We’ve talked about eating frogs before  

You know, your frog. That same one thing, one job that you avoid doing. Loathe doing. Grumble about doing.

Do you remember what we are to do with it?

Do it first. 

Very first thing, after your fill-your-cup morning routine: Eat that frog and be done with it.  You’ll have so much more energy having conquered the worst part of your day, and everything else will feel like dessert  to-dos after already swallowing the frog-part. Tsh Oxenreider lists this as the first step to simplifying life, quoting Mark Twain:

“Eat a live frog every morning, and nothing worse will
happen to you the rest of the day."

Such a simple habit that reaps beautiful rewards. Every morning, thank God for work.Thank Him, by faith, for the “worst” work you have ahead. Then get that worst part over with. Whether it’s exercising or scrubbing toilets or doing the laundry, git ‘er done  and enjoy the rest of your day.

Who knows, between the gratitude and go-after-it attitude you might even find yourself enjoying that frog.

This time around my frog has been exercise. Not that I loathe it, I actually like exercise, but when the whirlwind of September hit I let it go by the wayside and it never returned.

Until now.  I’m devouring that little sucker. 

I admit, I actually had no aspirations of eating this frog. But then a friend roped me into running Hood to Coast this summer (thankful for you, Dani!) and then a friend asked if I’d run a half-marathon in April. I decided not to then found that that same half-marathon was going to be a support-run for my friend Shawna who is battling Stage 4 cancer.

I couldn’t say no to that.

Although I tried to. With dark, stormy weather and two kids there was no way I’d have time to train.

Then someone gave us a treadmill.

Ok, I get it!

So, I downloaded the training plan and I’m three weeks in.

Frog eating isn’t so bad. 

What’s your frog? If it happens to be exercise, join the club. You can do the same 12-week training if you like and we’ll hold each other accountable … I’ll annoy you by emailing you each week to see how you’re doing.

Do you know what your frog is? Sit down, look it in the eyes …

and eat it!

{Happy frog-eating Fridays! I’m off to run.  Thanks for reading …}




8 thoughts on “#1 Eat Your Frog {52 Bites}”

  1. Are you running the Corvallis half?? Brandon, David and I are all running that race in April. 🙂 Good work! Signing up for a race always motivates me to exercise.

  2. Andrea! Yes, Jeff and I are both doing the Corvallis half. How fun! It’d be great to see you there … although I won’t be able to keep up with you! 🙂

  3. I’m adding “Reading Kari’s blog” to my “fill my cup” morning routine!:) I’ll also be running/walking the half marathon for Shawna! What do ya say we go to American Dream afterwards?!

  4. Aw, Brita you sweet girl! I can’t WAIT to hang with ya’ll next weekend. And yes, let’s hit the Dream after the run! Janae and Hannah are doing it too — so fun! Love you girl, thanks for your sweet words…

  5. Kari, I wish I could run it with everybody! I’d be willing to pay for the flight, but my body won’t let me make milk AND run (I’ve tried). Bummer. Plus, I could give more to shawna by just staying home. 🙂 But I’ll be running again once this baby is weaned, for sure! Good luck with the training you lucky woman. 🙂

  6. Yes, Caila you ARE training right now, training those sweet babies and burning a ton of calories pumping out all that milk! 🙂 I knew you would want to be there in Corvallis…how about we plan a half-marathon together in 2013???

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