty! So wonderful to see your name here. YOU are in the trenches with Shawna, I know. Praying for you too as you walk with her. I know you are a gift from God to Shawna. Blessings on you, girl.

  4. A friend named Ella who has three small children, is in her late 30’s and was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer this week. We’d covet your prayers!

    1. Yes! I’m adding Ella to my prayer list. Praying for her right now. THANK YOU, Bethany. Bless you as you carry your friend.

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