Thanks to Simple Mom for her ideas on breaking down goals into areas.  That really helped me process the different facets of my life.  I loved going through her helpful questions for developing 2011 goals. These are my just personal goals but perhaps they can helpful as you develop your own.

Personal Growth:

  1. Read through Bible again. (just 4 chapters a day, will you join me?)
  2. Have morning prayer time every day.
  3. Write daily.
  4. Read or finish reading list of books (below), and others.
  5. Have a few hours of me-time away from kids on Fridays.

Physical Health:

  1. Drink more water! (Is this ever NOT a goal for anyone?)
  2. Dessert/sweets only 1x/day. (Pathetic, I know. Sort of like last year’s goal to make the bed every day. But hey, it’s a step in the right direction.)


  1. Make habit of being decently cute by the time Jeff gets home from work. 🙂
  2. Pray for Jeff daily.
  3. Plan at-home date night weekly.
  4. Plan date night out monthly on “our day” (28th).Family:1. Read a book together as a family.

    2. Kids have special daddy time on Friday.

    3. Do one fun family day out monthly.

    4. Plan and take 3 family vacations: Maui (!), camping at Lake Foster with family this summer, Oregon Coast with parents next fall.

    5. Continue to celebrate each person’s “day” each month on the 9th, 16th, 17th, and 21st.


  1. Pray for kids daily.
  2. Do pre-school lessons at home with Dutch 2x/week this year. 3x/week next year. Do Letter Lessons again and 26 new memory verses.
  3. Dutch learn to read simple words and write the alphabet.
  4. Dutch learn to brush his own teeth.
  5. Dutch earn money for work he does at home—teach more about finances and giving.
  6. Heidi potty-trained.


  1. Sell our house! (Story here)
  2. Begin our goal to pay off mortgage  in 7 years.


  1. Continue meeting weekly with women’s ministry intern and monthly with my mentor and with my advisor.
  2. Set aside scheduled time each week to work on Women’s Ministry things. Figure out regular childcare.
  3. Pray for Women’s Ministry team members and WCC staff weekly.

Books to Read:

1. Let us Pray

2. Creative Correction

3. Steady Days

4. Shepherding a Child’s Heart

5. The Man Who Talks with the Flowers

6. Will the Real Heretic Please Stand Up?

7. Love Over Scotland

8. The Brothers K

9. Generous Justice

10. One Million Arrows

11. Because He Loves Me

12. Grace Based Parenting

What are some of your “must read” books for 2011? Please share!

What are some of your new goals and challenges for 2011? I’d love to hear!

4 thoughts on “2011Goals”

  1. Books on my to-read list this year:

    1. Shepherding a Child’s Heart
    2. Parenting with Love and Logic
    3. For the Children’s Sake – Foundations of Education for Home & School, by Susan Macaulay
    4. Green, by Ted Dekker
    5. Her Mother’s Hope, by Francine Rivers

    I’m excited to check out some of the books that you have on your list since parenting is a whole new world for us and I am trying to learn as much as possible before baby gets here. 😀

  2. Great Post, Kari!! Thank you. I think I am going to use the same process to create some goals for this year. I have been so swamped the last few years with having babies again that I haven’t taken the time to set goals. I think getting out of bed in the morning and making sure all were fed and clothed was where I stopped….I hate to admit that. 🙂

    A few books on my list this year are:

    Jesus Calling — Sarah Young
    Bringing up Girls — Dr. James Dobson
    Bringing up Boys — Dr. James Dobson
    The Pursuit of God — A.W. Tozer
    Any new Ted Dekker or Randy Alcorn books
    Do you have suggestions on a book about service?? I was thinking of
    Improving Your Serve — Charles Swindoll
    I also preview all of the tween books that Ruth reads — that is fun!
    Rachel and I are reading The Little Pilgrims Progress together

    Thanks again and hope that you, Jeff, and your little ones have a year filled with blessings!


  3. Ooh Amy & Elisha, good ones! Amy if I could only have one book (besides Bible) with me the rest of my life it would be AW Tozer’s Pursuit of God. SO foundational. I think my fav book on service is On Being a Servant of God by Warren Wiersbe. I’m going to check out all these though… good stuff.

  4. Thanks for the post Kari! I’m really enjoying your blog- full of truth, conviction, and very entertaining! I’m sure you’ve read way more books on parenting than I have, but there’s a book called, ‘The Mother at Home’, by John S.C. Abbott, written in the 1800’s and I have found it to be the best book on parenting I’ve ever read. I sent one to Jen for her b-day and she said she devoured it! Anyway, I think I might look into Steady Days, I checked out the website and it was neat! Thanks for the suggestions and thanks for sharing your heart through your writing!

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