Remember when we talked about our flabby legs? And when we talked about being small? Remember we learned it wasn’t about strong legs or being big, it was about knowing our God and being known by Him? I was reminded again last week of just how “big” others seem and how small and insignificant I often feel.  But He reminded me of His big love by His attention to little things.

First, my dear friend sent me this email:

The main thing I could think of [my kids needing for fall] was a size 7 pair of shoes for [my daughter].  I’d been praying about buying her shoes & I kept feeling like God was saying, “no.”  Then on Thursday I went to visit a friend and totally out of the blue she said, “Here I have some shoes for [your daughter].” So anyway, my friend handed me brand-new only worn once pink Toms–perfect!  It was such a sweet reminder of God’s love & provision.

Ok, if you know my friend you know she loves Toms and pink ones for her little daughter was just over the top! We all know that they have no eternal value BUT the our God was giving a kiss of eternal value to my friend and reminding her of His great love and care for her during a time she really needed it.

So then, we had been praying about ways to help Dutch learn to try new things and take risks and not be so bound by his comfort zone, and my parents suggested having him do soccer. I had drug my heels with youth sports because I just didn’t want to overcommit our family, but it was only one hour on Saturdays for four weeks–I think we could handle that! We signed him up. So then he needed cleats. And Heidi needed some play-shoes for the winter. My dad said he had seen some cleats at Goodwill but wasn’t sure of the size.

So we swing by Goodwill, run in, walk straight to a pair of Nike cleats in great condition (the only pair there) in Dutch’s exact size for $3.99 and right next to them are a pair of Dora play-shoes (with sparkles!) in Heidi’s size for $2.99.  They were deliriously happy with their new shoes, and just walked out of the store shaking my head at my God who is so tender, so loving–that He even provides the most insignificant of things.

Do we have any inkling how much He cares for us? Do we ever need to doubt His love? I know these fun little stories don’t always happen, but they happen enough that we must never forget His tender care for even the most insignificant parts of our lives. 

We can trust Him.

Friend, you can trust Him.

I don’t know if He has shoes in store for you today, but He is the answer to our every need. I pray you are encouraged today as You look to Him to satisfy and supply ALL that you need.  Bless you, praying for you, thanks for reading.


2 thoughts on “Little Things: Pink Toms, Cleats, and Dora shoes”

  1. ALL I need! A place to live, beautiful gospel community, AND Legos:)
    Yes He does provide ALL! Grateful for faithful family.

  2. I can’t wait to tell you about how God provided boxes full of brand new Nordstrom clothes for my baby girl and a half of a cow…:)

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