Have you ever had someone come completely unglued at you? It’s unsettling, yes? It’s unnerving when something seemingly small evokes a response in someone (directed at you) that is so incredibly out of proportion you’re left a little dizzied.
What just happened?
Of course we know what just happened: The thing isn’t the thing. Usually when I’m upset, it’s about so much more than just that last-straw issue. There’s a whole flood beneath the surface.
Without Christ my life would be one long freak-out.
That’s my testimony. Truly! I cannot imagine attempting to navigate the griefs, frustrations, offenses, hurts, disappointments of this life without THE ANCHOR of my soul. Not to mention that whole “headed for eternal torment” bit, even in THIS LIFE I’d be doomed without Jesus. Yes?
Recently a situation arose that was so bewildering I could feel all that hands-shaking, heart-racing, I-want-to-cry kind of thing going on. Before heading into a meeting, I knew I needed God’s Word. I need God. I needed His truth to align my heart with what is true. Heidi took the littles and I sat down at the kitchen counter with the Scripture. And it just so happened (ha!) that this was my next Psalm to read:
Woe to me, that I sojourn in Meschech, that I dwell among the tents of Kedar! Too long have I had my dwelling among those who hate peace. I am for peace, but when I speak, they are for war!
Psalm 120:5-7
Now that might seem odd to you but I was in jaw-drop awe because of the exact similarity to our situation. I can’t think of any other Scripture in all of God’s Word that was more applicable to our circumstance or to how I felt! So not only did it instantly comfort my heart that God sees and knows, it also helped me know what our course of action was to be:
I am for peace.
That was to be my banner. That was to be my aim, my goal, the purpose of my words, my demeanor.
I walked out the front door and literally put one foot in front of the other. Jeff and I walked hand in hand and in the course of events we saw God go before us in incredible ways and lay out a road of peace. He showed us His favor. He covered our failings and weakness. He was kind to us.
And at the end of the conversation, one of the people involved (a stranger to us) recognized me from a church 35 years ago, where I grew up. The conversation quickly turned to the fact that we were Christ-followers and you better believe I was SO GRATEFUL I hadn’t gone out there and acted like a jerk! Whew! Close call! Relief beyond belief!
We walked back to the house praising God for His kindness. Just moments before I had been on the brink of freaking out, but God and His word once again anchored my heart, my thoughts, my emotions.
Thank you, Jesus for constantly saving our souls.